José Miguel Álvarez Suárez

José Miguel Alvarez Suárez

Brillat-Savarin Building, BS-203 (Maxwell)
External Institution
International Honey Commission (IHC)
  • Ph.D. in Food and Health. Università Politecnica delle Marche. Italy, 2011.
  • Master in Veterinary Preventive Medicine. Central University of Las Villas, Cuba, 2006.
  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Central University of Las Villas, Cuba, 2003.
Professional Profile

José M. Álvarez, holding a Ph.D. in Food and Health and postdoctoral training in Food Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy), is a professor of Food Science and Technology at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador). His research focuses on natural antioxidants, their sources, mechanisms of action, and potential applications in human health. Prof. Álvarez-Suarez has been actively involved in international projects related to new food alternatives based on functional foods and has contributed as a guest editor in reputable journals. Furthermore, he serves as an associate editor for “Frontiers in Nutrition” and “Food Frontiers” and is a member of the Editorial Board of several journals in the field of food science and technology. Recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher by Thomson-Reuters/Clarivate Analytics for three consecutive years (2019-2021), he has written over 100 scientific articles and book chapters, and he is the editor of three academic books.


Reading, Art collecting, Traveling, Pets