
Universidad San Francisco de Quito offers the following degree minors

College of Hospitality, Culinary Arts, and Tourism

The Adventure Tourism sub-specialization provides students with the opportunity to obtain specialized knowledge in the tourism and hospitality industry, with a...

The Hospitality minor provides a specialized focus in one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Since 2014, the tourism sector generates more jobs...

The Minor in Sports and Entertainment Management will allow students to gain a close understanding of the elements that make up the sports and entertainment...

Tourism can be defined as the combination of tangi­ble and intangible elements that visitors use in a particular place in order to live new experiences. This...

College of Communication and Contemporary Arts

The Advertising Subspecialization offers an excellent combination of subjects for other programs such as Communication, Design, or Marketing; however, students...

The Art and Technology Sub-specialization is aimed at all USFQ students interested in exploring the use of technological tools applied in different creative...

The Subspecialization in Communicational Graphic Design aims to provide complementary training related to the field of design in the areas of Advertising...

The Dance subspecialization is open to all USFQ students and introduces the student to the body practices of a dancer, a practice that includes technical...

The Digital Animation subspecialization allows the student to know the bases of 2D and 3D animation, to understand how to create animated characters and...

The sub-specialization is aimed at those who want to understand the world of fashion design from its most technical bases. It will help individuals understand...

The minor in Graphic Arts consists of the study of printing techniques such as intaglio, serigraphy and woodcut, with the objective of applying them in projects...

The Subspecialization in Illustration and Sequential Art seeks to promote drawing and painting with figurative/narrative content and its application to the...

The journalism subspecialization is aimed at all USFQ students, with the exception of journalism students. It is approved with a total of six subjects, two...

Organizational Communication A

In the Organizational Communication A subspecialization, the student seeks to understand the theoretical and practical bases of...

This subspecialization is intended for students of any USFQ program who have an interest in the photographic image as an element of communication, in the...

The Subspecialization in Sports Journalism is aimed at all USFQ students, including Journalism students. It is approved with a total of five subjects, three of...

The minor in Textile Arts is aimed at all students of any major who wish to delve deeper into artistic creation through textile media and techniques. This minor...

The Theater subspecialization is intended for all USFQ students who wish to approach the world of theater from multiple perspectives and with an emphasis on...

The Video Games Subspecialization is aimed at students from all USFQ programs who wish to acquire the basic knowledge, skills, and abilities to design video...

This subspecialization is intended for all USFQ students and offers students from other majors who are interested in the Visual Arts the opportunity to...

The Subspecialization in Web and App Development is aimed at students from all USFQ careers who wish to acquire the knowledge, skills, and basic abilities to...

College of Sciences and Engineering

The subspecialization emphasizes the study of technological processes for the improvement of production and productivity in the agricultural area, in the...

The subspecialization in the area of ​​Chemical Engineering is aimed at students interested in completing their professional training with the foundations of...

The subspecialization in the Chemistry field is aimed at students interested in completing their professional training with specific knowledge related to the...

The objective of this subspecialization is to allow people who are not from the Systems area to have the opportunity to learn about computing to a greater...

Currently, an engineering project cannot be conceived in which there is no strong component of electrical and electronic technology. This subspecialization is...

The Environmental Engineering Subspecialization (INA) is aimed at students interested in acquiring knowledge and developing skills involving environmental...

The subspecialization in the Food Engineering field is aimed at students in programs related to other engineering or related fields such as Chemistry...

This minor is mainly intended for POLYTECHNIC students. However, those students from other Academic Schools may complete this minor, taking into account that to...

The subspecialization in the area of Mathematics is aimed at students of any program who wish to strengthen their knowledge in mathematics and integrate it into...

The Mechanical Engineering subspecialization offers the development of aptitudes, skills, and knowledge in the fields of energy management, machine and/or...

In this subspecialization, the student acquires advanced concepts of basic and fundamental physics, such as Quantum Mechanics, Thermal Physics and Statistics...

College of Social Sciences and Humanities

The subspecialization in Anthropology is a complement for students of various programs who wish to develop a deeper knowledge about cultural diversity...

This subspecialization is open to students from all USFQ Academic Colleges who are interested in gaining a broad understanding of art history. Students...

The subspecialization in Creative Writing has four main objectives: 1) To develop in students a theoretical and applied knowledge of the field of literary...

This minor is open to all USFQ students. Are you a student of art, music, engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, computing, or in some other USFQ program...

This minor is intended for all USFQ students. The English sub-specialization fosters different skills, among which writing, oral expression, and analysis stand...

The objective of this interdisciplinary minor is to provide the concepts and tools necessary to implement the gender approach in the analysis of contemporary...

This minor presents the student with a multidisciplinary vision of the historical, political, social and cultural complexity of the Latin American region, and...

The minor in European studies is based on an interdisciplinary approach that would introduce students to the importance of the European continent and the...

The COCISOH subspecialization in History is aimed at students from different programs who are interested and passionate about continuous communication between...

This minor offers students of Education and Psychology careers an approach to diversity and inclusion within the classroom. The main objective is for students...

The objectives of this subspecialization are:

  • To become familiar with what International Relations are.
  • To know who the most important actors in...

Ecuador, with its impressive array of indigenous languages, a sign language and very diverse regional variants of Spanish, offers an unparalleled setting for...

  • The subspecialization in Literature has three main objectives:
  • To train students with initial but significant knowledge of the history of western literature...

The subspecialization in Philosophy aims to offer the vision of philosophy so that the student can use the language, history, and discourses of this discipline...

Political science focuses on how we, as human beings, govern ourselves. Its main topics have to do with the forms, relationships, and power structures that we...

Would you be interested in learning more about human behavior? This subspecialization is for you. With this subspecialization you will learn about different...

This subspecialization aims to provide the student with the theoretical and conceptual foundations of sociology and the methods that sociologists use to...

College of Music

This subspecialization is aimed exclusively at CoM students in the Music and Sound Production or Musical Arts programs with an specialization in Contemporary...

This subspecialization is aimed at students from all USFQ schools (with the exception of the CoM), who want to learn about the use of audio equipment and about...

This subspecialization is aimed at USFQ students from all schools (with the exception of the CoM), who wish to start or improve their musical knowledge and...

This subspecialization is aimed exclusively at CoM students studying Music and Sound Production or Musical Arts with a specialization in Composition for...

This subspecialization is aimed at students from all USFQ schools (including the CoM), who want to learn about business, industry and music management.


This subspecialization is aimed exclusively at students of the CoM who are part of the Musical Arts program (any plan of study), who wish to learn and/or deepen...

College of Biological and Environmental Sciences

This subspecialization offers students the opportunity to acquire multidisciplinary knowledge related to the biological sciences. Students will receive courses...

Biotechnology is a discipline that develops new knowledge and products that impact the progress of areas such as medicine, agriculture/livestock, environment...

This subspecialization offers students the opportunity to acquire multidisciplinary knowledge related to the biological sciences. Students will receive courses...

College of Health Sciences

This sub-specialization introduces the student to the principles of human medicine. With these subjects, the student will analyze the human body from the...

A good nutrition is a fundamental element of good health; this is achieved with a sufficient, balanced diet, combined with regular physical exercise.


The Subspecialization in Research is an academic program that allows undergraduate students to acquire knowledge and skills in research methods and techniques...

College of Business Administration

Today, companies and people generate a trillion bytes daily, in such a way that in the last two years, 90% of all available information was generated, forcing...

The subspecialization in the field of entrepreneurship aims to train individuals capable of identifying business opportunities, developing innovative ideas, and...

Global Digital Marketing involves the implementation of effective marketing strategies, leveraging the advantages of technology and making use of available...

College of Law

The minor in Business Law is available for LAW students and aims to introduce them to a speciali­zed curriculum that encourages the development of know-how...

The minor in Criminal Law is aimed at strengthening knowledge in specific areas that have to do with crimes of an economic nature, such as financial, tax...

The fundamental objective of the Human Rights minor offered by the College of Law is to introduce students to the discussion of some fundamental issues within...

College of Social Sciences and Humanities, College of Law

This minor aims to provide students with a broad overview of the most important concepts and tools of psychology applied to criminal behaviour. Students will be...

College of Economics

Economics is present in all human activities. All human activity engages within an economic system in which it seeks to coordinate with other activities. The...

College of Hospitality, Culinary Arts, and Tourism, College of Communication and Contemporary Arts

The minor in Event Organisation provides students with the opportunity to obtain specialised knowledge in the field of event organisation and management...

College of Architecture and Interior Design

The need for housing is a global phenomenon. The growing urban demographics in all regions of the world highlight the great need for adequate and affordable...