Previous Next Institutes Through our research institutes, we generate scientific publications in different disciplines and reference projects on a local and global scale. College of Biological and Environmental Sciences The COCIBA College of Biological & Environmental Sciences includes several areas of knowledge, such as Biology Institutes GEOcentro UNIGIS - USFQ Instituto de Geografía Instituto de Microbiología Instituto de Ecología Aplicada ECOLAP Instituto BIOSFERA College of Business Administration The College of Business Administration, framed within the philosophy of the Liberal Arts, educates generalists who College of Economics We are proud to be the school of economics with the highest percentage of professors with doctorates at the national Institutes Instituto de Economía College of Health Sciences The mission of the College of Health Sciences is to prepare professionals in the different branches of health with a Institutes Instituto de Medicina Social & Desafíos Globales Instituto de Investigaciones en Biomedicina iBiomed – USFQ Instituto de Investigación en Biomateriales Dentales Michael G. Buonocore Instituto de Neurociencias College of Hospitality, Culinary Arts, and Tourism Discover a marvelous world dedicated to service, excellence, and sustainable development of society. The College of Institutes Instituto de Patrimonio y Turismo Sostenible College of Law At the College of Law, we aim to educate professionals with extensive knowledge, legal judgment, and a strong ethical Institutes Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas College of Sciences and Engineering The College of Sciences and Engineering trains professionals with acute critical thinking, excellent levels of Institutes Instituto de Energía y Materiales Instituto de Micro y Nanoelectrónica (IMNE) Instituto de Innovación en Productividad y Logística CATENA-USFQ Instituto de Simulación Computacional ISC Instituto de Investigaciones Atmosféricas (IIA) College of Social Sciences and Humanities Welcome to the page of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities. Our mission is to prepare leaders in the different Institutes Centro de Estudios Europeos Instituto de Aprendizaje y Servicio Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Desigualdades (IEAD) Contenido Relacionado Galapagos Science Center (GSC) Estación de Biodiversidad Tiputini (TBS) High Performance Computing (HPC) Comité de ética de investigación en seres humanos (CEISH) Oficina de Innovación y Sostenibilidad (OIS) Enlaces Externos Revistas USFQ Libros USFQ
College of Biological and Environmental Sciences The COCIBA College of Biological & Environmental Sciences includes several areas of knowledge, such as Biology Institutes GEOcentro UNIGIS - USFQ Instituto de Geografía Instituto de Microbiología Instituto de Ecología Aplicada ECOLAP Instituto BIOSFERA
College of Business Administration The College of Business Administration, framed within the philosophy of the Liberal Arts, educates generalists who
College of Economics We are proud to be the school of economics with the highest percentage of professors with doctorates at the national Institutes Instituto de Economía
College of Health Sciences The mission of the College of Health Sciences is to prepare professionals in the different branches of health with a Institutes Instituto de Medicina Social & Desafíos Globales Instituto de Investigaciones en Biomedicina iBiomed – USFQ Instituto de Investigación en Biomateriales Dentales Michael G. Buonocore Instituto de Neurociencias
College of Hospitality, Culinary Arts, and Tourism Discover a marvelous world dedicated to service, excellence, and sustainable development of society. The College of Institutes Instituto de Patrimonio y Turismo Sostenible
College of Law At the College of Law, we aim to educate professionals with extensive knowledge, legal judgment, and a strong ethical Institutes Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas
College of Sciences and Engineering The College of Sciences and Engineering trains professionals with acute critical thinking, excellent levels of Institutes Instituto de Energía y Materiales Instituto de Micro y Nanoelectrónica (IMNE) Instituto de Innovación en Productividad y Logística CATENA-USFQ Instituto de Simulación Computacional ISC Instituto de Investigaciones Atmosféricas (IIA)
College of Social Sciences and Humanities Welcome to the page of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities. Our mission is to prepare leaders in the different Institutes Centro de Estudios Europeos Instituto de Aprendizaje y Servicio Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Desigualdades (IEAD)