Dean of Students
The Dean of Students works to guarantee Student Well-Being and the integral development of the students. It is in charge of promoting an environment of respect for ethical values, in addition to carefully monitoring compliance with the disciplinary and academic honesty rules that govern the university community, and are stipulated in the USFQ Code of Honor and Coexistence.
Similarly, the Dean of Students supports the academic development of the USFQ community through different services such as:
- Learning Center.
- Teacher's Assistants Program.
In the emotional and well-being sphere, the Dean of Students provides support through programs such as:
- Psychological Counseling.
- UNIDiversity.
- Services for Students with Special Educational Needs.
The Dean of Students also promotes social and occupational development through the following programs:
- Campus Life.
- Ethnic Diversity.
- Orientation for New Students.
- Student Government.
USFQ is oriented to meet standards of excellence at the national and international levels, so, within the functions of Teaching, Research, and Community Outreach, administrative supports allow for optimizing processes and achieving goals. It is within this framework of support and development that the Student Welfare Unit watches over the quality of life of students and of the community as a whole, through support services and extracurricular training activities in an accessible and open way to all, in an environment of kindness and trust, promoting, day by day, the ideals of Truth, Beauty, Kindness, and Freedom, which are the pillars of USFQ. To promote this integral development in the university community, the Dean offers the following student services:
Bienestar Académico
El equipo de Consejería Académica es un punto de contacto inmediato para los estudiantes que requieren información y apoyo en su progreso académico. Es un servicio complementario a las tutorías que...
El programa Learning Center ofrece asesoría académica específica a estudiantes que requieren ayuda en una determinada materia. Brinda un servicio GRATUITO de tutorías que ayuda a mejorar el nivel...
El Programa de Ayudantes de Cátedra o de Investigación busca maximizar la experiencia educativa tanto de los estudiantes de la USFQ como de sus profesores. A través del programa, la USFQ reconoce el...
The University promotes the harmonious and friendly coexistence among its members, so if situations are detected that obstruct the performance, development or academic training of the community, these...
Bienestar Emocional
Muchas veces el malestar emocional puede afectar otras áreas de tu vida, como la académica, la familiar, personal o social. Consejería Psicológica es un servicio gratuito y confidencial para...
Bienestar Social
La Orientación e Integración a Estudiantes Nuevos es un evento dinámico y divertido en el que los estudiantes nuevos conocen e interactúan con la Comunidad USFQ y se familiarizan con las tradiciones y...
Campus Life promueve la creación y promoción de Clubes con el objetivo de facilitar los espacios extracurriculares para que todos los miembros de la comunidad USFQ puedan aprender, jugar, socializar y...
El Gobierno Estudiantil es el vínculo entre la Universidad y sus estudiantes, y tiene el deber de brindar toda la información necesaria a los alumnos para realizar cualquier trámite dentro de la...
This program seeks the elimination of physical, attitudinal, social, and communicational barriers faced by students with disabilities in order to achieve their inclusion and the full exercise of their...
DELFOS - Oficina de Acompañamiento Estudiantil está encargada del seguimiento y apoyo a estudiantes de pregrado que pertenecen a alguno de los programas de acción afirmativa de la USFQ. Atiende a...
UNIDiversidad seeks to strengthen the USFQ as a space of trust and security for all members of its community, in an environment of freedom and respect. To this end, training and awareness activities...