Specialization in Imaging

College of Health Sciences
Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Specialist

3 years

Courses: 42

Total credits: 60

Program total hours: 12,000 hours

Teaching Mode
In-person classes.

Full time.

Start of Classes
May, 2020.

Approved September 5th, 2018

Resolution RPC-SO-32-No.537-2018

Total Cost

Enrolment Fee: $2,543
Tuition: $25,435

* Total cost for the 3 years of training.

Application Dates

March 19, 2022.

Specific knowledge test: March 26, 2022. Apply for applicants registered in march 2020.

Social Work Residency in Public and Private Hospitals.


The training program for medical specialists in Imaging allows graduates to train as experts in the diagnostic-therapeutic assessment of pathology in all the organs and systems of the human body, complying with the scientific and professional requirements in the knowledge of: the basic sciences that base the pathophysiology and therapeutics, that allow them to exercise efficiently, providing competent care to their patients through accurate support to the treating doctors, and that, through continuous learning, can contribute to the knowledge of specialization and be useful to related scientific-professional institutions, all in the context of the needs of the national reality. In accordance with the mission of the USFQ School of Medical Specialties, to contribute to improving the quality of care and comprehensive treatment of patients, through the implementation of concepts of total quality, whose achievements exceed the expectations of patients and their families, through constant updating of knowledge and in a favorable environment.

The training of medical specialists in Imaging will be carried out in-person, with a total duration of 3 years, complying with the Technical Standard for Healthcare Units - Professors issued by the CES in 2015.

Applicant's Profile

Graduate studies in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging are aimed at national or foreign doctors based in the country who have a graduate level degree in Medicine, Doctors of Medicine and Surgery, Doctors, General Doctors, all legally accredited in the SNIESE.

The applicant must be a person who combines ethical values ​​and principles, who can work autonomously, independently and in a team, must be able to work with high academic demands and have the maturity and emotional stability to meet the expectations of the institution, of teachers and tutors.

The applicant must have a positive attitude of dealing with the internal and external user that fosters a culture of humanized behavior.

Professional field

At the end of the specialization program, our specialist doctors will be able to lead the different medical services for diagnostic support, and consolidate work teams in second and third level health entities in our country.

Another professional field for which our specialist doctors can choose is the free exercise of their profession.


The Specialization in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging allows the medical specialist in this field to have the ability to provide diagnostic support to the different medical specialties, whose contribution helps in the timely prevention and treatment of diseases.

We promote scientific medical research by making available to students the necessary tools for our students to become involved in scientific research projects.

The inter-institutional agreements that USFQ maintains with different public and private health entities that have the necessary equipment and casuistry allow the university to train professionals with the highest level of knowledge.


Basic Requirements:

  • Graduate level degree in Medicine issued by an accredited university in the country and registered with SENESCYT. In the case of Graduate degree having been obtained abroad, they must be apostilled or legalized by Consular means. The University will verify that the degree corresponds to the third level, in accordance with the current Academic Regime Regulations.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the English language equivalent to A1 of the Common European Framework.
  • Copy of identity card or passport.
  • Degree Certificate with grade average.
  • Official transcript with grade.
  • Registration of the printed SENESCYT certification.
  • Pass the USFQ tgraduate admission exam. To do so, refer to the admissions process at: http://www.usfq.edu.ec/admisiones/admisiones_posgrado

Specific Requirements:

  • Specific knowledge test.
  • Graduate IMG Graduation Merit Index.
  • Official certificate of having completed the year of Rural Health of Social Service, issued by the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador.
  • Up-to-date immunization, physical and mental health certificates.
  • Updated resume with color photography.
  • Have passed the Professional Qualification Exam of the CEAACES Higher Education Assessment, Accreditation and Quality Assurance Council. Except for professionals in free professional practice, before November 16, 2014.
  • Current certificate of the Advanced Life Support Program ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support), or an Advanced Cardiac Resuscitation course.
  • Verify and present the documents indicated in the Technical Standard Resolution No. RPC-SO-No. 006-2019 corresponding to Merits.
  • Personal interview with the  graduate program professors.
  • Copy of updated ballot card
  • ACESS Certificate - Agency for Quality Assurance of Health Services and Prepaid Medicine


Alumni USFQ tienen 10% de descuento.

Pagos con tarjeta de crédito o débito a través de nuestro Botón de Pago En Línea.

  • Aceptamos todas las tarjetas nacionales e internacionales.
  • Puedes diferir tus pagos con tarjetas emitidas por: Diners Club, Banco Guayaquil, Banco Pichincha, Banco Bolivariano, Banco Produbanco y Banco del Austro.
  • En pagos por semestres o períodos académicos puedes diferir hasta 12 meses sin intereses. Consulta con el programa de posgrado las fechas establecidas.
  • En pagos por años puedes diferir hasta por 24 meses sin intereses.
  • En pagos totales, puedes diferir sin intereses al doble de tiempo que dura el programa de posgrado (Ejemplo: Duración del programa: 18 meses. Pagos totales hasta por 36 meses sin intereses).

Pagos con transferencia o depósito a los siguientes datos:

  • Titular: Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ.
  • RUC: 1791836154001
    • Banco Pichincha: Cuenta Corriente No. 3407330004
    • Banco Bolivariano: Cuenta Corriente No. 5075003350
  • Para el registro correspondiente, subir el comprobante en el Botón de Pago En Línea.

Pagos presenciales en las ventanillas de Tesorería: Disponible de lunes a viernes de 08h30 a 17h30

Para información sobre planes de financiamiento directo con la USFQ escribir al e-mail: plandefinanciamiento@usfq.edu.ec

Para información sobre otras formas de pago escribir al e-mail: tesoreria@usfq.edu.ec

Becas y financiamiento auspiciado:

  • El posgradista puede aplicar a una beca del Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP) u otras entidades auspiciantes, cuando estas se encuentren ofertadas.
  • Los profesionales pueden también tramitar la  comisión de servicios con sueldo en sus respectivas instituciones.


"USFQ graduate program opens doors for you, because you look at the world from a different perspective, always in search of excellence, this is how I have acquired the tools to stand out nationally and internationally. I was invited to the European Congress of Radiology, and accepted to do my internship in the best hospitals in the United States. As a future radiologist, I feel ready to face the challenges ahead and contribute efficiently to society.”

- Natali Flores Santamaría, Md. Postgraduate Radiology and Imaging USFQ-HCAM -

“You can be a good Medical Specialist in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, but when you have a world that advances very quickly, it is not enough to know all the new technologies, you have to know how to develop good personal relationships, work as a team, lead and manage projects, is what USFQ has taught me. Having the opportunity to learn from the best that  job opportunities are not the limit, but, that one is the generator of employment and production, makes me feel very satisfied with the decision to have studied at the best university in the country, which allowed me to advance as a professional, and also allows me to take on the challenges of creating a new generation that will be a leader in the country in the near future. MAKING YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE MAKE ECUADOR AND THE WORLD GREAT.”

- Juan Carlos Jara, student of the imaging specialization -

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