Verónica Barragán

Verónica Barragán

Coordinator of the Microbiology Area
Eugenio Espejo Building, EE-211
External Institution
American Society for Microbiology (ASM, Estados Unidos), International Leptospirosis Society, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
  • PhD. in Biology Northern Arizona University – Pathogen Microbiome Institute.
  • MSc. in Microbiology Universidad San Francisco de Quito.
  • Degree in Biological Sciences - PUCE.
Professional Profile

Verónica Barragán, a Biologist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, holds a Master's in Microbiology from the University San Francisco de Quito (USFQ, Ecuador) and a Ph.D. in Biology from Northern Arizona University (United States). As the Coordinator of the Microbiology Area at USFQ, Dr. Barragán conducts field research and laboratory work using Molecular Biology techniques and DNA/RNA sequencing for the epidemiological understanding of infectious diseases. Her scientific contributions encompass research on infectious diseases such as leptospirosis, COVID-19, avian influenza, babesiosis, and anaplasmosis, with projects focused on zoonotic diseases. Dr. Barragán has co-authored articles in prestigious scientific journals, including "Nature," "Cell Reports," "The Lancet Infectious Diseases," "Applied and Environmental Microbiology," "Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases," "Emerging Infectious Diseases," and "Current Microbiology."

Reading, Family, Mental health.