Re-entry and Readmission

A student who requests a re-entry to the University to continue their studies must be aware that they will be subject to the academic requirements, curriculum conditions, and legal provisions in effect at the time of their re-entry.

Students who have been inactive in pursuing a tertiary-level program at USFQ for one semester or more, whether in a face-to-face or semi-presential mode, must submit the 'Re-entry Form' to the Office of Academic Affairs and Services (OASA). The application may be denied. Re-entry is only possible for an active tertiary-level program.

To inquire about the deadline for submitting the re-entry form to the Office of Academic Affairs and Services (OASA), please refer to the academic calendar published on the website.

If these dates fall on a weekend, the deadline will be moved to the next business day. Under no circumstances will applications be accepted after the aforementioned deadlines or once the semester classes have commenced.

The re-entry authorization is only valid for the specified semester in the re-entry resolution. If the re-entry process is not completed, a new application must be submitted to the OASA within the deadline for form submission.

General Conditions or Requirements for Re-entry to any program mode:

The Committee for Re-entry and Equivalencies at USFQ will consider re-entry applications under the following concurrent conditions:

  1. The program to which the student wishes to re-enter must be active.

  2. The student must not have more than two re-entries to the University.

  3. No more than ten years should have elapsed since the last semester attended.

  4. The student must not have three enrollments in any previously failed course that belongs to the current curriculum of the program they intend to re-enter.

  5. The student must have maintained a Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) up to the last completed semester, according to the following table:

    Minimum Cumulative GPA required for re-entry Graduate Programs (see Graduate Manual) 3.00/4.00 Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary, Law 3.00/4.00 Architecture 2.50/4.00 All other programs in USFQ Academic Colleges (including Architecture students admitted before First Semester 2012/13) 1.50/4.00

Based on the dean's discretion of the college to which the student is re-entering, certain General Education or major-specific courses taken prior to re-entry that may be outdated may need to be retaken.

Steps of the Re-entry Process:

The following steps outline the process that the student must undertake for re-entry:

  1. Print the 'Re-entry Application Form' from the USFQ website by accessing the following link: and complete all the required information. Incomplete forms will not be processed.
  2. If the student wishes to re-enter a different program and/or mode of study, they must print the 'Re-entry Application Form with Change of Program/Mode of Study.' A student is only allowed a maximum of two changes of program and two changes of mode of study.
  3. Submit the form to the Office of Academic Affairs and Services (OASA), which will review the academic history and immediately inform the student if the process can continue. If the response is positive, the case will be referred to the Committee for Re-entry and Equivalencies. This committee will thoroughly analyze the case and the fulfillment of re-entry requirements, and issue a motivated resolution.
  4. OASA will send a letter to the student via email, informing them of the Committee's resolution and requesting them to contact the office to be informed of their re-entry conditions.
  5. If the student confirms their re-entry, their student code will be reactivated for them to register for courses, or a new code will be issued based on the review conducted by the Committee for Re-entry and Equivalencies.

OASA will update the student's academic history with an "attribute" that will keep track of their number of re-entries, program changes, and mode of study changes. If re-entry with a change of program and/or mode of study is processed, the equivalency of previously approved courses will be automatic.

It is the responsibility of the re-entering student to verify with their dean or coordinator the courses they still need to take and pass for graduation. In any case, the curriculum in effect at the time of re-entry will always be applied.

Students who have been suspended due to poor academic performance must fulfill the requirements and follow the steps described above for re-entry into the same program or another program.

Students who have been suspended for disciplinary reasons/violations of the Code of Honor and Coexistence must fulfill the requirements and follow the steps described above for re-entry into the same program or another program. OASA will verify with the Dean of Students that the student has completed the imposed sanction.

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