Dean of Research and Creativity
The Dean of Research and Creativity is in charge of leading the implementation of USFQ research and creativity programs within the spirit of the Liberal Arts, promoting freedom and supporting the academic development of the entire USFQ Community (students, alumni, teachers, staff, families).
The Research and Creativity Dean's Office of USFQ is oriented to the generation of knowledge through the development of research projects, technology transfer, wealth creation and improvement of levels of social welfare.
The Research Dean's Office is responsible for leading the implementation of USFQ research programs within the spirit of the Liberal Arts, promoting freedom and supporting the academic development of the entire USFQ Community.
The Research Dean of the USFQ is oriented to the generation of knowledge through the development of research projects, technology transfer, wealth creation and improvement of levels of social welfare.
Promote a culture of research, technology transfer and creativity that enhances the academic excellence of the institution based on efficient processes and a solid organization scheme, capable of obtaining adequate resources in order to contribute knowledge to the local and global community.
Our vision is to be the leading academic research institution in Ecuador and Latin America capable of generating research, technology transfer and creativity at the highest level of academic and scientific excellence.
Staff Dean of Research and Creativity
The staff of the Dean of Research and Creativity USFQ is made up of:
Tiempo completo
Cesar Zambrano
Decano de Investigación
USFQ Oficina: Edificio Maxwell, M-306
Telf: 2971700, ext. 1451
Juan Manuel Guayasamín
Vicedecano de Investigación
USFQ Oficina: Edificio Darwin, DW-004
Telf: 2971700, ext. 1340
Derlyn Franco
Asistente del Decanato de Investigación
USFQ Oficina: G105
Telf: 2971700, ext. 1510
Elaborar reportes estadísticos, informes, certificados, guías y procesos de todo lo relacionado a Investigación de la USFQ, medir indicadores y hacer seguimiento a las actividades, procesos e institutos de investigación para velar por el cumplimiento de los objetivos planificados. Administrar el módulo de Investigaciones de la base de datos HUBI y asistir a los investigadores en el uso del sistema. Organizar entre el Decanato de Investigación, los investigadores, Oficina de Programas Internacionales, Contacto Empresarial, Recursos Humanos, Área Legal, Registro y Galápagos Science Center la vinculación de personal externo como estudiantes no regulares para prácticas de investigación, contrato de becarios Fullbright y contrato de investigadores invitados.
Cristina Segarra
Coordinadora de Fondos Externos USFQ,
Oficina: TBC
Telf: 2971700, ext. 1045
Identificar oportunidades de financiamiento para la investigación. Brindar soporte a los investigadores durante el proceso de postulación y actuar como punto de contacto ante financiadores o socios, como mecanismo de apoyo a la promoción de una cultura científica en la comunidad universitaria
Oficina de apoyo
Katherine Freire
Oficina de Proyectos
USFQ, Oficina: E-102-B
Telf: 297-1700, ext. 1199
Gestión financiera de proyectos de investigación, elaboración y análisis de informes para investigadores y colaboradores, análisis de ingresos y costos de programas, control presupuestario de áreas y proyectos, coordinación con investigadores de requerimientos de información
Comité de Investigación
Miembros Invitados
Ivan Sisa
Carlos Espinosa
Gabriel Trueba
Diego Cisneros
Johanna Frohlich
Maria de Lourdes Torres
Derlyn Franco
Investigadores Externos
Derlyn Franco
Asistente del Decanato de Investigación
USFQ Oficina: G105
Telf: 2971700, ext. 1510
Relationship with the Industry
The Office of Innovation and Sustainability was created in early 2014 in order to develop and promote sustainable strategies that allow USFQ's growth and development to be in harmony with society, the environment, and the economy.
The OIS is in charge of promoting joint work between the academy, public and private companies, and the internal and external community in terms of creating shared value on issues of innovation and sustainability. The Office of Innovation and Sustainability supports various programs and projects ranging from courses on sustainability to research and development projects on sustainable strategies, such as alternative energy, among others.
Research Guide
Academic Production, Citation, and Affiliation Guide.
The objectives of the Dean of Research and Creativity USFQ are:
- To place USFQ at the forefront of knowledge, applying criteria of scientific excellence.
- To promote the training and incorporation of new researchers.
- To adapt research activities and technology transfer to the social and productive sector demands.
- To promote the activities developed in a systematic, concerted and cooperative way.
- To develop stable structures that generate and promote a scientific culture in the university community.
- To generate clear and standardized internal processes that make up the research framework.
- To facilitate adequate interaction between undergraduate and graduate students with research and technology transfer.
- To articulate the field of research with the community both nationally and internationally.
- To publish the results generated in scientific and technical means at national and international level.
- To promote USFQ's international links with other universities and research centers worldwide.
Academic Research Units
The academic research units of the different colleges of USFQ that carry out research are:
- Institute of Microbology/COCIBA
- Tiputini Biodiversity Station/COCIBA
- Ecolap/COCIBA
- Galapagos Science Center Extension USFQ GAIAS
- Socio-Cultural Research Center/COCISOH
- Agrotechnological Research and Development Center/Health Sciences, Veterinary School
- Institute of Health and Nutrition Research/Health Sciences
- Institute of Economics/CAD
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Estaciones de investigación
La Estación de Biodiversidad de Tiputini (TBS) es una estación biológica de campo establecida en el Ecuador amazónico en 1994 por la Universidad San Francisco de Quito en colaboración con la...
Estación de Investigación Mindo (bosque nublado, Andes occidentales)