USFQ's Institute of Economics monthly magazine. Its target audience is anyone who wants to be aware of the evolution of the current economic situation and the thinking in this discipline. It is generally written by members of the Institute or USFQ professors, and occasionally by external guests. Each edition offers a space for student participation. Its essential objective is to spread interest in the economy.
About the Magazine
USFQ's Institute of Economics monthly magazine. Its target audience is anyone who wants to be aware of the evolution of the current economic situation and the thinking in this discipline. It is generally written by members of the Institute or USFQ professors, and occasionally by external guests. Each issue offers a space for student participation. Its essential objective is to spread interest in the economy.
USFQ's Institute of Economics, under whose responsibility KOYUNTURA is edited, has a threefold objective: to support the quality of the USFQ Economics program, to publish various types of analysis, and organize discussion events, and to carry out high-quality academic research.