Logistics Sustainability Survey

Instituto de Innovación en Productividad y Logística CATENA-USFQ

Institute for Innovation in Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ.

We invite you to participate in the Latin American Survey of Sustainability in Logistics 2021, for which we have the participation of 9 countries in the region and for the first time the participation of Ecuador.

Completing the survey only takes 10-15 minutes. You can access the survey at the bottom of this website.

By answering the questionnaire:

  1. You are collaborating to build a more representative research.
  2. You will get an overview of your current practices as a company.
  3. You are helping to generate knowledge and, from that, the possibility of more sustainable logistics practices in the country.

As a thank you, we will share the results of the study with you. Previous regional survey reports can be found at: https://www.itba.edu.ar/intranet/ols/category/encuestas/

Your support is essential for us and for the environment. If you have any questions, contact us at catena@usfq.edu.ec

Thank you very much!



I have read the informed consent and I freely and voluntarily agree to participate in this research.


  Start the Survey

Access the document approved by the USFQ Human Research Ethics Committee (In Spanish Only)




Thank you for your interest in the Logistics Sustainability Survey Ecuador 2021






Informed Digital Consent of the Survey

We invite you to participate in the research "Annual survey for the evaluation of the situation of sustainable logistics practices in companies in Ecuador 2021". Before you decide to participate, read carefully all the information that is offered to you. Take the time you need to decide, you can consult with your family and / or friends.

The purpose of this research is to conduct a virtual survey of representatives (general managers, operations managers, supply chain managers, logistics managers, etc.) or sustainability officers of micro, small, medium and large companies to obtain indicators (KPIs) that allow us to evaluate the current situation regarding the degree of influence of sustainability in logistics practices in Ecuador. Through the survey questions, it is desired to understand the level of importance that Ecuadorian companies give to sustainability in terms of practices that they implement in warehouses and transportation, the measurement of the company's impact on the environment and the policies that they establish so that they remain in time.

We hope that many companies will participate in this study, expecting to have at least 97 people who represent or are part of Ecuadorian companies. The research will last approximately 4 months.

If you decide to participate in this research, we will ask you to fill out the online survey of approximately 21 questions on sustainable logistics in Ecuadorian companies. The data to be collected include multiple-choice questions with topics related to the sustainable practices implemented, the implementation of sustainable policies, the type of reports generated annually in the company, among others. Answering the survey will take approximately 15 minutes. You can answer all the questions in the survey or select the alternative "Don't know / Does not apply" in those for which you feel uncomfortable or do not know the answer or do not apply.

We will adopt the necessary measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your data:

  • The survey is anonymous.
  • If you wish to be part of the database of participating companies, we will ask you to register your name, position in the company and email. - This is optional, you can refuse to record this data in the survey.
  • Your name and email will only be saved for the delivery of research results and the creation of the aforementioned database.
  • Only the researchers in this study will have access to the information collected.
  • The principal investigator will be responsible for the custody of the information.
  • The information collected will be kept confidential and will not be used for purposes other than those of this research.
  • Research results may be published or discussed in scientific talks; however, individual data will not be used, only aggregated.

Approximately 3 months after the application of this survey, you will receive information via email from the main researcher through which the availability of the report on the sustainable logistics of Ecuadorian companies in 2021 will be informed. Having the information publicly available will allow to know the reality of sustainable logistics in Ecuadorian companies in the year 2021, which will allow each company to make its own comparisons and identify practices that are not being carried out to minimize waste and improve sustainability in your company.

Remember, your participation in this research is free and voluntary. You can refuse to participate. If you have questions about the research or its procedures, please contact us through the number 022971700 ext. 1230 or via email csuarez@usfq.edu.ec

If you decide to participate, please click the button above that says "I freely and voluntarily accept to participate in this research." Only then will the survey be displayed for you to complete. If you do not want to participate, click on the button that says "Exit" or close your browser window.

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Director of the Institute for Innovation in Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ
Master's in Industrial Engineering Program Director
Business School Professor
Maxwell Building, M-102
(+593 2) 297-1700