
Mauricio Maldonado Muñoz

CEISH-USFQ Secretary
(+593 2) 297-1700
Hayek Building, H-225U
  • Ph.D in Law Curriculum in Law Philosophy and Legal Bioethics, University of Genova.
  • Master of Laws with specialization in Public and Constitutional Law from Universidad Austral de Argentina.
  • Lawyer of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador.
Professional Profile

Mauricio Maldonado Muñoz earned his Ph.D. in Philosophy of Law from the Università di Genova (Italy), with research stays at the Université Paris-Nanterre (France) and The University of Chicago (United States). He holds a Master's degree in Law with a concentration in Constitutional Law from the Austral University (Argentina). He is a professor at the College of Jurisprudence at the University San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador), where he was a member of the Research Ethics Committee for Human Subjects (CEISH). He has received the Tarello Award (2017), the Juan Larrea Holguín Award (2013), and the Diploma of Honor for the Master's degree in Law (2013). Mauricio has authored books and articles in Spanish, Italian, and English. His interests include philosophy of law, argumentation, and Constitutional Law.


Personal : Movies, Travel, Art