

Archivo de contenidos

Discapacitados perdidos en su propia música
Enfoque 75
Refugio para migrantes con VIH
Enfoque 73
Arte Protesta - Daniel Andrade
Enfoque 71
El poder de los "influencers"
Enfoque 70
El camino holístico al equilibrio
Enfoque 68
Sayce Investigación sobre la sociedad de Autores y compositores
Enfoque 66
Las Historias detrás de las cifras (violencia mujer)
Definición confusa
Definición e interculturalidad
Seguridad para periodistas
Safety for journalists? An issue with no current solution.
Romeo y Julieta
Romeo and Juliet in the XXI century
Proyecto mirador
Mirador Project: between development and environmental damage
Etnias y medios
Ethnicities and media. An uphill path.
La era petrolera se acaba
The petroleum era is ending
Graffiti: Expression, art, or vandalism?
Mujeres indígenas emprendedoras
Entrepreneurial Indigenous Women
El inicio de la otra condena
Social reintegration. The beginning of another sentence.
La novela terminó
The novel ended: Television rights
Nos faltan 3
We have 3 left, the police were on the drug trafficking trail when the rules changed at the border
Historias del éxodo venezolano
Stories from the Venezuelan exodus
Graduates succeeding in the world
Mountaineering: youth, sacrifice, and passion
Memorias de una expulsión
Cubans in Ecuador. Memoirs of an expulsion.
La historia olvidada
Forgotten history. Afro-Ecuadorians in the history of Ecuador.
Retos del periodismo universitario en Ecuador
Challenges in university journalism in Ecuador
Fútbol femenino
Women's soccer: half a field yet to traverse
La homosexualidad en el ejército
The path to inclusion. Homosexuality in the military.
Interculturality, from saying to doing, from regulations to print
Aedes aegypty
Aedes Aegypty, enemy in sight
Pets: basic care and recommendations
Vida sana
Healthy lifestyle: exercise with a bounce to it
Latin kings
Latin kings international
Formativas, atletas del futuro
Formative athletes of the future
Filling one's skin with meaning: tattoos
Cine Ecuador
Film in Ecuador: the past, the present, the future
Montubio con garra de manabita
Montubio with manabita claw
Oso de anteojos
The Unknown Neighbor in the District: The Spectacled Bear
El cuerpo como campo de batalla feminista
The body: feminist battleground
De aquí al más allá
From here to the beyond
Industria musical
Music industry: a constant financial battle
Drogas se prende el debate
Drugs: the debate begins
Arte drag
Social change through DRAG ART
El viaje de la Ayahuasca
The Ayahuasca Trip
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