Veterinary Medicine

College of Health Sciences

"Research and innovation to heal and grow"

Veterinary Medicine

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
10 semesters
Teaching Mode
Face to Face Learning

The Veterinary Medicine program focuses on the study of animal health, centering on four main areas: the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of animal diseases; public health in the control of diseases communicable to humans; livestock production systems associated with medicine in order to guarantee the environmental sustainability and food security of the population, and; conservation medicine, based on Wildlife and Exotic Medicine under the concept of "One world, one health," with the purpose of conserving our livestock, environmental, human, and animal health heritage.




  • Professors with extensive local and international experience, graduate degree academic training at prestigious national and international universities.
  • Professors permanently trained in the technical field and university teaching.

Plan of Study:

  • Designed to train professionals and entrepreneurs motivated by scientific development with the ability to lead groups and act with social responsibility in the fields of the profession.
  • Plan of studies with international equivalency allowing students to quickly connect to any university in the world.
  • A learning system based on problem resolution (ABP).


  • Links with leading companies, institutions, and national and international organizations.
  • Exchange of experiences through international programs with prestigious universities in various countries.
  • Participation in the planning, development, and evaluation of research and consulting projects through the Institute of Research in Biomedicine with national and international centers.
  • Agreements with national and foreign organizations for internships and volunteering opportunities.
  • Infrastructure with first-class technology and cutting-edge learning systems.
  • Research activities through tutorials from the beginning of the program.

Professional profile

  • The School of Veterinary Medicine trains professionals with a broad and comprehensive vision of animal health problems, capable of exercising high-level medical practices, applying an appropriate approach in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
  • Additionally, graduates are able to participate in epidemiological surveillance plans and programs and develop animal production techniques under quality, efficacy, and efficiency standards, always considering animal welfare.
  • Graduates of the School of Veterinary Medicine of the University of San Francisco de Quito have the academic bases needed to apply for graduate studies abroad.

Career Field

  • The professional field for veterinary doctors who have graduated from the USFQ includes, besides the clinical and surgical areas, animal production, public health, the animal origin food industry, rural development, scientific research, among others.
  • USFQ trains veterinary doctors with a high technical and scientific level, capable of forming productive ventures and developing projects with critical thinking, who are prepared to lead the labor market as entrepreneurs, managers, or administrators of agricultural companies, or executives in the public agricultural sector, among others. 
  • The graduate is trained to perform in the field of animal health, including urban fauna, farm animals, and wildlife. Likewise, the graduate is a highly valued professional in the business ranks. Many of the graduates of our School successfully start their own ventures.
  • Finally, to date, some of the graduates of the first classes have successfully entered into the academic and scientific research fields.


Our alumni:

"USFQ gave me the opportunity, through the Claude Bourgelat scholarship, to train as an excellent professional and person who can function in any area of ​​the profession, including all the knowledge acquired through theory and practice that can be applied in my work, in which I must not only develop as a veterinarian but as a leader. The most precious thing I carry from USFQ is the enthusiasm to always go further and not limit my dreams. This is how I managed to do a Clinical Pathology internship at Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine and work in a position of national interest as soon as I finished my career. I know that I will make even more progress."

- Aguayo Ginger -

“I am from Guayaquil and a member of the first generation of the Claude Bourgelat scholarship, which changed my life. The USFQ School of Veterinary Medicine opened the doors for me and allowed me to learn all about what being a veterinarian involved. During my studies, I had the opportunity to become directly involved in wildlife and conservation medicine, equine medicine, and small animal medicine, allowing me to discern which branch to specialize in. I also had the opportunity to complete internships at the equine and small animal clinic at the Veterinary Hospital of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and I was able to learn that the knowledge acquired is useful when applied to studies abroad. Today, a year and a half after graduating, I have my own veterinary clinic and I find myself completing a graduate degree in emergency medicine and intensive care in small animals at the UAB."

- Beatriz Arroba -

“When I received the Claude Bourgelat scholarship to study Veterinary Medicine at USFQ, an unimaginable adventure doing what I love began. USFQ not only gives you the tools to be a world-class professional, but it also opens your mind to diverse realities and thoughts. After graduation, I started an internship as an equine veterinarian at a hospital in Texas, USA. I have realized that, with the competitiveness and challenges of today's world, it makes sense to learn in a 'Liberal Arts' environment."

- Paul Vega -

"Graduating as a Veterinary Doctor from USFQ has opened many doors for me in my professional life and also in programs abroad. During my student life, I had the best teachers, who knew how to provide me with the necessary tools to excel, in addition to having multiple opportunities to participate in various conferences, courses, and supplementary education. The Veterinary Medicine curriculum is very complete: I learned theoretical foundations, but above all, I was able to put my skills into practice in all fields of veterinary medicine, which helped me choose the direction I wanted to take my professional career. The most significant thing for me was having the opportunity to be a teaching assistant for several years as a student, this opportunity meant a lot of responsibility, but at the same time provided learning and training for my future. When I decided to study at USFQ, I knew that I was going to have the best education in the country, and every day I am sure that it was so.”

 - Paulina Larrea -


Our students:

“My experience at the University of San Francisco de Quito has given me the opportunity to grow and develop both in my chosen career and in general aspects. Being an international student, I found it easy to adjust due to the great support from the staff, professors, and people I met while I have been studying here. I like the practical approach of the courses and the direct interaction with the professors, which took my learning beyond theory. In addition to promoting academic knowledge, the university helped me gain confidence in my personal skills, which will help me continue to fulfill any goal that I set for myself as a future professional.”

- Daniela Quezada -

“My experience at USFQ has been one of the most beautiful, difficult, and at the same time rewarding in my short life. At the beginning it was hard, it was a new world: I had to study anatomical differences between species when I barely knew what a cow was, but that's exactly where the magic of this program lies, in learning and knowing more about each species, about each individual; because every aspect of knowledge of a subject is complemented by that of another. Here, I was able to meet wonderful people with whom I have shared more than a classroom, I have shared hours of study, field trips to the top of the mountain, laughter between learning, and many other things. But above all, I have shared experiences in all branches of veterinary medicine, from working with dogs and horses to handling a boa. I still have a lot to learn, but I think I've been obtaining the necessary tools to continue doing so, both in theory and in practice.”

- Betsabé Trujillo -

“Studying Veterinary Medicine at USFQ has become the best stage of my life. I have the opportunity to acquire knowledge in different areas and develop myself better for my professional future. Additionally, I have made great friendships both with my classmates and with the professors, since we are a community willing to support each other. Likewise, I am following a minor in Photography because the Liberal Arts that USFQ offers allow you to follow your vocation and your dreams. I am fully grateful for the world of opportunities the university offers me. Without a doubt, they have left a great mark within me.”

- Shuyana Yanza Allauca -

Oportunidades nacionales e internacionales

Primera solicitud:

Aplica a una beca para participar en varios proyectos de investigación en animales marinos con North Carolina State University (2 cupos disponibles)

Fecha: 9 - 16 de marzo, 2024

Requisitos para participar:

  • GPA acumulado mayor a 3.0
  • Estar en 5to año de Medicina Veterinaria
  • Haber tomado la clase de Clínica de Fauna
  • Video de 3 minutos en inglés: ¿Por qué me interesa participar en este proyecto?
    Entrega máxima: 22 de enero, 2024


Para más información:
Gabriela Arroyo
099 316 9347

Segunda solicitud

Participa en las campañas de esterilización junto a la World Veterinary Service y la USFQ este 2024

Requisitos para poder participar:

  • Ser alumno de la USFQ
  • GPA acumulado mayor a 3.0
  • No tener clases de colegio general durante las fechas de las campañas (pueden tener clases con código VET)
  • Todos los alumnos deben ir y regresar en el transporte de la proporcionado por la universidad

Fechas de las campañas:

Abril 8 - 12
Alumnos de 5to año

Mayo 27 - 31
Alumnos que culminaron el 4to año

Noviembre 25 - 29
Alumnos de 5to año

Academic Faculty

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