Business Crisis and Recovery Course


Start date
End Date

In the current economic environment, many companies face difficulties in maintaining their financial health. Some manage to identify the root of the problem but lack the capabilities to resolve the crisis due to inadequate leadership and governance structures. Others fail to identify the underlying causes of their financial problems, leaving them without a clear direction for resolution.

As a result, many companies become immersed in financial crises that they cannot resolve efficiently and effectively. This program focuses on providing the necessary tools and strategies to overcome these crises, developing leadership skills, evaluating key indicators, and creating action plans and governance structures that ensure sustainable financial recovery.


In person

36 hours

Classes will take place on Wednesdays from 18:00 to 22:00 and two Saturdays a month from 08:30 to 12:30.


$690 + VAT

Learning Objectives

  • Identify causes of financial crises and propose effective solutions.
  • Develop leadership strategies to manage teams during times of crisis.
  • Design a crisis resolution project along with an action plan.


Comprehensive Business Crisis Management

Comprehensive Crisis Analysis

This section explores the basics of financial recovery management in businesses. It identifies the most common causes of financial crises with practical examples using P&L and cash flow as anchors for this analysis. It describes the phases of a crisis and highlights the importance of cash flow. It analyzes essential financial indicators derived from sales, costs, gross margin, expenses, profitability, portfolio, liquidity, and debt, and teaches classical and creative solutions to improve these indicators, defining appropriate KPIs for different types of businesses. It also examines non-financial indicators, including organizational culture, team psychology, and communication systems.

Leadership and Recovery Strategies

This section addresses effective leadership during a crisis and the creation of a comprehensive action plan. It identifies the key characteristics and roles of the crisis leader, the financial manager, and the "war room." It evaluates the leadership team's preparedness to face the crisis. It establishes key recovery objectives, defines the KPIs to be measured, and designs the necessary actions for recovery, specifying the stages of the process. It includes the creation of corporate governance structures, such as the board of directors and the executive committee, for monitoring and controlling crisis management.

Business Crisis Management Project Clinic

Participants develop a project that evaluates their current crisis situation and proposes comprehensive solutions, using the learned financial and non-financial indicators, as well as the appropriate KPIs for their specific situation. Each project includes the concrete stages of the recovery process and governance structures to manage the financial crisis. The projects are presented and discussed in groups, receiving feedback to refine the proposals and ensure a practical and applicable understanding of the concepts.

Extracurricular Activities

Supplementary Talks

Aligned with USFQ's Liberal Arts philosophy, where all areas of knowledge have equal relevance and contribute to the development of understanding, this program includes virtual talks on various current topics of interest. These are open to the general public or are part of other programs. It is a space that enhances the academic content of the program, and attendance is optional.

Business Forum

The business forum is a virtual meeting space between students and panelists; entrepreneurs, business leaders, professors, and experts who will share their perspectives, trends, and best practices. The forums are managed according to the annual schedule, involving students from non-degree programs and master's degrees at the School of Business. It is a space that enhances the academic content of the program, and attendance is optional.


This program includes various activities, such as presentations, practical exercises for real-world application of presented concepts, workshops, discussions, and more. The program applies an active, participatory, and critical methodology that links theory with practice. Students must access the virtual platform Desire to Learn (D2L) at least 2 hours in advance to familiarize themselves, use study resources, and complete virtual activities. Access to the D2L platform is available from the start of the program until one month after its completion.

Additionally, the program requires students to dedicate at least 6 hours of self-directed individual study to prepare for the program.