Acoso sexual

Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ strives to create and maintain an atmosphere of respect in which all community members are free to work and learn. All forms of sexual misconduct are incompatible with USFQ’s mission of forming ethical individuals.

International students can report instances of sexual misconduct directly to our support staff listed below to receive assistance.

Dean of Students Office Counseling Services

Maria Belen Vasconez Cruz
Coordinadora Consejería
Office: Hayek 100
Telephone (+593) 2 297-1700 ext. 1274

Estefanía Sevilla
Coordinadora Consejería y Tutorías
Office: Hayek 100 C
Telephone (+593) 2 297-1700 ext. 1456


Valentina Lucio Paredes
Office: N301
Telephone: (+593) 2 297-1700 ext. 1733

Videos de orientación

Welcome to Universidad San Francisco de Quito
How to stay healthy while you are at USFQ
Ecuadorian health system
Types of visa
Just in case scenarios
Common questions for the Temporary Resident Visa
USFQ Homestay Program
How to get around Quito