Master’s degree in Finance

College of Business Administration
Master in Finance
Academic School

1 year (2 semesters and 1 summer sessions)

Classes: 17

Total credits: 32

Teaching Mode

Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m. and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Start of Classes
August, 2023

RPC-SO-20-No.327-2023, May 17, 2023

Total Cost

Enrollment fee: $1.172,61
Tuition: $11.727,39

Application Dates

July 08, 2023

July 22, 2023


The USFQ Master's in Banking and Financial Management is committed to training professionals capable of efficiently managing banks in Ecuador and the world, creatively performing in the management of instruments for savings, financing, and investment.


Basic requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree in Administration, Commercial Engineering, Financial Engineering, Economics, Foreign Trade, Bank Management, Insurance and similar, issued by an accredited university in the country and registered with SENESCYT. In the case of Bachelor's degrees obtained abroad, they must be apostilled or legalized by Consular means. The University will verify that the degree corresponds to the third level, in accordance with the current Academic Regime Regulations.

However, the graduate program may evaluate and suggest the admission of applicants with degrees in other areas of knowledge, according to Resolution RPC-SO-25-N or. 491-2017.

  • Copy of the identity card or passport.

  • Degree certificate with grade average.

  • Official transcript with grades.

  • A printed copy of degree at SENESCYT.

  • Pass the USFQ graduate admission exam. To do so, refer to the admissions process at:

Specific program requirements:

  • The applicant must demonstrate full-time professional experience in the banking or financial sector for two years after graduating from university and must be working at the time of application to the program.

  • Be working when applying to the program.

  • Curriculum vitae.

  • Two letters of recommendation.

  • Fill personal data sheet.

  • Prepare an essay: Within the Selection process, the applicant will be asked to write an essay on a subject to be determined. The essay will be evaluated as part of the admission process.

  • Interview: After the exam, the applicant will be asked for a personal interview. This interview takes place approximately two weeks after taking the Admission Exam.


Payment methods: Cash, check, educational/financial credit, and credit/debit card.

Credit or debit card: You can make your payment through our Online Payment System by accessing the link: 

  • We accept all national and international cards.
  • You can defer your payments with cards issued by: Diners, Discover, Visa Titanium, Banco Guayaquil, Banco Pichincha, Banco Bolivariano, Produbanco, and Banco del Austro.
  • Payments per semester or academic periods: up to 6 months interest-free. This program has 3 (three) academic periods; therefore, the total program cost can be paid in 3 (three) equal installments, each of which can be deferred for up to 6 months interest-free. Payment dates will coincide with the start of each academic period (check dates on the program's Academic Calendar).
  • Payments per year: up to 12 months interest-free.
  • Payments for the entire program: deferred interest-free for up to 36 months (applies to new students in their first semester or year) 
  • Financing with credit cards from the Produbanco-Promérica Group for up to 24 months interest-free.

Transfer or deposit: You can make your deposit or transfer using the following information and upload the voucher to the Online Payment System at the link:

Account Holder: Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ

  • RUC: 1791836154001
  • Banco Pichincha: Current Account No. 3407330004
  • Banco Bolivariano: Current Account No. 5075003350


Payment Methods: Oscar Castañeda, (+593) 2 297-1700 ext. 1816 Direct Financing Plan:


  • The following discounts apply only to the total tuition fees of the graduate program:
  • 20% for USFQ Corporate Contact affiliated companies with active membership.
  • 20% for corporate groups starting from the third student.
  • 10% for USFQ Alumni. •
  • 5% for cash payments before the program start date. (Can be accumulated only with USFQ Alumni and USFQ Corporate Contact discounts).



  • The program offers a renewed, updated, applied, and dynamic academic curriculum that responds to market needs and trends in finance.
  • Students will apply the acquired knowledge and develop an applicable and sustainable project aligned with their work and business reality.
  • The master's degree combines the philosophy of liberal arts with business through extracurricular activities such as forums, professional classes, company visits, talks, and interviews, which reinforce the links between the academic and corporate worlds.
  • Students will experience a global spirit through an intensive one-week program at one of our partner universities worldwide. They will learn and have access to the Bloomberg Terminal, a modern icon of financial markets, which is used by the world's most influential decision-makers.
  • In order to improve students' leadership performance, the master's program includes a competency assessment at the NeuroTraining Lab, Ecuador's first leadership and neuroscience laboratory.
  • Once graduated, students will become part of the USFQ community and will have access to exclusive benefits as alumni and corporate contacts.

Occupational Field

The job market for graduates of the Master's in Finance offers numerous opportunities in both private companies and financial institutions. Professionals can work as financial analysts, investment managers, financial advisors, chief financial officers, financial consultants, risk analysts, among others. Their expertise in financial analysis, strategic planning, investment management, and risk assessment positions them as highly sought-after professionals in the business and financial world.

Applicant's Profile

The Master's in Finance is aimed at professionals with a university degree who seek to create business value, improve their professional performance, have the potential to hold managerial positions, lead teams or processes, and manage new businesses (innovative projects or their own ventures) in Ecuador and the world.

The prospective student must have the ability to analyze and argue logically, critically, and creatively through effective oral and written communication. They should apply their logical-mathematical reasoning skills to analyze and solve problems. In addition to having an academic profile that allows them to successfully pass the entrance examination at USFQ, they need to demonstrate an inquisitive spirit framed in freedom, reflection, and curiosity that motivates them to seek a balance between emotion and reason.

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