Academic Team We are the university with the most professors with a PhD degree in Ecuador. Colegio - Any - College of Architecture and Interior Design College of Biological and Environmental Sciences College of Business Administration College of Communication and Contemporary Arts College of Economics College of Health Sciences College of Hospitality, Culinary Arts, and Tourism College of Law College of Music College of Sciences and Engineering College of Social Sciences and Humanities Escuela Académica - Any - Escuela de Empresas School of Medical Specialties School of Medicine School of Odontology School of Public Health Veterinary School Carrera - Any - Administración de Empresas (Galápagos) Advertising Agronomy Engineering Anthropology Architecture Biology Biotechnology Business Administration Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Clinical Psychology Clone of Specialization in Pediatric Surgery Communication Composition for Contemporary Media Computer Science Digital Animation Economics Education Electronic and Automation Engineering Environmental Engineering Environmental Management Especialización en Neonatología y Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales Especialización en Periodoncia e Implantología Quirúrgica Film Finance Food Engineering Gastronomy Graphic Design - Communication Design Hospitality Management Industrial Engineering Ingeniería en Matemáticas Aplicadas y Computación (MAC) Interactive Media Design Interior Design International Relations Journalism Law Liberal Arts Literatura Maestría en Ciencia de Datos Maestría en Inteligencia Artificial Marketing Master in Administrative Law Master in Circular Engineering Master in Data and Business Management Master's Degree in Sports Business Management Master's degree in Talent Management and Development Master's in Business Administration (MBA) Master's in Civil Engineering Master's in Economics Master's in Environmental Management Master's in Food Science and Technology Master's in Health Management Master's in Industrial Engineering Master's in International Litigation and Arbitration Master's in Management of Construction and Real Estate Companies Master's in Microbiology Master's in Nano-electronics Master's in Physics Master's in Public Health Emphasis in environmental and Occupacional Health Master's in Restaurants, Food and Beverage Management Master's in Teaching English as a Second Language Master's in Tropical Ecology & Conservation Master´s in Epidemiology Master’s Program in Integrated Water Management Solutions Master’s degree in Finance Master’s in Public Health with concentration in Maternity, Child, and Family Health Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Medicine Music and Sound Production Neurosurgery Specialist Nutrition and Dietetics Odontology Performance PhD in Microbiology Physics Political Science Psychology Specialization in Anesthesiology Specialization in Competition Law and Economics Specialization in Imaging Specialization in Maxillofacial Surgery Specialization in Oral Rehabilitation and Implant Assisted Prosthesis Specialization in Orthodontics Specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialization in Pediatric Emergencies and Disasters Medicine Specialization in Pediatric Endocrinology Specialization in Pediatric Hematology Specialization in Pediatric Infectology Specialization in Pediatric Intensive Care Specialization in Pediatric Nephrology Specialization in Pediatric Odontology Specialization in Pediatric Surgery Specialization in endodontics Veterinary Medicine Visual Arts Visual Arts: Emphasis in Fashion Design Área de experiencia Industrial Revolution - Any - 17th Century 19th century British novels 21st Century Literature 2D Animation 2D Composition 3D Animation 3D Character Conceptualization 3D Modelling 5G & Beyond Wireless Communications 5G Networks 5G/6G networks AIDS Academic Links Academic administration Academic innovation Academic writing Access to food Accounting Accreditation Acoustics and Vibration Acting and interpretation Active principles of plants Active systems Adaptive complex systems Addiction disorders Addiction treatment Additive Manufacturing Administration of museum collections Administrative Law Adolescent Medicine Adolescents and adults Adult learning and education Advanced Management of High Performance Teams Advanced Materials Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) Advanced architectural design Advanced laparoscopy Advanced nutritional support Advanced trauma life support Advances and innovations in medical education Advertising Advertising strategy Advice in response to natural disasters Aerosols Aesthetics Aesthetics and implants Agile Methodologies Aging Agrarian change Agreement Negotiation Agricultural Consulting Agricultural Innovation and Productivity Agricultural economy Agricultural projects Agricultural systems Agrochemicals Agroecology Algorithm analysis Allergies Alternative Dispute Resolution Alternative methodologies Alternative photography Alternative sources of financing Alternative structure design Amazon Amazon Region American Colonial History American Literature Amphibian and reptile taxonomy Amphibians Amphibians and reptiles Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Analog and digital photography Analog and mixed-signal electronics in CMOS technology Analog photographic processes Analysis of human movement Analysis of the conservation state of Ecuadorian reptiles Analysis of trends in academic mobility Analytical Chemistry Analytical Instrumentation Ancestral health Andean Anthropology Andean Archaeology Andean archaeology Andean crops Andean-Amazon Rivers Andes Andes and Latin America Andrology Animal Behavior Animal Biotechnology Animal Movement Animal behavioral ecology Animal health Animal reproduction Animated Series Animation Animation History Antarctic Ecology Antennas Anthropology Anthropology of Health Anthropometry Anti-racism Anti-wear/corrosion coatings Antibiotic and antiparasitic resistance in animals Antimicrobial Resistance Antiracism Anxiety and depression Application development Applications Applied Ecology Applied Management Mathematics Applied Mathematics Applied calculation Applied charcuterie Applied linguistics Applied mathematics for optimization processes in medical treatments: radiotherapy and radiosurgery Applied microbiology Applied technologies for the classroom Apps, 360 e inmersión Aquatic Ecology Aquatic Turtles (Podocnemis) Aquatic insects Arabic language teaching Arbitration and mediation in indigenous justice Arbovirus Archaeology Architectonic design Architectonic projects Architectural and engineering project management Architectural drawing and representation Architectural project management Architectural project management Architectural project management Architectural representation using conventional and exploratory methods and techniques Architecture Architecture Theory Architecture in Latin America Arrhythmias Art Curatorship Art Theory Art Therapy Art administration Art and culture dialogue Art and science Art and science projects Art and territory Art critique Art education Arte moderno Latinoamericano Artes cinematográficas Arthropods Artificial Intelligence Artificial Pancreas Control Artificial insemination Artificial intelligence for education Artificial intelligence fundamentals Artistic Mediation Artistic drawing Artistic management Artistic photography Artistic project management Artists' Publications Artwork in remote locations Asian cuisine Assembly Assertive Communication Assessment of marine resources Assistive technologies for the visually impaired Astroparticles Astrophysics Atmospheric Contamination Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Atmospheric measurements Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Audio Engineering Audio mastering Audio spatialization Audiovisual Narration Audiovisual Production Audiovisual script Audiovisual translation Audiovisuals Augmented Reality Automatic Analysis of Medical Images Automatic Design and Configuration of Evolutionary Algorithms Automatic algorithm design and configuration Automatic control Automatic learning Automatic monitoring of social networks Automation Automation Avant-Garde Cuisine BIM Bacterial genomics Bacterial virulence Bakery Banking Base Editing Basic Sciences in Surgery Bat scientific studies Behavioral Ecology Behavioral Economics Benthic-pelagic coupling Berklee College of Music Bibliometrics Big Data Bilingual education Bio Art Bio-nanotechnology Bioacoustics Bioanalytics Bioarchaeology Biobased materials Biochar Bioclimatic design Biodegradation Biodiscovery Biodiversity Biodiversity Bioeconomy Bioelectrochemistry Bioethics Bioexploration Biofilms Biofuels Biogeochemistry Biogeochemistry of natural and built systems. Biogeography Bioinformatics Biological Sciences Biological psychiatry Biology Biomass Biomass Biomass fractionation Biomaterials Biomaterials from biomass Biomechanics Biomedical Engineering Biomedical coatings Biomedicine Bioplastics Biopolymers from agro-industrial waste Bioprocess engineering Biorefineries Biorefinery Bioremediation Biosafety Biosensors Biostatistics Biotechnology Biotextiles Bioética y Responsabilidad Médica Bird Conservation Birds Birds Ecology Black Holes Blue Economy Blues music genre Body (Experiential Anatomy) Bone regeneration Boredom and repetition in architecture Bose-Einstein Condensation Botany Branded content Branding, Marketing y Redes Breastfeeding Breeding Bridges British poetry and prose of the 18th and 19th centuries Brutalism Brutalist architecture Buddhism Building Building Technologies Building a positive corporate culture Business Administration Business Cycles Business Law Business Mindset and Vision Business Strategy Business analytics Business and project management Business creativity Business education Business information and analysis Business innovation CMOS Analog Design CRISPR CRISPR Systems Californian cuisine Cambio de comportamiento Capacity Development in Higher Education Cardiology Cardiovascular Risk Prevention Carnivore Ecology Carnivores Case Competitions Catalysis Catalyst Catalyst Catalyst design Cataracts Cattle milk production Cell Biology Cell Cultivation Cell Therapy Cellular and Molecular Biology Cellular and animal tests to evaluate antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic biactivity Ceramic techniques Cervical Cancer Cervical cancer prevention Cha'palaa Chalcography Character Creation Character design Characterization and Determination of Antioxidant and Antimi-crobial Properties Charles Darwin Chemical Deposition of Materials Chemical Engineering Chemical Sciences Chemical process control Chemical reaction engineering Chemistry Chemistry teaching Child Nutrition Child labour Children's Clinical Nutrition Children's Literature Children's Psychology Children's Rheumatology Children's, Victorian and Edwardian Literature Chinese philosophy Chiropters Chocolate Chromatography Chronic and persistent diseases Cinematographic photography direction Circular economy Circulation and history of Darwinism City and territory Civil law Classic animation Classical Music Classical Rhetoric Clean Agriculture Clean and Efficient Cooking Clean-cooking Cleaning of rivers Clifford Analysis Climate Change Climate change mitigation Climate change programming and modeling Climatology Clinical Laboratory Clinical Microbiology Clinical Neuropsychology Clinical Nutrition Clinical Psychology Clinical Trials Clinical and Forensic Toxicology Clinical ethics Clinical psychology with child and adolescent population Clinical research Cloud Architecture Cloud Networking Coaching Coatings Cocktail bar Cocoa and chocolate Coffee, cocoa and chili Cognitive neuroscience Cognitive processes Collaboration Collaboration & networking Collaborative Learning Collaborative ethnography Collections and museums Collective health Collective housing College writing skills Colloids and interfaces Colonial Art Comics Commercial Law Commercial interior design Commercial policies Commercialization Communication Communication Design Communication networks Communication theories Community Development Community Ecology Community Engagement Community Planning Community Service Community Tourism Community monitoring Community participation Community resilience Compacted soil Comparative Constitutional Law Comparative Literature Comparative and International Surveys Comparative legal systems Comparative policy Comparative private law Compassion Competence Competency Development Competency-based human resources management Competition Law Complex Societies Complex partial differential equations Complexity Economics Composition Computational Chemistry Computational Fluid Dynamics Computational Geometry Computational Mechanics Computational Simulation Computational Social Sciences Computational modeling Computational vision Computer aided detection and diagnosis systems Computer physics Computer science Computer security Computer vision Conceptions of membership and belonging in education Conceptualization of fashion collections Concrete Concrete Technology Concrete durability and microstructure Concrete structures Condensed material Conditions about the curvature Congenital anomalies of the head and neck Conservación de fauna silvestre Conservation Conservation Biological Control Conservation Biology Conservation Genomics Conservation and Management of Protected Areas Conservation and watershed management Conservation of amphibians and reptiles Conservation of carnivores in a human-dominated environment Conservation of mountain ecosystems Conservation phenotype Constitutional Law Construction Information Modeling Construction Management Construction quality control Consulting Consumer behavior Contacto lingüístico Contemporary Art Theory Contemporary Literature Contemporary archaeology Contemporary art Content analysis Continuous Improvement Continuous improvement Continuous professional development Control Systems Controlled delivery of pharmaceuticals and bioactive agents Controlled drug release Coral Reef Restoration Corporate Communication Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Corporate Law Corporate events Corporate image Corporate legislation Corporate training Corrosion Corrosion Cosmic Ray Physics and Space Weather Cosmic particles detection Cost Control Costs Costume Design and Creation Costume creation Counselling Counselling Psychology Creating shared value Creation of concepts Creation of environments and accessories Creation of materials and textures Creative Advertising Creative Cuisine Creative Writing Creative industries Creativity Creativity and innovation Creativity for projects Creativity for projects and physical interfaces Arduino Credit Cards Crime novel Criminal Law Criminal Law Criminology Crisis communication Critical Care Medicine Critical Development Theory Critical Fashion Theory Critical Species Differentiation of Reptiles with Hemipennial Characteristics Critical Studies Critical Theories Critical fashion theories Critical geography Critical perspectives of digital media Critical theory Critical theory of the 21st century Critical theory of the Internet and social networks Crop protection Cross-cultural diversity Culinary Arts Culinary innovation Culinary research Cultural Academic Programs Cultural Criticism Cultural Heritage Studies Cultural Journalism Cultural Sociology Cultural and creative production Cultural and ethno-racial identity Cultural management Cultural production Cultural studies Curatorship Curing of invertebrate collections Curricular interventions and adaptations in preschools, schools and colleges Curriculum and Instruction Curriculum design Customer Relationship Solutions Customer Service DISC Assessment DNA sequencing Dairy and Fruit and Vegetable Technologies Dance Dancing therapy Data Acquisition Systems Data Analysis & Storytelling Data Envelopment Analysis Data Science Data analysis Data collection Data mining Data processing Data science using hypercomplex analysis Data visualization Data visualization techniques Databases Dean of Research Debt Decarbonization Decision Making Decision Theory Decoherence in quantum transport Decolonial feminism Deep Learning Deep Neural Networks Deforestation Demand Planning Democracy and Globalization Democratic controls Democratic education Demographics Demystifying misconception about bats Density Functional Theory Dental implants Dental surgery Derechos humanos y cárcel Derechos humanos y salud mental Descriptive linguistics Design Design Research Design Theory Design Thinking Design and analysis of concrete structures using plastic methods Design and evaluation of concrete bridges Design of Gastronomic Experiences Design of communities Design of contemporary art exhibitions Design of ecosystem-based management strategies Design of experiments Design of fluid distribution systems Design of questionnaires Design of training programs Designing inclusive and sustainable cities Detection and remediation of contaminants in soil and water Developing countries Development and Gender Development and Implementation of Strategies Development and innovation with local products Development and processes of extractivism Development of geoinformation and geotechnology applications Development of intercultural communication skills Development of new food products with Andean and Ecuadorian ingredients Development of public nutrition programs Development of strategic alliances Developmental Biology Diabetes Diagnostic Imaging Diagnóstico Molecular y Clínico Dialectical Behavior Therapy Diatomaceous soils Dietetic Technique Differential Equations Differential and integral calculus Digital Humanities Digital Illustration Digital Marketing Digital Politics Digital Sculpting Digital Systems Digital archaeology Digital communication Digital content editing Digital culture Digital image processing Digital manufacturing Digital marketing Digital marketing for hotels Digital media Digital photography Digital signal processing Digital transformation Digital ventures and startups Digital work Dinámica estructural y de suelos Dirección, producción y montaje Directed Evolution Direction and performance for theater Disability Disability studies Disaster recovery operations Disaster risk studies Diseases introduced Disruptive pedagogies for engineering education Distributed Computing Distributed Software Distribution models Distribution models and priority areas for the conservation of threatened species Document analysis Documentary direction Documentary photography Documentary script Dollarization Double-bass Dramatic Arts Drawing Dredging Drones Drug Discovery Drug design Drug design and discovery Dual diagnostics Dynamic Systems Modeling Dynamics Early Childhood Earth ecology Earthquakes Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions Ecoepidemiology and transmission dynamics of vectorial and arboviral diseases Ecological Culture Ecology Ecology of coastal and marine ecosystems Ecology of diseases Ecology of marine communities Ecology of mountain systems Economic Development Economic Engineering and Circular Economy Economic Geography Economic Networks Economic complexity Economic history Economic policies Economic proposal analysis Economic situation Economy Ecosystem Services Ecosystem service mapping and water balance models Ecosystems ecology Ecoturism Ecuadorian Cuisine Ecumenical Spirituality Education Education Leadership Education Research Educational Psychology Educational computing Educational innovation Educational policy studies Educational television Effective communication Effectiveness and processes in psychotherapy Efficiency El Niño Southern Oscillation ENSO and its effects on seabirds and other marine predators Elasmobranchs Elections Electoral Observation Electoral Studies Electoral behavior Electric Engineering Electric and hybrid mobility Electric bass guitar Electric guitar Electrical and magnetic characterization Electrochemistry Electroficiology Electromyography Electron Microscopy Electronic Correlation Electronic Structure Calculations Electronic Voting Electronic and Experimental Music Electronic devices Electronic localization methods Electronic music Electronic music production Electronic structure methods Electronic transport Embedded Software Embedded systems Emergency Medicine Emergency Response & Recovery Emergency Ultrasound Emergency and critical medicine Emerging Markets Emerging Pathogens Emerging and zoonotic viruses Emerging contaminants Emotional Intelligence Emotional regulation in children and adolescents Emotional therapy Endodontics Energetic materials Energy and Chemicals Energy efficiency Energy foresight Energy planning Energy storage Engineering Engineering Education Engineering Project Management Engineering of materials Engineering of rivers English Language Teaching English Literature English Literature Enteric Infections Entomology Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship marketing Environment Environment and Literature Environmental Analytical Chemistry Environmental Archaeology Environmental Engineering Environmental Health Environmental Humanities Environmental Law Environmental Management Environmental Microbiology Environmental Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Environmental Planning Environmental Services Environmental Studies Environmental and applied microbiology Environmental conservation and biodiversity Environmental impact assessment Environmental modeling Environmental quality Environmental traceability Epidemiological studies Epidemiology Epilepsy Epistemology Equine Medicine Equine Neonatology Equine colic Equine internal medicine Equine leptospirosis Ergonomics Estrategia digital Ethical construction Ethics Ethnicity Ethnobotanical studies Ethnobotany Ethnography Ethnomathematics Ethnomedicine Ethnopolitics European Studies Evaluación y reforzamiento estructural Evaluation Evaluation and impact Evaluation and measurement in psychology Evaluation of nutritional status Evaluation processes in arts education Event Organization Event coordination Events Events assembly Evidence-based medicine Evolution Evolution of Darwin's finches Evolution of zoonotic viruses Evolutionary Biology Evolutionary Ecology Evolutionary Ecology of Non-Human Ornanisms Evolutionary and population genetics Evolutionary computation Evolutionary genetics Exact solutions Exhibit Stories Exhibit design Exotic foods Experience Creation Experience and spatiality Experiential teaching Experimental Art Experimental Economics Experimental designs Experimental economics and behavioral Experimental particle physics Experimental photography Experimental sound Extractivism and Development FEA Simulation Fabric engineering Facebook blueprint pro Facilitation Failure Family Law Family-owned companies Farming systems management Fashion Design Fashion customer Fashion systems Feammox Female Leadership Feminist Theory Feminist art Feminist geography Fermentations Field Theories in Condensed Matter Field crops Film Film Direction Film Music Film Music Film Theory Film and Media Criticism Film and TV writing Film production Film script Finance Finance in Higher Education Finance in the Hospitality Industry Financial Economics Financial Mathematics Financial evaluation of projects Financial policies Financial sector Finite element Fiscal policies Fiscal policy Fishing Fishing industry Flooding Control Flow cytometry of hematoncological diseases Fluid Mechanics Fluids in multiple phases Food Consumption Food Engineering Food Environments Food Microbiology Food Safety Food Safety Food Safety and Food Security Food analysis Food and beverage administration Food and beverage cost management Food and beverages Food chemistry Food coatings and films Food consumption Food consumption measurement Food heritage Food preservation Food safety Food sensory evaluation Food sovereignty Foreign Investment Foreign commerce Foreign languages Foreign policy and history Forensic Medicine Forensic Pathology Forensic Psychology Forensic anthropology Forest inventories and economic valuation Foundations Fractional Calculus Fractional Calculus-Based Control Fractional analysis Fractional operators in Clifford analysis Free radicals Freedoms of individuals in digital spaces French cuisine French language teaching Fresh water quality Freshwater ecosystems Functional food Functional genomics Fundamental Cosmology Funds Future Internet Future of cities Gain Media Galapagos Game Theory Gamification Garnish Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Gastroenterology Gastronomic Marketing Consulting Gastronomic culture Gastronomic trends Gastronomy Gastronomy for development Gender Gender Theories Gender and health Gender and sexuality in architecture General Medicine General Relativity General dentistry for children and adolescents General physics General surgery Generative art Genetic Biology Genetic Resources Genetic diversity Genetic engineering Genetic mapping Genetic resources Genetics Genetics and Epigenetics Genetics of conservation Genomic Epidemiology Genomic Mining Genomic Surveillance of Microbial Pathogens Genomic analysis Genomic epidemiology in pathogenic microorganisms Genomics Genomics of viruses Geographic Information Systems Geographical indications Geography Geography of natural resources Geology Geometric Quantization Geotechnologies German language teaching Gerontology Glaucoma Global Health Global Health Security Global Learning Global health and One Health Global history Globalization and transnationalism Google adwords pro Gourmet haute cuisine Governability Governance of natural resources Government Relations Grants Graphene Graphic Exploration Graphic Narration Graphic design Graphical interfaces Green Funds Green hydrogen Green processes Greenhouse Microclimate Control Grieving and loss process Groundwater Groundwater hydrology Group management Growth Hacking Gynecology Gynecology and animal production HIV-AIDS Handmade charcuterie Handmade textile construction Hazardous waste Health Inequity Health Management Health Promotion Health and Social Security Regulation and Economics Health behavior Health management for local development Health policies and programs Healthy aging Heavy metal poisoning Heavy metals Heladería Hematology Hematoncology Hemotherapy Hepatology Heritage Heritage and cultural globalization Herpetofauna High and low modelling High energy physics Higher Education Higher Education Management Higher education of minorities Highway Design Hispanic American Literature Histology Histopathology Historical Ecology Historical Ecology in the Andes and the Amazon Historical foundations of law Historical record Historiography of Rhetoric History History and theory of architecture History of Art History of Ecuadorian literature History of Law History of Mathematics History of Music History of Philosophy History of Science History of gastronomy Hormigones de alto desempeño Hospitality Hospitality Marketing Hospitality and hotel management Hospitality finance Hospitality interior design Hotel Management Hotel Project Development Hotel branding Hotel market analysis Hotels Household and agro-industrial waste Human Resources Consulting Human Talent Management Human behavior Human development studies Human dimensions of global environmental change Human genetics Human resources Human rights Human talent Human talent management Human/Veterinary Microbiological Diagnosis Humanistic studies Humanistic-experiential therapy Humanitarian Aid Hunger Hybrid plasmonics Hydraulic filling Hydraulic simulations Hydroelectric Dams Hydrogen storage Hypercomplex analysis Hyperparameter Optimization Hypertension Hypnotherapy ISO 9000 Ichthyofauna Ichthyology Identity Illustration Illustration and figurine fashion Image Theory Image processing Immersive interactive experiences Implementation of environmental impact studies Improv In vitro cultivation of plants In-house counsel Inborn errors of metabolism Inclusion and Higher Education Indigeneity and disability Indigenous Communities Indigenous Peoples Indigenous languages Industrial Electronics Industrial Engineering Industrial control Industrial organization Industrial plant design Industrial process control Industries and productivity Industry 4.0 Infancy and early childhood Infectious diseases Infertility Psychology Information security Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) Infrastructure Innovation Innovation & Technology Innovation and Technologies Innovation and creativity Innovation in education Innovation in engineering education Inorganic Chemistry Installations Institutionality Institutions and economic development Instrumentation Integral community development Integrated Community Development Integrated circuit design Integrated evaluation models Integrated models Integrated waste management Integrative therapies Intellectual history Intelligent Public Procurement Intensive pediatric care Interactive design Interactive performance Interactivity Intercultural Health Intercultural management Interculturality Interdisciplinary Teams Interior design Interior design Internal Medicine Internal audit in HACCP processes Internal communication International Cuisine International Economy International Education International Finance International Humanitarian Law International Law International Political Economy International Projects International Relations International comparative education International cooperation International film co-production International humanitarian aid International organizations International public law International relations; Governance of natural resources; Political ecology; International relations; Natural resources governance; Political ecology International trade Internationalization Internet studies and platforms Interpretation Interreligious Dialogue Intersection between architecture, philosophy and literature Interspecies communication Intervention in populations in vulnerable situations Interventional cardiology Interventionism Invasive plants Inventories and forecasts Invertebrates Investigación creativa Investigación participativa con agricultores Investigación y desarrollo de nuevos productos Investment Banking Italian Literature Italian language teaching Jazz Improvisation Jazz music genre John Milton Joint scientific publications with research professors from abroad Journalism Journalist Communication Journalistic research Kichwa Kinematics Kinetics Kitchen design Knowledge Building and Interventions LGBT Literature LGBT situations Labor Market Labor economy Labor issues Laboratory management Land insect taxonomy Landscape Archaeology Landscape Architecture Landscape Architecture Theory Landscaping design Landscaping with native flora Landslides Language acquisition Language acquisition processes Languages Languages Large animals Large scale architectural projects Large-Species Medicine Latin America and the Caribbean Latin American Fiction Latin American Literature Latin American Literature and Culture Latin American Music Latin American Politics Latin American Studies Latin Percussion Law Theory Laws Applied to Medicine Leadership Leadership skills development Lean Manufacturing Lean Six Sigma project management for organizational cost reduction Lean six sigma Lean start up Learning Transfer Learning and service Legal argumentation Legal compliance Legal innovation Legal operations Legislative and executive Lego Education Methodology Lego Serious Play methodology Leishmania Leptospirosis Lesionology Liberal Arts Liberalism Light in Complex Systems Linear algebra Linear programming Linguistic anthropology Linking theory and practice Liquid Nitrogen Cooking Liquid crystals Literary Theory Literary studies Literature Literature Literature and Dramatic Writing Lithography Live Sound Live performance Living and moving arts Living labs Load testing Lobbying Lobbyists Logic Logistics Logistics and supply chain analysis and strategy Long-term scenarios Lorenzian geometry Low dimensional materials Low dimensional quantum systems Lower airway conditions in horses Machine Design Machine Learning in Chemistry Machine learning Macroeconomics Magic and illusionism Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetism Maintenance Maintenance Major Animal Anesthesiology Malaria Mammals Man-Wildlife Conflict Management Management and Execution of Projects and Events Management and restoration of water resources Management of Gastronomic Branding Strategies Management of agricultural systems Manejo de redes sociales Manejo y restauración de paisajes Manufacturing Manufacturing processes Mapping projection Marginal lanes Marine Biology Marine Connectivity Marine Conservation Marine Ecology Marine Invertebrates Marine Mammal Conservation Marine Mammals Marine Ornithology Marine Protected Areas Marine Science Maritime history of America Market Research Marketing Marketing & advertising Marketing strategy Markets Massive consumption Massive events Materials Materials Mechanics Materials Science and Engineering Materials and coatings science and engineering Materials science Maternal and Child Health and Malnutrition Maternal and child health Maternal and child health Mathematical Relativity Mathematical modelling Mathematical models for information security Mathematical optimization Mathematical reasoning Mathematics Mathematics Education Mathematics related to life sciences Maxillofacial surgery Meats Mechanical Design Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Vibration Mechanical behavior of concrete with steel fibers and natural fibers Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance and its spread in bacterial genera of clinical interest Mechanisms of evolution Media Media management Media project management Media studies Medical Anthropology Medical Biotechnology Medical Data Mining Medical Education Medical Entomology Medical Ethnobotany Medical Management Medical Rhetoric Medical Sociology Medical and Forensic Entomology Medical biochemistry Medical industry Medical management research Medical rhetoric/humanities Medicinal and food plants Medicine Medicine and Surgery Medida de seguridad y peligrosidad Medios audiovisuales y digitales Mediterranean Cuisine Medium-scale architectural projects Mental Health Mental Health and Well-being at Work Mental Illnesses Mergers and acquisitions Metabolic Diversity Metabolic illnesses Metabolism Metabolomics Metagenomics Metaheuristics Metahuristics Metal Recovery Metallic coatings Metallic nanoparticles Metallographic and microscopic evaluation Metallography and characterization Meteorology Methodology Methodology development Methodology of Medical Education Methods of architectural graphic representation Mexican cuisine Microbial ecology Microbial evolution Microbiology Microbiología de Alimentos Microelectronics Microencapsulation Microencapsulation of bioactive compounds Micromechanics Microstructure Microtonal music Microwave circuitry Migration Migrations Milk and Meat Alternatives Mindfullness Minimum viable product Mining company management Mitigación de riesgos de desastres naturales Mitochondria Mixed media Mixed realities Mixed realities Mobile Communications Mobile applications development Mobile journalism Modeling and optimization of complex systems Modeling and simulation Modelling Modelling of grouped groundwater parameters Modern Architecture Modern Architecture History Modern Control Modern Ecuadorian Cuisine Modern architectural theory Modernidad andina Molecular Biology Molecular Diagnostics Molecular Epidemiology Molecular Genetics Molecular Medicine Molecular Virology Molecular and integrative physiology Molecular biology and genomics Molecular detection of microorganisms Molecular dynamics Monetary Economics Monetary policies Monetary policy and theory Monetary theory Monitoring and performance of communication audits Monitoring of forest cover changes using remote sensors Morphology Morphology and Pathology of Wild and Domestic Animals Motion graphics Motion graphics animation Motion performance Motivation Moving image analysis Mucogingival surgery Multi Speaker Systems Multi-Objective Optimization under Uncertainty Multi-Pass Welding Multi-scale architecture Multiethnic literature Multilingualism Multimedia design Multiobjective optimisation Multiple spaces in Clifford structures Multiresistant pathogens Multivariate statistical analysis Multivariate, Longitudinal, and Multilevel Statistical Models Museum Education Music Education Music Technology Music Theory Music Therapy Music and Culture Music business Music production Music studies Musical Composition Musical arrangements Musical management Musical pedagogy Musical research Mysticism Nano-Optics Nanoelectronics Nanomaterials Nanophysics Nanoscience Nanostructured materials Nanosystems Nanotechnology National food and nutrition programs National parks management Natural Disaster Natural Products Natural Resource Economics Natural Resource Management Natural Resources Natural antioxidants Natural resources management in Galapagos Neglected Diseases Negotiation and conflict resolution Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Network Science Network security Networking models Networks defined by software Neural Architecture Neural Architecture Search Neurocritical Care Neuroethology Neurointensivism Neurolinguistic programming Neurology Neuromarketing Neurophysiology Neuropsychiatry Neuroscience and Technology Neurosciences New Media New Raw Materials New concepts of reactors New educational models New food product development New journalistic formats New product development New technologies Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases Non-human evolution Non-human intelligence Non-linear analysis Non-profit management Nosocomial Epidemics Novel Nuclear physics Numerical analysis Numerical analysis and optimization Nutrient bioavailability Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition and Agriculture Nutrition and health Nutrition in public health Nutritional Anthropology Nutritional Epidemiology Nutritional Research Nutritional assessment Nutritional counseling Nutritional value of food Obesity and metabolic surgery Object-oriented ontology Obstetrics Obtaining high added value products such as sugars and low molecular weight aromatic compounds Occupational health Oceanographic biodiversity Ocular Pathology Oenology Oil Environmental Impacts Oil and Mining Industry One-Health Online Education Open Data Open and low-cost technologies for environmental monitoring Operation and management of hydroelectric dams Operational Research Operations Operator algebras Opinion Measurement Optical Materials Optical properties of materials Optical tweezers Optimization Optimization Models Optimization and sustainable supply chains Optimization of educational processes Optimization of polygonal models Oral Implantology Oral Surgery Oral rehabilitation Organic agriculture Organic physical chemistry Organizational Communication Organizational change management Organizational changes Organizational culture Organizational development Organometallics Oriental philosophy Origin of the universe Ornithology Orphaned and underutilized crops Orthopedic Oncology Orthopedics Outdoors Oxidative stress and diseases related to aging Ozonosondes Pain therapy Painting Paleoethnobotany Paleoimaging Palliative Medicine - Pneumology Palliative medicine Paradatos Parasitic diseases Parasitology Partial saturation Participant observation Participatory and Community Research Participatory research in the community Particle physics Pathogen Diagnosis Pathological Anatomy Pattern Recognition Pattern recognition algorithms Pavement design Pedagogy Pedagogy of research Pediatric Dentistry Pediatric Neuroimaging Pediatrics Performing Arts Periodontics Personal branding Personal development Personal financial planning Pest management Pesticides and health Pharmacodynamics Pharmacogenetics Pharmacognosy Pharmacokinetics Pharmacology Phenological studies Phenomenology Phenylketonuria Philosophical renewal of thought Philosophy Philosophy of Law Philosophy of Religion Philosophy of art Philosophy of the process Photocatalysis Photographic retouching Photography Photography as an expanded practice Phylogenetics and phylodynamics Phylogeny Phylogeny of insect vectors of disease Phylogeography of Galapagos species Physical Activity Physical Medicine Physical Virology Physical modeling of geotechnical phenomena Physical modeling of geotechnical phenomena Physical properties of materials Physical-chemical properties of molecules and crystals Physicochemical, microbiological and sensory analysis of food and raw materials Physics beyond the standard model Physics teaching Physiology Physiology and competence of vectors Physiopathology Phytopathology Planetary Boundary Layer Planning Planning and implementation of communication projects Plant Ecology Plant and soil microbiome Plant breeding Plant nutrition Plant physiology Plant-Insect Interactions Plant-microbe interactions Plant-pathogen interactions Plasmonics Plasmonics Plastic and reconstructive surgery Plastic arts Plastic pollution Plataformas, periodismo e investigación Pneumology Poetry Policies aimed at economic freedom Policy Policy Political Communication Political Psychology Political Science Political Sociology Political Theology Political culture Political ecology Political geography Political institutions Politics and identity in indigenous populations Pollutant transport Pollution prevention Polycrystal Plasticity Population Ecology Population Genetic Diversity Population Genetics Population and community ecology, movement ecology and animal dispersal. Population dynamics Population modeling Population structure Post-production Postres Pottery Poverty Power electronics Power systems Pre-stressed concrete Precision Agriculture Presentation Skills Preservation Prevention Prevention and Promotion of Mental Health Primates Print Media Publishing Private law Problem resolution Problem-Based Analysis and Development of Critical Thinking in Medicine Procedural Law Procesos Process Control Process Optimization (Industrial and Business) Process Philosophy Process engineering Process intelligence and optimization Process optimization Processes and technology Processing of natural products Production Production Management Production of projects in sculpture and painting Productivity Productos locales Programming Programming languages Project Coordination Project Evaluation and Management Project Management Project Management Project Managment Project financing Project management Project management Project management and direction Project management and supervision Project management, sustainability Promotion of international opportunities Promotional Culture Properties of molecular and crystalline systems Prosthetic Design Protected Areas Protein-Protein Interaction Psychiatry Psycho-oncology Psychological counseling Psychological disorders in children and adolescents Psychology of development Psychology of meat consumption Psychotherapy Psychotherapy research Public Health Public Health Behavior Change Communication Public Health and Nutrition Public History Public Law Public Relations Public Speech Public health research Public opinion Public policies Public policy Public sector governance Public space consultancy Publications Purpose-Driven Business Pyrolysis Python Quali-quantitative health research Qualitative research Qualitative research methods Quality Management Systems Quality accreditations at national and international level. Quality management Quality of air Quality of service Quality of water Quality systems management Quantitative Research Methods Quantitative methods Quantitative models applied to business Quantum Genetics Quantum Information Theory Quantum Turbulation Quantum Turbulation Quantum mechanics Queer Theory Questionnaire Design Quotations and quality of works RF circuits Radiofrequency Radiology Rare diseases Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy ReRAM memory Reaction mechanism Real-time applications Reanimation Recruitment Recurrent airway obstruction in horses Recursive learning theory in mathematics Redes científicas del siglo XIX Refractive eye surgery Refugee Governance Refugee Law Regenerative agriculture (86176) Regenerative medicine Regional Planning Rehabilitation Reinforced concrete Relationship between Economics and other sciences Relationship between culture and new media Religions Remote Sensors Renewable and alternative energies Renewable energy Repeatability conditions Reproducción de grandes especies Reproduction Biology Reproductive Endocrinology Reproductive physiology Rescate y conservación de flora nativa Research Research Management Research Methodology Research Professor Research Proposal Writing Research about the Panecillo Research administration Research and Technology Transfer Research in arts Research in educational mathematics Research on dental materials Research on sexual abuse Resistance to antibiotics Resource management Respiratory physiology Responsible Consumption Restaurants Retinopathies Revenue Management Reverse problems Rheumatology Right to health Rights of children and adolescents Risk management Road maintenance Roadway management Robotics Robust and mathematical optimization Rock music genre Roland Aerophone Role of AI in higher education Roman Law Roman private law Rotavirus Rural and community development SIG Safety and environment Science Education Science Education Science Fiction Science Teaching Science education Scientific Communication Scientific Dissemination Scientific Instrumentation Scientific Rhetoric Scientific alliances with mammal specialists Scientific collections Scientific computing Scientific investigation of the crime Scientific journalism Script analysis Scrum Sculpture in ceramics, stone and metals Sea turtles Seabird behavioral ecology Security Security and Privacy Seed production Seeding in evolutionary algorithms Seismic Engineering Seismic risk Self-representation Selfie and its performative possibilities Semiconductor Physics Semiotics Sensorial analysis of food Sensors and Automation Sequencing of new generations Sequential art product development Serigraphy Service Service Design Service Management Service and Hospitality Service and protocol Service process planning Services Marketing Sexual Diversities, Queer and Trans Theories Sexual and Reproductive Health Sexual behaviour and attitudes Sexual risk behaviors Sexually transmitted diseases Shakespeare Shared Leadership Sharks Shear, punching and torsion in structural concrete Short story and poetry Signal Modulation in Biomedicine with emphasis on Pharmacology Signal Processing Similarity and boredom in architecture Simulation Simulation of air pollutant dispersion Simulation-based Optimization Skin cancer prevention Sliding mode control Slope stability Small-scale fishing Smart control Soccer translation Social Development Social Entrepreneurship Social Epidemiology Social Marketing Social Media Social Psychology Social Security Social Security and Complexity Social Theory Social Work Social cartography Social design Social determinants of health Social media marketing strategy Social medicine Social movements Social networks in conservation programs Sociology Soft skills Software as a service Software development Software management Soil dynamics Soil mechanics Solar concentration Solid State Solid State Chemistry Solid state mechanics Solid state physics Sommellier Sound and video installation Sound post-production Sound recording, mixing and mastering Sound studies Space and spatiality since the 19th century Spanish Cuisine Spanish Language Teaching Spanish and German philology Spanish language Spatial structures Spatially explicit modeling Specialist in biology Specialization in Foams and Siphons Specialization in Sous Vide Cooking Spiders Spintronics Sports Sports management Spy novel Stable Isotopes Statistical analysis of epidemiological studies Statistical process control Statistical processing of communication signals Statistics Steel Steel structures Stellar Interiors Stem Cell Biology Stem cells Stochastic processes Stochastic risk Storyboard Storytelling Strategic Development Strategic Marketing Strategic Planning Strategic design Strategic planning Strategy Streaming Structural Engineering Structural Family Therapy Structural analysis and design of special structures Structural biochemistry of DNA and proteins Structural colors Structural engineering with emphasis on seismic engineering Structural monitoring Structures Student Affairs Student Community Student Well-being Studies of Racism and Identities Studies of sexuality Study Abroad Study of pain in neonates Study of phytopharmaceuticals to create new antibiotics Study of the effects of El Niño on sea birds Study of the history of food products Style Correction Style in food Supply chain Supply chain Support systems for detection and diagnosis Surgical anatomy Survey and analysis of quantitative research Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability and Energy Sustainability in the fashion industry Sustainable & Fragile Urban Environments Sustainable Chemistry Sustainable Development Sustainable Tourism Sustainable farming Sustainable tourism Sustainable, resilient and intelligent infrastructure development Synthetic Biology Systematics of amphibians and reptiles TESOL Talent Management and Development Talent development Taxonomy and transmission dynamics Taxonomy of insect vectors of disease Teacher training Teaching Teaching Spanish as a second language Teaching of Biological Sciences Team coordination Team management Technical feasibility for hydraulic infrastructure projects Technological innovation in construction Technologies with prototyping Technology and Internet Technology and society Technology and society Technology and society Technology applied to education Technology in bakery and cereals Telecommunication electronics Television Production Terrestrial insect ecology Territorial planning Testor Theory Textile art Textile innovation Textile production Textual production Thanatology Theatrical Lighting Theoretical Chemistry Theoretical and Conceptual Research Theoretical models Theories of social reproduction in education Theory and cultural criticism Theory and practice of rhetoric Theory and practice of translation Theory of contemporary photographic movements Therapeutic Genetic Engineering Therapeutic work with short-term objectives Thermal Spraying Thermal Tolerance Thermochemical processing of biomass for fuel Time use Timetable control processes Tools for monitoring and follow-up of environmental sustainability Toon Boom Harmony Tourism Tourism Anthropology Tourism and heritage Tourism in protected areas Toxinology Trade Traditional Animation Traditional Hunting Transcranial Stimulation Transcriptomics Transdisciplinarity Transfer of learning Translation Translation Industry Translation from English to Spanish Translational Medicine Translational research Translational research Transmedia Transparency Transplants Transport in porous media Transport phenomena Transportation of spin and cargo Trapped surfaces Trauma Traumatology Treatment methods and recycling of polymers and bioplastics Treatment of domestic and industrial sources Trend in fashion Trends analysis Triple impact Trophic ecology of marine predators Tropical Biodiversity Tropical Conservation Tropical Diseases, Traditional Medicine, revitalization of languages Tropical Ecology Tropical Forests Tropical Medicine Tropical Rivers Tropical areas and temperate climate Tropical diseases Tropical ecology, conservation and biodiversity Typology U.S. Federal Grants USFQ International USFQ Valencia UV Mapping Ultraviolet radiation Una Salud Universal accessibility University Teaching University Teaching University leadership Unpaved roads Urban Ecology Urban Economics Urban Morphology Urban design Urban humanities Urban logistics Urban planning Urban projects Urban theory Urbanism in Port Cities Use of mindfulness techniques Use of urban prototypes for user-centered infrastructure design User Experience UX VLSI system design Value Creation Vanadates Vectors Vectors of medical and veterinary interest Vegetarianism / veganism Vegetation design Verificación de hechos y noticias falsas Veterinary Anatomy Veterinary Embryology Veterinary Epidemiology Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Morphological Sciences Video Composition Video Games Video installation Videogame development Vinculación y educación Violencia de género Virology Virtual Education Virtual Reality Virtualization of network functions Visual Anthropology Visual Sociology Visual art Visual arts Visual studies Visual, oral and written communication Waorani culture War journalism Waste valorization Water Resources Water Rights Water Treatment Water treatment Watershed Management Watershed programming and modeling Wear and tear Web Design, UX, UI Web application development Web design Web programming Wildlife Wildlife Ecology Wildlife Ecology Conservation Wildlife Entomo Wildlife health Wildlife management Wildlife management Wind instruments Wind instruments Wine and food handling Winegrowing trends Women in Corporate Governance Women's fashion design Women's writing Work competencies Work with drones Working with parents, teachers and students World Literature Wormholes Writing Writing and Leadership Writing and directing TV series Writing and rhetoric Xylography Yasuní National Park and Biosphere Reserve Yoga Zoology Zoonoses Zoonotic Diseases african american literature environmental smart farming Cargo "For the Classroom" Publication Coordinator - Any - ALUMNI Management Specialist Academic Coordinator Academic Coordinator Academic Coordinator BIOSFERA Institute Academic Coordinator Business Administration (Galapagos) Academic Coordinator Escuela de Empresas Academic Coordinator JUR Graduate Programs Academic Coordinator for the Architecture Program Academic Coordinator of Mechanical Engineering Academic Director of the School of Medical Specialties Academic Director, Institute for Innovation in Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ Academic Support Academic Support - Laboratory Technician Academic Support - Teaching Technician Academic and Research Advisor Institute for Computational Simulation USFQ Academic-Technical Support Terrestrial Zoology Laboratory Academic-technical laboratory support Academic-technical research support Administrador de Sistemas Departamento de TI Administrative Analyst Confucius Institute Administrative Analyst at the Office of the Chancellor Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant College of Business Administration Administrative Assistant College of Jurisprudence and Legal Consultancy USFQ Administrative Assistant Confucius Institute USFQ Guayaquil Administrative Assistant Confucius Institute USFQ Quito Administrative Assistant Dean of Students Administrative Assistant Escuela de Empresas Administrative Assistant Escuela de Empresas Administrative Assistant Instituto Confucio USFQ Guayaquil Administrative Assistant for the Evening Program Administrative Assistant of Human Nutrition Program Administrative Assistant to the Vice Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Academic Affairs Administrative Assistant, Master's in Economics Administrative Coordinator Administrative Coordinator Business School Postgraduate Administrative Coordinator College of Business Administration Administrative Vice-Dean of the School of Medicine Administrative and Communications Coordinator College of Law Administrative-Accounting Coordinator Teaching Hospital of Veterinary Specialties Administrativo Administrativo College of Music Administrator Administrator Administrator of the Evening College Administrator of the Office of International Programs Admissions Assistant Admissions Counselor Admissions Counselor Admissions Counselor Director Admissions Director Adult Program Coordinator Advertising Career Coordinator Agronomy Career Coordinator Agronomy Engineering Coordinator Alumni Coordinator Alumni Director Alumni President Alumni Psychology Coordinator Analista Administrativa Colegio de Jurisprudencia Analista Administrativa de la Oficina de Acompañamiento Estudiantil Analista Curricular Analista Curricular Esp. Odontológicas Analista Decanato de Investigación y Creatividad Analista de Admisiones y Beca de la Oficina de Acompañamiento Estudiantil Analista de Asistencia Financiera Analista de Contacto Empresarial Analista de Gestión Alumni Analista de Investigación Analista de Posgrados Analista de Proyectos Oficina Guayaquil Analista de Vinculación Analista de investigación en el Instituto de Investigación Atmosféricas - EMA Analyst of External Funds, Dean of Research and Creativity Anthropology Coordinator Anthropology Coordinator Anthropology Professor Anthropology Professor Anthropology Professor Apoyo Académico - Técnica Docente Apoyo Académico - Técnico en el Campo de las Artes Apoyo Académico Colegio de Ciencias Biológicas y Ambientales Apoyo Académico Colegio de Ciencias de la Salud Apoyo Académico de Medicina Archaeology Professor Architecture Graduate Follow-up Coordinator Art History Professor Arte Culinario y Turismo Asesor Comunicación Asesora Consultorio Jurídico Gratuito Asistente Académica Colegio de Hospitalidad Asistente Administrativa Colegio de Arquitectura y Diseño Interior Asistente Administrativa Colegio de Ciencias Biológicas y Ambientales Asistente Administrativa Colegio de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Asistente Administrativa Colegio de Ciencias e Ingenierías Asistente Administrativa Colegio de Comunicación y Artes Contemporáneas Asistente Administrativa Colegio de Jurisprudencia Asistente Administrativa Consultorio Jurídico Asistente Administrativa Consultorio Jurídico Gratuito Asistente Administrativa Decanato Académico Asistente Administrativa Esp. Odontológicas Asistente Administrativa Oficina Guayaquil Asistente Administrativa Pregrado Asistente Administrativa de la Oficina de Acompañamiento Estudiantil Asistente Administrativo Colegio de Ciencias e Ingenierías Asistente Administrativo de la Oficina de Acompañamiento Estudiantil Asistente Call Center Asistente Contacto Empresarial Asistente Decanato de Investigación y Creatividad Asistente Técnico de Laboratorio Asistente Técnico de Planta Piloto Asistente académica Asistente de Equipos y Aula Gastronómica Asistente de Equipos y Aula Gastronómica Colegio de Hospitalidad Asistente de Investigación Colegio de Hospitalidad, Arte Culinario y Turismo Asistente de Investigación Escuela de Medicina Asistente de Investigación de Invertebrados Herbario QUSF Asistente de profesor Assistant Assistant Business School Postgraduate Assistant School of Public Health - Nutrition Assistant to the Dean of Research Assistant, Galapagos Office Associate Professor Associate Researcher Associate Researcher Associate Researcher Institute of Neurosciences Atención a aspirantes y Asistente Administrativa de la Oficina de Acompañamiento Estudiantil Attending Physician Attending Physician Teaching Hospital of Veterinary Specialties Aula Magna Publication Editor Auxiliar Operativo Auxiliar administrativo Ayudante de Laboratorio BIOSFERA Institute Researcher Baking Professor Bass Professor BioMed Researcher Biobank Administrator Quito USFQ Bioinformatics Assistant Biology Coordinator Biology Coordinator Biology Coordinator Biomedical Research Institute iBiomed Researcher Biomedical Research Institute iBiomed Coordinator of Strategic Developments Biomedical Research Institute iBiomed Director Biomedical Research Institute iBiomed Financial Coordinator Biotechnology Coordinator Biotechnology Engineering Coordinator Biotechnology Professor Biotechnology Professor Board Member of the Institute for Computational Simulation ISC Board Member of the Institute for Computational Simulation USFQ Business Administration Academic Coordinator Business Administration College Professor Business Relations Director Business School Professor CADI Digital Media Editor CADI Tutor Coordinator CEISH-USFQ President CEISH-USFQ Secretary CISCO Networking Academy Academic Coordinator CISCO Networking Academy Administrative Assistant CISCO Networking Academy Director COCISOH Vice-Dean COCSA Vice-Dean Chef Professor Chemical Engineering Coordinator Chemical Engineering Coordinator Chemical Engineering Professor Civil Engineering Program Head Climate Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Technician Clinical Practices Teaching Supervisor Co-Director Galapagos Academic Institute for the Arts and Sciences (GAIAS) Co-Director of the Engineering, Applied Sciences, & Simulation Group (GICAS) Co-Director of the Institute of Applied Ecology (ECOLAP) Co-Director, Coordinator Gender and Territory Institute for Advanced Studies in Inequalities (IASI) Co-coordinador Perspectivas Criticas del Conocimiento y del Aprendizaje Co-director of the Institute for Health and Nutrition Research (ISYN) Co-director of the Institute for Health and Nutrition Research (ISYN) Co-director of the Online Education Program Co-director of the Tiputini Biodiversity Station Colaborador Collaborating Researcher Collaborating Researcher Collaborator Institute of Micro and Nanoelectronics (IMNE) Collaborator Laboratory of Terrestrial Zoology USFQ Collaborator at the Particle, Astroparticle, and Radiation Detection Laboratory (LEOPARD), USFQ Collaborator at the Particle, Astroparticle, and Radiation Detection Laboratory (LEOPARD), USFQ Collections Manager Botanical Economic Herbarium QUSF Collections Manager Zoology Museum ZSFQ College of Business Administration Administrative Assistant College of Business Administration Dean College of Business Administration Professor College of Economics Administrative Assistant College of Economics Dean College of Economics Professor College of Economics Professor College of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Tourism Administrative Assistant College of Law Academic Coordinator College of Law Academic Manager College of Law Dean College of Law Graduate Studies Administrative Director College of Music Administrative Assistant College of Music Coordinator College of Social Sciences and Humanities Dean Commercial Director Business School Postgraduate Commercial Director Escuela de Empresas USFQ Communication Assistant Communications Department Communications and Events Coordinator Community Manager Community Outreach Administrative Assistant Community Outreach Coordinator Computer Science Coordinator Computer Science Coordinator Conductor Confucius Institute - Guayaquil Consejera Psicológica Consejera Psicológica de Necesidades Especiales Consejera Psicológica y Académica de la Oficina de Acompañamiento Estudiantil Consejera de Necesidades Especiales Decanato de Estudiante Consejero de Necesidades Especiales Decanato de Estudiantes Consejería Psicológica Continuing Education Administrative Assistant Continuing Education Coordinator Continuous Improvement Director Coordinador Académica Carrera de Veterinaria Coordinador Administración de Empresas PR Coordinador Administrativo Instituto IBIOTROP Coordinador Centro de Arbitraje y Mediación USFQ Coordinador Colegio de Ciencias de la Salud Coordinador Marketing Coordinador de Administración de Empresas Coordinador de Animación Digital Coordinador de Artes Musicales Coordinador de Asuntos Institucionales Coordinador de Cine Coordinador de Emprendimiento Coordinador de Especialidades Odontología - Odontopediatría Colegio de Ciencias de la Salud Coordinador de Física Coordinador de Gestión Académica Coordinador de Innovación OIS Coordinador de Logística Coordinador de Medicina Coordinador de Operaciones de Galápago Coordinador de Programas Internacionales Coordinador de Proyectos Internacionalización Coordinador de Relaciones Públicas Coordinador de Seguros Coordinador de Selecciones de Fútbol Coordinador de investigación Coordinador de investigación y Director del Insituto de investigación y desarrollo Coordinador de la Especialidad de Ortodoncia Coordinador de la Oficina de Necesidades Educativas Especiales Coordinador de la carrera de Matemáticas Aplicadas y Computación Coordinador del Área de Cirugía Oral Pregrado Coordinador del Área de Cirugía Pregrado Coordinadora Académica de Administración de Empresas Coordinadora Académica de la Escuela de Odontología Coordinadora Académica del Decanato de Artes Liberales Coordinadora Académica y Psicológica de la Oficina de Acompañamiento Estudiantil. Coordinadora Administrativa GAIAS Europa Coordinadora Administrativa de Contacto Empresarial Coordinadora Administrativa de la Escuela de Odontología Coordinadora Ciudades Sustentables Coordinadora Contacto Empresarial Coordinadora GAIAS Europa Coordinadora Oficina Guayaquil Coordinadora Salud y Equidad Coordinadora de Administración de Empresas Coordinadora de Alianzas y Servicios Empresariales Coordinadora de Bioseguridad Pregrado y Posgrado Coordinadora de Ciencias Sociales Coordinadora de Consejería Psicológica Coordinadora de Decanato de Estudiantes Coordinadora de Finanzas Coordinadora de Fondos Externos Decanato de Investigación y Creatividad Coordinadora de IDEA Coordinadora de Intercambios en Internacionalización Coordinadora de Laboratorio Coordinadora de Marketing Coordinadora de Medicina Coordinadora de Programas Especiales Coordinadora de Proyectos Data Science Institute Coordinadora de Psicología Coordinadora de Psicología Clínica Coordinadora de Psicología y Educación Coordinadora de Relaciones Internacionales Coordinadora de Tercer Idioma Coordinadora de eventos Coordinadora de eventos internos Coordinadora de la Carrera de Ingiería Industrial Coordinadora de la Especialidad en Rehabilitación Oral y Prótesis Implanto Asistida Coordinadora de prensa Coordinadora de programas IDEA Coordinadora del Consultorio Jurídico Coordinadora del Área de PASEC Coordinadores de ingeniería en Agronomía Coordinating Dance Professor Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Human Mobility Institute for Advanced Studies in Inequalities (IASI) Coordinator Oral History and Translation Institute for Advanced Studies in Inequalities (IASI) Coordinator School of Medicine College of Health Sciences Coordinator of Academic Production Dean of Research Coordinator of Academic Writing Coordinator of Business Contact, Internships, and Business Alliances Coordinator of Common Use Laboratories Coordinator of Communicational Design Coordinator of Community Outreach Coordinator of Community Outreach Coordinator of Contemporary Arts Coordinator of Contemporary Arts with a minor in Fashion Design Coordinator of Continuing Education Coordinator of Continuing Education Program Coordinator of Continuing Education Program Coordinator of Counseling and Tutorials as the Dean of Students Coordinator of Creative Writing Coordinator of Curriculum Design Coordinator of Environmental Communications Coordinator of Hospitality and Hotel Management Coordinator of IDEA online workshops and conferences Coordinator of International Relations and Political Science Coordinator of Musical Arts Coordinator of National Internships and Practicums (PASEM) Coordinator of Performing Arts Coordinator of Photography Minor Coordinator of Psychology and Education Coordinator of Self-knowledge General School Coordinator of Spanish as a Foreign Language Coordinator of external funds USFQ Coordinator of the Alternative Energy Development Laboratory Coordinator of the Composition for Contemporary Media Track Coordinator of the Department of Electronics Engineering Coordinator of the ESL Galapagos Extension Coordinator of the General College online Coordinator of the Histopathology Service at the Animal Health Laboratory, IBIOTROP Coordinator of the Industrial Engineering Program Coordinator of the Institute for Computational Simulation USFQ Coordinator of the Medical Program Coordinator of the Microbiology Area Coordinator of the Musical Arts Program Coordinator of the Musical and Sound Production Program Coordinator of the Office of Special Educational Needs (NEE) Coordinator of the Philosophy Department Coordinator of the Socratic Seminar Being and Cosmos Coordinator of the UNIDiversidad Program Cost Control San Francisco FoodService Counseling Coordinator Creative Writing Area Coordinator Curadora de Invertebrados Museo de Zoología ZSFQ Curator Botanical Economic Herbarium QUSF Curator Zoology Museum ZSFQ Curator Zoology Museum ZSFQ Curatorial Assistant of Invertebrates Zoology Museum ZSFQ Curatorial Assistant of Vertebrates Zoology Museum ZSFQ Curriculum Editor Customer Service Employee, Registration Office Customized Programs Coordinator D.Lab USFQ Director. Data Science Institute Administrative Assistant Dean Dean College of Music Dean in charge Dean of Public Health Dean of Research Dean of Research and External Affairs Dean of Students Dean of Undergraduate Dean of the College of Administration and Economics Dean of the College of Architecture and Interior Design Dean of the College of Biological and Environmental Sciences Dean of the College of Biological and Environmental Sciences Dean of the College of Communication and Contemporary Arts Dean of the College of Health Sciences Dean of the College of Hospitality Dean of the College of Hospitality, Culinary Arts, and Tourism Dean of the College of Sciences and Engineering Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities Dean of the Postgraduate College Dean of the School of Medicine Decana de Grado Decano Asociado de la carrera de medicina Decano Escuela de Salud Pública Colegio de Ciencias de la Salud Decano de Artes Liberales Decano de Escuela de Especialidades Médicas Decano de Medicina Decano de la Escuela de Medicina Dental Materials Research Area Coordinator Dental Specialties Director Dentistry Career Coordinator Dentistry Coordinator Dentistry Professor Dentistry Professor Department of Mathematics Researcher Department of Sociology Researcher Deputy Director of the CADI Editorial Project Development and Maintenance Coordinator, Researcher, Institute for Atmospheric Research USFQ (IIA-USFQ) Digital Animation Coordinator Digital Animation Professor Digital Development Assistant Digital Development Coordinator at Escuela de Empresas Digital Marketing Director Director Director & Founder of the Engineering, Applied Sciences, & Simulation Group (GICAS) Director - Berklee Global Partner Director Admissions Counselor Director Consejero Director Consejero Admisiones Director Data Science Institute Director General de Tecnologías de La Información y Transformación Digital Director Institute for Advanced Studies in Inequalities (IASI) Director Institute for Micro and Nanoelectronics (IMNE) Director Institute of Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Director Instituto de Data Science Institute Director Legal Clinics USFQ Director Legal Consultancy USFQ Director Maestría en Gestión Ambiental Galápagos Director Master in Data and Business Management Director School of Languages, Letters and Literature Director Specialization in Health Management Director USFQ PATH Director de Core Lab USFQ Director de Data Science Institute Director de Diseño Curricular Director de Maestría en Ciencias de Datos Director de Maestrías y Profesor Director de la Especialización en Derecho y Economía de la Competencia Director del Centro de Arbitraje y Mediación Director del Instituto Biósfera Director del Instituto de Ciencias del Ejercicio Director del Programa de Doctorado en Microbiología Director del Programa de Maestría en Microbiología Director en Posgrados de Maestría en Gestión Ambiental Director of Academic Affairs Director of Community Outreach USFQ Director of Continuing Education Director of Dental Specialties Postgraduate Programs Director of Development Director of Engineering in Agronomy Director of Escuela de Empresas Director of Escuela de Empresas Director of Food Engineering Director of Galapagos GSC Director of Institutional Management Director of International Relations CADI Director of Master in Civil Engineering Director of Master's Programs Escuela de Empresas Director of Master's in Economy Director of Master's in Psychology Director of Ph.D. in Microbiology Director of Postgraduate Jurisprudence Director of Postgraduate Jurisprudence Director of Social Outreach Director of USFQ's Galapagos Extension Director of chemical engineering Director of special programs Director of the Building Materials Laboratory Director of the CADI Editorial Project Director of the Center for Population Studies Director of the Confucius Institute Director of the Department of Civil Engineering Director of the Department of Electronics Engineering Director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Professor Director of the Ethnic Diversity Program Director of the Free Legal Clinic Director of the Geography Institute Director of the Industrial Engineering Program Director of the Institute for Atmospheric Research USFQ (IIA-USFQ) Director of the Institute for Innovation in Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ Director of the Institute for the Development of Alternative Energies and Materials Director of the Institute of Energy and Materials Director of the Intertexts Between Law and Literature Research Group USFQ Director of the Intertexts Between Law and Literature Research Group USFQ Director of the Master's Degree in Construction and Real Estate Company Management - MDI Director of the Master's Degree in Construction and Real Estate Management - MDI Director of the Master's Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language Director of the Master's Program in Chemistry Director of the Master's Program in Ecology Director of the Master's in Ecology Director of the Master's in Education Director of the Master's in Nanoelectronics Director of the Master's in Physics Director of the Master's in Psychology Director of the Master's of Science and Food Technology Director of the Mathematics Department Director of the Michael G. Buonocore Institute for Dental Biomaterials Research Director of the Microbiology Institute Director of the Microbiology Institute Director of the Nanotelectronics Master's Program Director of the Nanotelectronics Master's Program Director of the Neuroscience Institute Director of the Physics Department Director of the Public Health Graduate Program Director of the Research Laboratory Director of the School of Medical Specialties Director of the Student Support Office Director of the TUERI Conservation Institute Director of the Tiputini Biodiversity Station Director of the USCQ School of Optometry Director of the USFQ Institute of Economics Directora Directora Académica y de Bienestar Estudiantil de Programas de Pregrado de la Sede USFQ Galápagos Directora Adjunta Consultorio Jurídico Gratuito Directora Consejera Directora Consultorio Jurídico Gratuito USFQ Directora Instituto de Aprendizaje y Servicio (IAS-USFQ) Directora Instituto de Innovación en Productividad y Logística CATENA-USFQ Directora Maestría en Ecología Tropical y Conservación Directora Médica Hospital de Equinos USFQ Directora de Contacto Empresarial y Alumni Directora de IDEA Directora de Procesos Universitarios y Normativa Directora de Relaciones Públicas USFQ Directora del Business School posgrados Directora del Consultorio Jurídico Colegio de Jurisprudencia Directors Assistant Tiputini Biodiversity Station Diseñadora Editorial USFQ Press Docente de Alemán Drums Professor ECEL Research Assistant ESL Coordinator EVOTRAC Project Field Coordinator Editor Editor of the Advances in Science and Engineering Magazine Editor of the Iuris Dictio Publication Editor of the Koyuntura Magazine Editor-in-Chief For the Classroom Magazine Education Coordinator Education Professor Educator Electronic Engineering Alumni English Coordinator English Instructor English Minor Coordinator English Professor English and German teacher Environmental Engineering Alumni Environmental Engineering Coordinator Environmental Engineering Coordinator Environmental Management Coordinator Event Manager Epikvs Catering Boutique Event Planner Epikvs Catering Boutique Executive Assistant Executive Director Botanical Economic Herbarium Executive Director Wildlife Hospital TUERI-USFQ External Associate Researcher External Associate Researcher External Collaborator External personnel BIOSFERA Institute Fashion Design Program Coordinator Film Professor Film and Video Coordinator Finance Academic Coordinator Finance Professor Finance and Accounting Department Financial Assistant Escuela de Empresas Financial Assitant Financial Planning and Project Management Coordinator Food Engineering Career Coordinator Food Engineering Program Coordinator Food and Virology Laboratory Technician Football Selections Coordinator Founder of the Educational Research Laboratory LINE-USFQ Founder of the Educational Research Laboratory LINE-USFQ Founder of the Tiputini Biodiversity Station Founding Director of the Tiputini Biodiversity Station Founding Director of the Tiputini Biodiversity Station French Professor Full Time Professor - Online Modality Full-Time Professor of the Veterinary School Full-time Biology Professor Full-time Business Administration Professor Full-time English Professor (Basic Composition) Full-time Finance Professor Full-time Nutrition Professor Full-time Professor Full-time Professor Full-time Professor Full-time Professor of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology Full-time Professor, Chemical Engineering Full-time professor Full-time professor Fundadora del Grupo de Ingeniería Circular Aplicada & Simulación GICAS GAIAS Coordinator GEOcentro Coordinator GIScience Research Professor GOBE 2019 Alternate Secretary GOBE 2019 Alternate Treasurer GOBE 2019 President GOBE 2019 Secretary GOBE 2019 Treasurer GOBE 2019 Vicepresident Galapagos Flagship Project Coordinator GSC Galapagos GSC Co-Director Galapagos GSC Director Gastronomy Coordinator General Coordinator of CADI Accreditation General Director GAIAS Europe General Director IBIOTROP Institute General Manager San Francisco FoodService Geography Research Professor German and English Professor Gestor Académico Gestor Académico Colegio de Ciencias de la Salud Gestor Académico del Decanato de Artes Liberales Gestora académica Graduate Administrative Assistant Graduate Director of the Master's Degree in Safety, Health and Environment Graduation Assistant Registration Office Graduation Coordinator Registration Office Graphic Designer Guayaquil Office Director Guitar Professor HPC-USFQ Administrator HPC-USFQ Co-Administrator Health Training Institute Historia Historia y Sociología History Area Coordinator History coordinator Hospitality Coordinator Hospitalization and Anesthesia Veterinary Specialties Teaching Hospital Hospitalization and Feline Medicine Teaching Hospital of Veterinary Specialties Human Resources Archives and Digitization Technician Human Resources Assistant Human Resources Assistant Human Resources Coordinator Human Resources Director Human Resources Generalist Human Resources Information Administrator Humanities Area Coordinator Humanities Department Coordinator Humboldt scholarship coordinator Hydrology and Cold Regions ICUSFQ Professor - Cumbayá Headquarters ICUSFQ Professor - Guayaquil Extension ICUSFQ Volunteer - Guayaquil Extension IDEA Administrative Assistant IDEA Administrative Coordinator IDEA College Board Coordinator IDEA Communications and Public Relations IDEA Director IDEA Institutional Workshops Coordinator IDEA texts translator and editor IT Department Director IT Technical Assistant for Operations and Communications Industrial Engineering Program Head Industrial Engineering Researcher Industry Relationship Leader Institute for Innovation in Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ Innovation Coordinator, Innovation and Sustainability Office Innovation and Outreach Senior Director Innovation and Sustainability Officer Institute Director of the Institute of Micro/Nano-Electronics Institute of Economy Researcher Institute of Legal Research Director Instituto Biósfera Coordinator Instituto de Empresa y Desarrollo (IED) Director Instituto de Medicinal Social & Desafíos Globales Director Instructional Design Coordinator Intellectual Property and Tech Transfer Administrative Coordinator Intellectual Property and Tech Transfer Director Interactive Media Design Coordinator Interactive Media Design Professor Interior Design Graduate Follow-up Coordinator Interior Design Program Academic Coordinator Internal Medicine Teaching Hospital of Veterinary Specialties International Advanced Spanish Coordinator International Collaborator International Collaborator Institute for Innovation in Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ International Relations Professor Internationalization Administrative Coordinator Investigador Asociado COCIBA Jefe de Operaciones - San Francisco Food Service Journalism Coordinator Journalism Professor Junior Researcher, Institute for the Development of Alternative Energies and Materials IDEMA Junior Researcher, Institute for the Development of Alternative Energies and Materials IDEMA Laboratory Director of the Institute of Micro and Nanoelectronics (IMNE) Laboratory Professor of General Biology Laboratory assistant Laboratory assistant Language Coordinator (LNE/LNA) Lector del DAAD Legal Department Legal consultant advisor Letras y Literatura Liaison Coordinator Liberal Arts Coordinator Liberal Arts Coordinator Library Director Literature Area Coordinator Literature Professor Lupini Children's Library Coordinator MBA Director Maintenance Maintenance and cleaning assistant Management Coordinator Management Coordinator Human Research Ethics Committee (CEISH) Marketing Academic Coordinator Master's in Economics Director Master's in Food Science and Technology Director Master's in Industrial Engineering Program Director Mathematics coordinator Maxillofacial Surgery Specialty Coordinator Mechanical Engineering Professor Mechanical Engineering Researcher Mediadora en el Centro de Arbitraje y Mediación Medical Coordinator Hospital de Fauna Silvestre USFQ Medical Deputy Director Medical Director Veterinary Specialties Teaching Hospital USFQ Member of BIOSFERA Institute Member of the Ecuadorian Mathematics Society - SEdEM Member of the Institute for the Development of Alternative Energies and Materials (IDEMA) Messenger Microbiology Institute Researcher Minor in Data Analysis Coordinator Minor in Insurance Coordinator Multimedia Content Developer Mv. Outpatient Teaching Hospital of Veterinary Specialties Médico Tratante Hospital Docente de Especialidades Veterinarias USFQ National Collaborator Institute for Innovation in Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ National Collaborator Institute for Innovation in Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ National Coordinator IAESTE – USFQ Neuropsychology Nutrition and Dietetics Program Coordinator OCAA Academic Affairs Committee Office Occupational Doctor Occupational Health Safety Technician Office Coordinator of the Academic Affairs Committee (OCAA) Office of Academic Affairs and Services OASA Coordinator Office of Innovation and Sustainability - Sustainable Infrastructure Ombudsman Ombudsperson Operation Administrator Tiputini Operations Director Galapagos Operations Engineer EMA USFQ Operations coordinator Oral Rehabilitation Specialty Coordinator Organizational Communication and Public Relations Coordinator Organizational Communicator Outpatient Consultation and Endocrinology Teaching Hospital of Veterinary Specialties Outpatient Consultation, Neurology, and Felines Teaching Hospital of Veterinary Specialties Outpatient Hospital Teaching Hospital of Veterinary Specialties Outpatient consultation and anesthesia Veterinary Specialties Teaching Hospital PASEC Coordinator PASEC Professor Part-time Professor Part-time Professor Part-time professor Part-time professor School of Veterinary Medicine Part-time teacher Payroll Analyst Payroll Supervisor Percussion Professor Periodontics and Implantology Specialty Coordinator Ph.D. student Philosophy Minor Coordinator Philosophy Professor Photography Coordinator Photography Professor Physics Coordinator Physics Professor Piano Professor Political Science Coordinator Political Science Professor Political Science Programme Coordinator Postgraduate Communication Coordinator Postgraduate Coordination - Admissions President Human Research Ethics Committee (CEISH) President Institute of Computational Simulation USFQ President of the USFQ Sports Training Club Presidente del Consejo de Regentes Production Coordinator for Media Profesor Decanato de Artes Liberales Profesor Departamento de Sociología Profesor Tiempo Parcial Colegio de Jurisprudencia USFQ Profesor Visitante Profesor de Italiano Profesor del Colegio de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Profesor e Investigador en Ingeniería Civil del Colegio de Ciencias e ingenierías. Profesora Colegio de Ciencias de la Salud Profesora Decanato de Artes Liberales Profesora Departamento de Ingeniería Química Profesora Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Profesora Departamento de Sociología Profesora Educación Profesora Emérita Profesora Escuela de Veterinaria Profesora ICUSFQ - Extensión Guayaquil Profesora ICUSFQ - Sede Cumbayá Profesora Inglés e Italiano Profesora Investigadora Profesora No Titular Ocasional Profesora Odontología Profesora Relaciones Internacionales Profesora Tiempo Completo Antropología Profesora Tiempo Parcial Colegio de Jurisprudencia USFQ Profesora Titular de Odontología Profesora de Ciencias Políticas Profesora de Francés Profesora de Ingeniería Ambiental Profesora de Ingeniería Industria Profesora de Ingeniería en Alimentos Profesora de Inglés Profesora de Inglés y Francés Profesora de Kichwa Profesora de Literatura Profesora de Pediatría - Medicina de Adolescentes Profesora de Piano Profesora de Portugués Profesora de Portugués y Alemán Profesora de Producción Musical Profesora de Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencia Política Profesora de francés y de alemán Profesora de ingles (DLE) Profesora de la Carrera de Ingeniería Civil Profesora de nutrición a tiempo completo Profesora del Colegio Politecnico Profesora del Departamento de Matemáticas Profesora del Instituto de Microbiología Profesora en Investigadora de Física Profesora titular Professor Professor Professor Professor COISOH Professor Escuela de Empresas Professor PASEC Professor at the USFQ College of Jurisprudence Professor emeritus Professor for the Department of Civil Engineering Professor for the Industrial Engineering Program Professor of Academic Writing and Research Professor of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology Professor of Agronomy Engineering Professor of Anthropology and Kichwa Professor of Architectural Design Professor of Architecture Professor of Arrangements Professor of Auditory Training Professor of Biology Professor of Botany Professor of Chemical Engineering Professor of Chemistry Professor of Chinese Language and Philosophy Professor of Civil Engineering Professor of Civil Engineering Professor of Civil Law Professor of Communicational Design Professor of Communications and Statistical Signal Processing Professor of Composition and Rhetoric and of the Translation Minor Professor of Computer Science Engineering Professor of Conflict Resolution, Leadership Theories, and International Negotiation Professor of Creative Writing Professor of Dentistry Professor of Digital Animation Professor of Digital Animation Professor of Educational Management and Leadership, Master's of Education Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Professor of Electronic Engineering and Professor of Physics Professor of Environmental Engineering Professor of Environmental Engineering Professor of Food Engineering Professor of Genetics Professor of Harmony Professor of Health Policies and Systems Professor of Hispanic-American Literature Professor of History and International Relations Professor of Humanities Professor of Industrial Engineering Professor of Interactivity and Multimedia Professor of International Relations Professor of Literature and Political Science Professor of Medicine Professor of Medicine Professor of Medicine Professor of Musical Production Professor of Pathogenic Microbiology and Immunology Professor of Philosophy and Liberal Arts Professor of Physics and Engineering Professor of Political Science and International Relations Professor of Political Science and International Relations Professor of Public Health and Community Health Professor of Public Health and Sociology Professor of Social Sciences Professor of Spanish for Foreigners (EPE) Professor of Visual Arts Professor of Writing and Rhetoric and Literature Professor of the Biology Department Professor of the Biotechnology Department Professor of the Biotechnology Department Professor of the College of Architecture and Interior Design Professor of the College of Biological and Environmental Sciences Professor of the College of Biological and Environmental Sciences Professor of the College of Communications and Contemporary Arts Professor of the College of Communications and Contemporary Arts Professor of the College of Health Sciences Professor of the College of Hospitality, Culinary Arts, and Tourism Professor of the College of Science and Engineering Professor of the College of Sciences and Engineering Professor of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities Professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Professor of the Department of Computer Science Professor of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Professor of the Department of Mathematics Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Professor of the Mathematics Department Professor of the Physics Department Professor of the Polytechnic Professor of the Polytechnic College Professor of the School of Veterinary Medicine Program Director of Master's in Chemistry Project Coordinator Project Coordinator Project Coordinator Registration Office Project Coordinator in Internationalization Psicóloga Psychology Professor Psychology Professor Public Relations for the College of Hospitality, Culinary Arts, and Tourism Puembo Experimental Farm Recepción y Caja Hospital Docente de Especialidades Veterinarias Rector Universidad San Francisco de Quito Registrador Registration Director Registration Office Assistant Registration Office Technical Coordinator Remote Sensors Research Assistant Research Assistant Research Coordinator College of Business Administration Research Coordinator Research Dean Research Department Research Director Institute for Innovation in Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ Research Institute for Innovation and Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ Research Professor Research Technician Aquatic Ecology Laboratory Research Technician EVOTRAC Project Researcher Researcher Researcher GEOcentro UNIGIS - USFQ Researcher Institute for Innovation in Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ Researcher Institute for Productivity and Logistics Innovation CATENA-USFQ Researcher for the College of Biological and Environmental Sciences Researcher for the Department of Mathematics Researcher for the Institute for Atmospheric Research USFQ (IIA-USFQ) Researcher of the manufacturing and characterization of nanometric materials Researcher, College of Biological and Environmental Sciences Researcher, Institute for Atmospheric Research USFQ (IIA-USFQ) Researcher, Institute for Innovation in Productivity and Logistics CATENA-USFQ Researcher, Research Group Intertextos between Law and Literature USFQ Researcher, Research Group Intertextos between Law and Literature USFQ Resident Administrator, Tiputini Station SHIFT Coordinator San Francisco Food Service Administrative Saxophone Professor School of Dentistry Administrative Assistant School of Dentistry Administrative Coordinator School of Dentistry Community Outreach Coordinator School of Dentistry Dean School of Dentistry Dean Emeritus School of Dentistry Graduate Academic Manager School of Medicine Assistant School of VeterinaryMedicine Assistant Secretario General Secretary Human Research Ethics Committee (CEISH) Senior Director for Internationalization Service Specialist Service-Learning Institute Coordinator Service-Learning Institute Director Singing Professor Sociology Area Coordinator Sociology Coordinator Sociología Socratic Cosmos Seminar Coordinator Spanish Literature Coordinator Spanish for Foreigners Area Coordinator Spatial Analyst Special Educational Needs Coordinator Specialty in Endodontics Coordinator Specialty in Internal Medicine Teaching Hospital of Veterinary Specialties Specialty in Pediatric Dentistry Coordinator Sports Director Student Coordinator Student Laboratory of Terrestrial Zoology USFQ Student Tutor Student Welfare Coordinator Student of Economics Student of Environmental Engineering Style Editor and Translator for the "For the Classroom" Publication Subdirector Del Consultorio Jurídico Colegio de Jurisprudencia Supervisor Support Personnel Socio-Cultural Research Center Surgeon Teaching Hospital of Veterinary Specialties Sustainability Coordinator Sustainability Officer Systems Engineering Program Coordinator TV and Digital Media Production Coordinator Teaching Technician - English Technical teacher Technical teacher Technician-Professor Responsible for Virology and Cell Culture Laboratory Technician-Teacher Responsible for Bacteriology Laboratory Terrestrial Zoology Laboratory Coordinator Tiputini resident administrator Treating Veterinarian Zoology Museum & Wildlife Hospital TUERI Treating Veterinarian Zoology Museum & Wildlife Hospital TUERI Técnico Docente COCISOH UNIDiversity Program Coordinator USFQ Art Director USFQ Associate Professor USFQ Chancellor USFQ Financial and Administrative Director USFQ PRESS Director USFQ PRESS Distribution and Sales Coordinator USFQ Researcher Undergraduate Endodontics Area Coordinator Undergraduate Pediatric Dentistry Area Coordinator Undergraduate Periodontics Area Coordinator Undergraduate Rehabilitation Area Coordinator Undergraduate Surgery Area Coordinator Validation Assistant, Registration Office Veterinarian at the Teaching Hospital of Veterinary Specialties USFQ Veterinary Assistant Zoology Museum & Wildlife Hospital TUERI Veterinary Assistant Zoology Museum & Wildlife Hospital TUERI Veterinary Doctor Veterinary Doctor Teaching Hospital of Veterinary Specialties Veterinary School Dean Vice Dean College of Business Administration Vice Dean of Science Vice Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Academic Affairs Vice Dean of the College of Sciences and Engineering Vice Dean of the School of Sciences and Engineering Vice Dean's Office Vice President of the Institute of Computational Simulation USFQ Vice-Dean Vice-Dean of the College of Architecture and Interior Design Vice-Dean of the College of Biological and Environmental Sciences Vice-Dean of the College of Biological and Environmental Sciences Vice-Dean of the College of Communication and Contemporary Arts Vice-Dean of the School of Engineering, College of Sciences and Engineering and Professor of Civil Engineering Vice-Dean of the School of Sciences, College of Sciences and Engineering and Professor of the Mathematics program Vice-rector of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito Vicedacana de Ingenierías Vicedecana del Colegio de Ciencias Colegio de Ciencias e Ingenierías Vicedecano Colegio de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Vicedecano POLITÉCNICO Vicedecano de Ciencias Vicedecano de Investigación Vicedecano del Colegio de Ciencias e Ingenierías Visual Arts Coordinator Visual Arts Coordinator WAREHOUSE EMPLOYEE Warehouse Assistant Warehouse Manager Writing Center Coordinator Zoology Museum & Wildlife Hospital TUERI Nombre Buscar | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | X | Y | Z Fabián Mauricio Alberto Luzuriaga del Castillo Professor Felipe José Palacios Sierra Professor Default