Nathan Todd Digby

Nathan Todd Digby

Dean of Students
Hayek Building, H-100K
  • Ph.D. in Religious Studies, Emory University, USA.
  • Master's in Ecumenical Studies, Université de Genève, Suisse.
  • Master's in Divinity, Brite Divinity School, USA.


Professional Profile
Nathan Digby holds a PhD in Religious Studies from Emory University (United States), a Master's degree in Ecumenical Studies from Université de Genève (Switzerland), and a Master of Divinity from Texas Christian University (United States). Currently serving as the Dean of Students and a professor of Philosophy in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities at Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador), his academic pursuits focus on the study of religion, interfaith dialogue, socially engaged Buddhism, ecumenical spirituality, and process philosophy. Nathan has collaborated on the Espiritualidades Spiritualities project, an interdisciplinary investigation into the diversity of spiritualities in Quito, Ecuador. In his role as Dean of Students, he brings extensive experience in student well-being programs, leading trainings for teachers and students on mindfulness, empathy, ethics, leadership, and the prevention of sexual violence. Nathan played a crucial role in establishing the Student Orientation Leaders LEOS program and the UniDiversity program.
Argentine Tango, Mountaineering, Running.