- Ph.D. Freshwater Ecology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.
- Degree in Biology, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
- Taxonomy and behavioral ecology, populations and communities of aquatic insects.
- Decomposition of organic matter in tropical rivers.
- Effects and responses of lotic ecosystems to anthropogenic alterations.
- Influence of hydrology and its interaction with species and communities in rivers and streams.
- Establishment of ecological flows to contribute to the maintenance of biodiversity and ecological functioning of rivers.
- Establishment of water quality using aquatic bio-monitoring tools.
- Conservation and restoration of lotic ecosystems
Andrea C. Encalada is currently an Associate Professor at USFQ, director of the Aquatic Ecology Laboratory and coordinator of the Ecology and Natural Resources Area of the same University. Andrea C. Encalada studied biology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) and obtained her Ph.D. at Cornell University (NY, USA), under the supervision of Dr. Barbara L. Peckarsky. Her Ph.D. and subsequent studies are related to behavioral ecology and its impact on populations of mayflies. After completing her Ph.D., Encalada obtained a postdoctoral fellowship at the IMAR (Institute of Marine and Aquatic Research) from the University of Coimbra Portugal, to carry out a research project on the functioning of rivers of montane forest and plains. Encalada works in tropical river ecology, and has a special interest in the diversity and life history of aquatic insects. She currently participates in several projects related to climate change, diversity, and how tropical rivers function.