
Martha Cecilia Yépez García

(+593 2) 297-1700
Medical Specialties Building, HDLV-155
Academic School
  • Master’s in Parasitology Tropical Medicine at the Pedro Kouri Tropical Medicinal Institute, Havana, Cuba.
  • Bachelor of Medical Technology from the School of Medical Technology, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
Professional Profile

Martha Cecilia Yépez obtained a degree in Medical Technology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. She completed a master’s degree in Tropical Medicine at the Pedro Kouri Institute of Tropical Medicine (Cuba). She is a professor of Medical Biochemistry at the College of Health Sciences at Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) and Coordinator of the Teaching Laboratories at the School of Medicine. As a researcher, she has participated and directed projects, funded by national and international entities, in the areas of tropical diseases and nutrition. She is an academic member of the Board of Directors of the International Life Science Institute ILSI NOR-ANDINO, whose vision is to be a reference in the regional dialogue on issues of environment, health, and well-being, by integrating academia, government and industry through science.


Reading, Tennis, Painting