BigSurv23 (Big Data Meets Survey Science)

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Agregar a calendario 2023-10-25 09:00:00 2023-10-28 18:00:00 BigSurv23 (Big Data Meets Survey Science)   BigSurv23 (Big Data Meets Survey Science) En la Conferencia Internacional BigSurv23 (Big Data Meets Survey Science) debatirán destacados científicos y profesionales del mundo sobre los temas más innovadores en la ciencia de los datos y las encuestas, así como las ciencias computacionales aplicadas a las ciencias sociales. La conferencia magistral virtual estará a cargo del Dr. Juan M. Lavista Ferres, VP, Chief Data Scientist del Laboratorio Microsoft AI for Good. BigSurv23 es una iniciativa global y multidisciplinaria, que se realizará por primera vez en Latinoamérica, teniendo como sede a la Universidad San Francisco de Quito -USFQ-. En el marco de BigSurv23 se realizarán dos eventos vibrantes y complementarios: El primer evento complementario es el Data Challenge sobre el tema de la desnutrición crónica infantil. Su objetivo es usar la ciencia de los datos para el bien común. Los participantes recibirán becas y premios. El segundo evento complementario son los cursos cortos de actualización. Los cupos en BigSurv23 y sus eventos complementarios son limitados. Para mayor información:   REGISTRO Y PAGO Puedes realizar tu registro en el siguiente link: Registro USFQ - Campus Santiago Gangotena USFQ America/Guayaquil public
USFQ - Campus Santiago Gangotena
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BigSurv23 (Big Data Meets Survey Science)

En la Conferencia Internacional BigSurv23 (Big Data Meets Survey Science) debatirán destacados científicos y profesionales del mundo sobre los temas más innovadores en la ciencia de los datos y las encuestas, así como las ciencias computacionales aplicadas a las ciencias sociales.
La conferencia magistral virtual estará a cargo del Dr. Juan M. Lavista Ferres, VP, Chief Data Scientist del Laboratorio Microsoft AI for Good.
 es una iniciativa global y multidisciplinaria, que se realizará por primera vez en Latinoamérica, teniendo como sede a la Universidad San Francisco de Quito -USFQ-.
En el marco de BigSurv23 se realizarán dos eventos vibrantes y complementarios:
El primer evento complementario es el Data Challenge sobre el tema de la desnutrición crónica infantil. Su objetivo es usar la ciencia de los datos para el bien común. Los participantes recibirán becas y premios.
El segundo evento complementario son los cursos cortos de actualización.

Los cupos en BigSurv23 y sus eventos complementarios son limitados.

Para mayor información:



Puedes realizar tu registro en el siguiente link:

Thursday 26th October

**Agenda sujeta a cambios, para mayor información consulta la página oficial:



08:30 - 18:30

Download the BigSurv23 Program in PDF format here.
You will be redirected to
Arrival and Registration (Room: DaVinci Hall)

09:00 - 12:00

Short Course 1: Data Integration, instructor: Trivellore Raghunathan ("Raghu")
Short Course 2: Fundamentals of Data Science, instructor: Juan Esteban Díaz Leiva

12:00 - 13:00

Lunch (on your own)

13:00 - 16:00

Short Course 3: Unlocking the Superpowers of Advanced Machine Learning Models for Social Scientists: From Lassos to Boosts to Nets!
Instructors: Trent D Buskirk and Adam Eck

Training Session: Hands Hands-on training to select a two two-stage gridded population sample using free, user user-friendly tools.
Trainers: Dana R Thomson & Dale Rhoda

17:00 - 18:45

Welcome and Opening Plenary Panel: My Chatbot is Hallucinating about your Digital Trace. A discussion about the future of computational social sciences in the era of AI.

ModeratorEllie Graeden (Georgetown University)

Dr. Jan Höhne (Leibniz University Hannover)
Laura Wronski (Survey Monkey)
Dr. Josh Pasek (University of Michigan)

(Room: Shakespeare Theatre, USFQ)

18:45 - 20:30

Welcome Reception (Room: Shakespeare Theatre Hall, USFQ


Friday 27th October

**Agenda sujeta a cambios, para mayor información consulta la página oficial:



08:00 - 17:00

Download the BigSurv23 Program in PDF format here.
You will be redirected to

Registration and Information Desk (Room: DaVinci Hall)

08:30 - 17:30

Poster Session (actively presented 8:30-10:00)

Chair: Ana Lucía Córdova Cazar (Universidad San Francisco de Quito)

ML Applications to Survey Quality Control and Fraud Detection Abstract 2023
Mrs Kriscel Berrum (D3 systems) - Presenting Author

Mr Liam Spoletini (D3 Systems)

Mr Timothy Van Blarcom (D3 Systems)

Volatility and irregularity Capturing in stock price indices using time series Generative adversarial networks.
Mr Leonard Mushunje (Columbia University) - Presenting Author

Statistical learning methods to estimate sales forecasts for products that affect the supply chain of a mass consumption company in the city of Guayaquil
Professor Francisco Morales (ESPOL – Escuela Politécnica del Ejército) - Presenting Author

Dr Sergio Baúz (ESPOL – Escuela Politécnica del Ejército)

Dr Johny Pambabay (ESPOL – Escuela Politécnica del Ejército)

Unraveling the Correlation between Perceived Issue Importance and Issue Salience On the Internet among Users with Different Media Repertoires
Mr You-Jian Wu (Academia Sinica) - Presenting Author

Mr Hao-Hsuan Wang (Academia Sinica)

Mr Shih-Peng Wen (Academia Sinica)

Professor Ching-ching Chang (Academia Sinica)

Dr Yu-ming Hsieh (Academia Sinica)

Dr Justin Chun-ting Ho (Academia Sinica)

Reliable Inference from Imperfect Data
Dr Mansour Fahimi (Marketing Systems Group) - Presenting Author

Optimism and cryptoasset ownership
Dr Kim Huynh (Bank of Canada)

Dr Christopher Henry (Bank of Canada) - Presenting Author

Dr David Jacho-Chavez (Emory University, USA)

Miss Gabriela Coada (Emory University, USA)

Technological Developments Influence the Cybercrime in Juja Sub-County
Mr Ndirangu Ngunjiri (University of Nairobi ) - Presenting Author

Miss Elizabeth Kingoo (Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology)

10:00 - 11:30

Opening Keynote by Dr. Juan M. Lavista Ferres, VP, Chief Data Scientist of the Microsoft AI for Good Lab (Live presentation with Q&A)

11:30 - 11:45

Coffee Break

11:45 - 13:15


Session 1: My "socials" like your surveys! Exploring alignment, consistency and divergence of estimates based on survey, social media and digital trace data

Ground Truth References for Trends Estimated from Social Media Using Automated Entity Extraction. Example of Substance Use Discussions on Reddit
Dr Georgiy Bobashev (RTI International) - Presenting Author

Mr Alexander Preiss (RTI International)

Mr Anthony Berghammer (RTI International)

Dr Mark Edlund (RTI International)

New Data Sources and Signals on Presidential Approval: Daily Indicator Based on Google Trends
Mr Bastián González-Bustamante (University of Oxford) - Presenting Author

Uncovering Hidden Alignment between Social Media Posts and Survey Responses
Professor Frederick Conrad (University of Michigan) - Presenting Author

Mr Mao Li (University of Michigan)

Professor Michael Schober (New School for Social Research)

Professor Johann Gagnon-Bartsch (University of Michigan)

Dr Robyn Ferg (Westat)

Ms Rebecca Dolgin (New School for Social Research)

Dr Paul Beatty (US Census Bureau)

Negativity Bias Effect in Issue Salience Transfer
Mr Hao Hsuan Wang (Academia Sinica) - Presenting Author

Mr You-Jian Wu (Academia Sinica)

Mr Shih-Peng Wen (Academia Sinica)

Professor Ching-ching Chang (Academia Sinica)

Dr Justin Chun-ting Ho (Academia Sinica)

Dr Yu-ming Hsieh (Academia Sinica)

11:45 - 13:15


Session 2: Adept Adaptation: Using auxiliary data and advanced modelling methods to predict eligibility, contact, participation and response

Age-Eligibility Oversampling to Reduce Screening Costs in a Multimode Survey
Dr Stephanie Zimmer (RTI International) - Presenting Author

Mr Joe McMichael (RTI International)

Dr Taylor Lewis (RTI International)

Calling the Right Cases: Using Predictive Modeling to Direct Outbound Dialing Effort in an Address-Based Sample
Mr Michael Jackson (SSRS) - Presenting Author

Mr Todd Hughes (University of California - Los Angeles)

Ms Cameron McPhee (SSRS)

Optimizing data collection interventions using personalized models
Mr Michael Duprey (RTI International) - Presenting Author

Dr Rebecca Powell (RTI International)

Dr Jerry Timbrook (RTI International)

Ms Melissa Hobbs (RTI International)

Dr Brian Burke (RTI International)

Professor Allison Aiello (Columbia University)

Ms Sarah Dean (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Carolina Population Center)

Professor Robert Hummer (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Carolina Population Center)

Longitudinal Nonresponse Prediction and Bias Mitigation with Machine Learning
Mr John Collins (University of Mannheim) - Presenting Author

Dr Christoph Kern (University of Muenchen)

11:45 - 13:15


Session 3: Mining the Gaps: Using new data sources and ML to understand missing data, nonresponse and turnout

Supplementing Sensitive Survey Data by Leveraging Social Listening with Machine Learning Models
Professor Heather Kitada Smalley (Willamette University) - Presenting Author

Professor John Walker Orr (George Fox University)

Predicting Future Panel Participation in AmeriSpeak Panel
Dr Stas Kolenikov (NORC) - Presenting Author

Dr Ipek Bilgen (NORC)

Dr David Dutwin (NORC)

Closed Form Bayesian Inferences for Binary Logistic Regression with Applications to American Voter Turnout
Dr Kevin Dayaratna (The Heritage Foundation) - Presenting Author

11:45 - 13:15


Session 4: You will brag about this LAG: modern methods for creating Labels, Asking questions and Gathering data

A Conceptual Model of Labeling in Supervised Learning (with Implications for Survey Coding)
Mr Robert Chew (RTI International) - Presenting Author

A Practical Guide to (Successfully) Collect and Process Images in the Frame of Web Surveys
Ms Patricia A. Iglesias (Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology) - Presenting Author

Mr Carlos Ochoa (Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology)

Dr Melanie Revilla (Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology & Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals)

Best practices in data donation: A workflow for studies using digital data donation
Mr Thijs Carrière (Utrecht University) - Presenting Author

Dr Laura Boeschoten (Utrecht University)

Dr Heleen Janssen (University of Amsterdam)

Identifying Common Abortion Measurement Across Studies and Wording: A New Technique For Leveraging Historical Survey Data
Professor Josh Pasek (University of Michigan) - Presenting Author

13:15 - 14:30

Group Lunch (University Restaurant) - Lunch tickets available

14:30 - 16:00


Session 1: Does the Trace save Face? Exploring how digital trace data can be leveraged to estimate social media usage

Examining Latino Political Engagement and Activity on Social Media: Combining Survey Responses with Digital Trace Data
Professor Marisa Abrajano (University of California, San Diego)

Ms Marianna Garcia (UC, San Diego)

Dr Robert Vidigal (New York University)

Mr Aaron Pope (New York University)

Dr Edwin Kamau (New York University)

Professor Joshua A. Tucker (New York University)

Professor Jonathan Nagler (New York University) - Presenting Author

Surveys or digital trace data, which one should we use? Using Generalized MultiTrait-MultiMethod models to simultaneously estimate the measurement quality of surveys and digital trace data.
Mr Oriol J. Bosch (University of Oxford / The London School of Economics) - Presenting Author

Dr Melanie Revilla (IBEI)

Professor Patrick Sturgis (The London School of Economics)

Professor Jouni Kuha (The London School of Economics)

Online Media’s Agenda-Setting Effect: A Method Triangulation Approach with Survey and Text Mining
Mr Hao Hsuan Wang (Academia Sinica) - Presenting Author

Mr Shih-Peng Wen (Academia Sinica)

Mr You-Jian Wu (Academia Sinica)

Professor Ching-ching Chang (Academia Sinica)

Dr Justin Chun-ting Ho (Academia Sinica)

Dr Yu-ming Hsieh (Academia Sinica)

14:30 - 16:00


Session 2: Humans chatting about chatbots: Promises and Challenges of Large Language Models for Survey Research

Evaluation of GPT models and prompts to create tailored questionnaires
Ms Zoe Padgett ( - Presenting Author

Ms Laura Wronski (

Mr Sam Gutierrez (

Mr Tao Wang (

Mr Misha Yakubovskiy (

While Chatbots have many answers, do they have good questions? An Experimental Study Exploring the Creation and Evaluation of Survey Questions using Automated Chatbot Tools
Dr Trent Buskirk (Bowling Green State University) - Presenting Author

Dr Adam Eck (Oberlin College)

Dr Jerry Timbrook (RTI International)

Mr Scott Crawford (Sound Rocket)

Exploring and predicting public opinion using large language models
Mr Mathew Hardy (Princeton University) - Presenting Author

Seeing ChatGPT Through Students' Eyes: An Analysis of TikTok Data
Dr Anna-Carolina Haensch (LMU Munich) - Presenting Author

Mrs Sarah Ball (LMU Munich)

Mr Markus Herklotz (LMU Munich)

Professor Frauke Kreuter (LMU Munich)

14:30 - 16:00


Session 3: What's your claim to FRAME? Sampling Design and Evaluation Using New Data Sources and Analytic Methods

Assessing the quality of commercial auxiliary data appended to an address-based sampling survey frame
Dr Rebecca Medway (American Institutes for Research) - Presenting Author

Dr Rachel Carroll (American Institutes for Research)

Introducing "Designing and Implemented Gridded Population Surveys": A new manual with step-by-step tutorials
Ms Dana Thomson (University of Twente) - Presenting Author

Targeted Random Door-to-Door Sampling Design for COVID-19 Informed by Community Wastewater
Dr Katherine McLaughlin (Oregon State University) - Presenting Author

Dr Jeffrey Bethel (Oregon State University)

Dr Benjamin Dalziel (Oregon State University)

Dr Roy Haggerty (Louisiana State University)

Dr Kathryn Higley (Oregon State University)

Dr Jane Lubchenco (Oregon State University)

Dr Javier Nieto (Oregon State University)

Dr Tyler Radniecki (Oregon State University)

Dr Justin Sanders (Oregon State University)

Using machine learning methods to stratify the household surveys Sampling Frame
Dr William Jesús Constante Erazo (Particular) - Presenting Author

Miss Diana Carolina Simbaña Flores (Particular)

14:30 - 16:00


Session 4: When the Kaleidoscope becomes the Megaphone! New Tools and Resources for Improving Dissemination and Insights that are based on Multiple Data Sources

Impact of environmental features and spatial economic diversity on social inclusion
Dr Chan-Hoong Leong (Kantar Public) - Presenting Author

The Social Impact Data Commons: Regional Data-Driven Decision-Making
Ms Kathryn Linehan (University of Virginia)

Dr Aaron Schroeder (University of Virginia) - Presenting Author

Data for Health Intelligence
Dr Ellie Graeden (Georgetown University) - Presenting Author

Census Household Panel: Opportunities for Data Triangulation, Harmonization and Integration
Ms Jennifer Childs (U.S. Census Bureau) - Presenting Author

Dr Jason Fields (U.S. Census Bureau)

Dr Aleia Fobia (U.S. Census Bureau)

Ms Cassandra Logan (U.S. Census Bureau)

Dr Stephanie Coffey (U.S. Census Bureau)

Dr Jennifer Ortman (U.S. Census Bureau)

Mr David Hornick (U.S. Census Bureau)

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:00


Session 1: Heads AND Tails! Evaluating and leveraging survey and alternate data sources for improving estimation

Using machine learning to downscale projected land conversion: Application to bioenergy expansion
Dr Robert Beach (RTI International)

Mr Graedon Martin (RTI International)

Dr Stanley Lee (RTI International)

Dr Jonathan Holt (RTI International) - Presenting Author

Estimation of purchases with a hybrid survey design
Mr Matthew Shimoda (Bank of Canada) - Presenting Author

Are media exposure measures created with digital trace data any good? An approach to assess and predict the true-score reliability of web tracking data.
Mr Oriol J. Bosch (University of Oxford / The London School of Economics) - Presenting Author

Dr Melanie Revilla (IBEI)

Professor Patrick Sturgis (The London School of Economics)

Professor Jouni Kuha (The London School of Economics)

Analyzing Economic Views via Twitter versus Survey Data
Professor Suzanne Linn (Penn State University)

Dr Patrick Wu (New York University)

Professor Joshua A. Tucker (New York University)

Professor Jonathan Nagler (New York University) - Presenting Author

16:30 - 18:00


Session 2: Going Public About What's Private! New Observations, Methods and Advances in Data Privacy

Re-thinking data policy: An engineering-informed approach to global data regulation (Demo)
Ms Ellie Graeden (Georgetown University) - Presenting Author

Differential Privacy for Surveys – Things we know and problems that still need to be solved
Mr Joerg Drechsler (Institute for Employment Research and University of Maryland) - Presenting Author

Synthetic population generation for nested data using differentially private posteriors
Dr Hang Kim (University of Cincinnati)

Dr Terrance Savitsky (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Dr Matthew Williams (RTI International) - Presenting Author

Dr Jingchen Hu (Vassar College)

16:30 - 18:00


Session 3: Boosting our Understanding of Pandemics and Resilience Through Survey Research

Multivariate Statistical Modeling to Identify Atmospheric and Sociodemographic Variables Associated with Covid-19 in the City of Guayaquil
Professor Jhon Peña (ESPOL – Escuela Politécnica del Litoral) - Presenting Author

Dr Sergio Bauz (ESPOL – Escuela Politécnica del Litoral)

Dr Johny Pambabay (ESPOL – Escuela Politécnica del Litoral)

Professor Cesar Menendez (ESPOL – Escuela Politécnica del Litoral)

Identifying factors associated with US adolescents’ behaviors and experiences during COVID-19 using LASSO regression on complex survey data
Dr Wenna Xi (Weill Cornell Medicine) - Presenting Author

Ms Peizi Wu (Weill Cornell Medicine)

Measuring Vulnerability and Resilience for Small Areas
Ms Heather King (United States Census Bureau) - Presenting Author

16:30 - 18:00


Session 4: My Daddy is a Ballerina: Issues in Coding Occupations and Gender Identity in Surveys

Trends in gender inclusion: a cross-national examination of non-binary gender options in surveys from 2012-2022
Ms Zoe Padgett ( - Presenting Author

Ms Laura Wronski (

Mr Sam Gutierrez (

Parent Proxy Reporting on Multidimensional Measures of Adolescent Gender Using a Nationally Representative Sample from the U.S.
Mr Christopher Hansen (Loyola University Chicago) - Presenting Author

Coding occupations: are occupational codes in administrative data consistent with survey self‑reported occupations?
Ms Ana Santiago-Vela (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training) - Presenting Author

19:30 - 21:30

Conference Dinner at Colonial Quito and Visit to the awe-inspiring Church of the Society of Jesus in Quito (Tickets Available here )


Saturday 28th October

**Agenda sujeta a cambios, para mayor información consulta la página oficial:



08:00 - 17:00

Download the BigSurv23 Program in PDF format here.
You will be redirected to

Registration and Information Desk (Room: DaVinci Hall)

09:00 - 10:30


Session 1: What did the robots hear the humans say? Advances in Coding Survey Open-Ends Using ML Methods

Machine Learning Assisted Autocoding Tools for Improving the Experience of Manual Coding of Real-World Big Text Data
Ms Emily Hadley (RTI International) - Presenting Author

Ms Caroline Kery (RTI International)

Mr Durk Steed (RTI International)

Ms Anna Godwin (RTI International)

Mr Ethan Ritchie (RTI International)

Mrs Donna Anderson (RTI International)

Mr Rob Chew (RTI International)

Mr Peter Baumgartner (RTI International)

Considerations for data quality in open-ended embedded probes across population and methodological subgroups
Mr Zachary Smith (National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Presenting Author

Dr Kristen Cibelli Hibben (National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Dr Paul Scanlon (National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Dr Valerie Ryan (National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Mr Benjamin Rogers (National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Dr Travis Hoppe (National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Dr Kristen Miller (National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Multi-label classification of open-ended questions with BERT
Professor Matthias Schonlau (University of Waterloo)

Dr Julia Weiß (GESIS )

Mr Jan Marquardt (GESIS) - Presenting Author

Linguistic shifts and topic drift: Building adaptive Natural Language Processing systems to code open-ended responses from multiple survey rounds
Dr Sarah Staveteig Ford (U.S. State Department) - Presenting Author

Dr Jon Krosnick (Stanford University)

Dr Matthew DeBell (Stanford University)

09:00 - 10:30


Session 2: The Methodologists talked with the Data Scientists and it wasn't fair! Here's What to Do About It!

Assessing the downstream effects of training data annotation methods on supervised machine learning models
Mr Jacob Beck (LMU Munich )

Dr Stephanie Eckman (Independent)

Professor Christoph Kern (LMU Munich)

Mr Rob Chew (RTI International ) - Presenting Author

Mr Bolei Ma (LMU Munich)

Professor Frauke Kreuter (LMU Munich, University of Maryland)

What If? Using Multiverse Analysis to Evaluate the Influence of Model Design Decisions on Algorithmic Fairness
Mr Jan Simson (LMU Munich) - Presenting Author

Dr Florian Pfisterer (LMU Munich)

Professor Christoph Kern (LMU Munich)

Applied Strategies for Advancing Racial Equity and Addressing Bias in Big Data Research
Ms Emily Hadley (RTI International) - Presenting Author

Ms Rachel Dungan (Academy Health)

My Training Data May Need a Trainer: Applying Population Representation Metrics to Training Data to Assess Representativity, Machine Learning Model Performance and Fairness
Dr Trent Buskirk (Bowling Green State University) - Presenting Author

Dr Christoph Kern (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)

Mr Patrick Schenk (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)

09:00 - 10:30


Session 3: Harmonize Your Vocals! Exploring Voice Capture and Processing for Collecting Open-Ended Survey Responses

Open-Ended Survey Questions: A comparison of information content in text and audio response formats
Mrs Camille Landesvatter (MZES, University of Mannheim) - Presenting Author

Mr Paul Bauer (MZES, University of Mannheim)

Innovating web probing: Comparing text and voice answers to open-ended probing questions in a smartphone survey
Dr Jan Karem Höhne (University of Duisburg-Essen) - Presenting Author

Dr Timo Lenzner (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)

Dr Konstantin Gavras (Nesto Software GmbH)

API vs. human coder: Comparing the performance of speech-to-text transcription using voice answers from a smartphone survey
Dr Jan Karem Höhne (University of Duisburg-Essen) - Presenting Author

Dr Timo Lenzner (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)

Assessing Performance of Survey Questions through a CARI Machine Learning Pipeline
Dr Ting Yan (Westat) - Presenting Author

Mr Anil Battalahalli (Westat)

09:00 - 10:30


Session 4: We Triangulated but Got A Rhombus!? Methods for Improving Insights Based on Data Combined from Multiple Sources

Beware of propensity score matching as a method for the integration of different data sets
Dr Hans Kiesl (Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg) - Presenting Author

Dr Florian Meinfelder (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg)

A Novel Methodology for Improving Applications of Modern Predictive Modeling Tools to Linked Data Sets Subject to Mismatch Error
Dr Brady West (Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) - Presenting Author

Dr Martin Slawski (Department of Statistics, George Mason University)

Dr Emanuel Ben-David (U.S. Census Bureau)

Validating matches of electronically reported fishing trips to investigate matching error
Dr Benjamin Williams (University of Denver) - Presenting Author

Dr Shalima Zalsha (NORC)

Dr Lynne Stokes (Southern Methodist University)

Dr Ryan McShane (Amherst College)

Dr John Foster (NOAA Fisheries)

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30


Session 1: Watch Out - Your Phone Answered My Survey! Procesing, Compliance and Estimation Using Data Captured via Smartphone Meters and Wearable Devices

Provide or Bring Your Own Wearable Device? An assessment of compliance, adherence, and representation in a national study.
Dr Heidi Guyer (RTI International) - Presenting Author

Ms Margaret Moakley (RTI International)

Professor Florian Keusch (University of Mannheim)

Professor Bella Struminskaya (Utrecht University)

Continuous Monitoring of Health and Wellness Using Wearable Sensors: New Data Source for Social Science
Dr Dorota Temple (RTI International) - Presenting Author

Dr Meghan Hegarty-Craver (RTI International)

Dr Hope Davis-Wilson (RTI International)

Dr Edward Preble (RTI International)

Dr Jonathan Holt (RTI International)

Dr Howard Walls (RTI International)

Dr David Dausch (RTI International)

Wearables Research and Analytics Platform (WRAP?) Demo: Integrating wearables, surveys and monitoring systems
Dr Heidi Guyer (RTI International) - Presenting Author

Dr Vinay Tannan (RTI International)

Mr Ben Allaire (RTI International)

Dr Eric Francisco (RTI International)

11:00 - 12:30


Session 2: Any Kinks in the Links? Exploring Data Linkage and Quality Frameworks for Modern Surveys

Survey Design Considerations for Data Linkage
Professor Sunshine Hillygus (Duke University) - Presenting Author

Professor Kyle Endres (University of Northern Iowa)

Burden, benefit, consent, and control: Moving beyond privacy and confidentiality in attitudes about administrative data in government data collection
Dr Aleia Fobia (US Census Bureau) - Presenting Author

Ms Jennifer Childs (US Census Bureau)

Dr Shaun Genter (US Census Bureau)

A Data Quality Scorecard to Assess a Data Source’s Fitness for Use
Ms Lisa Mirel (NCSES/NSF) - Presenting Author

Dr John Finamore (NCSES/NSF)

Dr Elizabeth Mannshardt (NCSES/NSF)

Dr Julie Banks (NORC)

Dr Don Jang (NORC)

Dr Jay Breidt (NORC)

11:00 - 12:30


Session 3: Don't Know Much About Survey Participation? After this Session You Will!

Does intent to participate in the U.S. Census align with actual participation? The matching of public opinion data with Census data.
Dr Yazmin Garcia Trejo (U.S. Census Bureau) - Presenting Author

Ms Maranda Pepe (U.S. Census Bureau)

Ms Charlene Medou (U.S. Census Bureau)

Ms Jordan Misra (U.S. Census Bureau)

Motivations and barriers to survey participation in a smartphone-based travel app study: Evidence from in-depth interviews in Chile
Mr Ricardo Gonzalez (LEAS at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez) - Presenting Author

Miss Doerte Naber (GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)

Mr Adolfo Fuentes (University of Edinburgh - LEAS at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez)

Don't Know! Don't Care? We Should! ``Don't Know
Dr Christopher Henry (Bank of Canada) - Presenting Author

Dr Daniela Balutel (York University, Canada)

Dr Kim Huynh (Bank of Canada)

Dr Marcel Voia (Universite d'Orleans, France)

11:00 - 12:30


Session 4: I'm Biased Towards Accuracy! Advances in Evaluating and Adjusting Estimates within Finite Population Frameworks

Rethinking the Test Set: A Finite Population Perspective
Mr Robert Chew (RTI International) - Presenting Author

The Sensitivity of Selection Bias Estimators: A Diagnostic based on a case study and simulation
Mr Santiago Gómez (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) - Presenting Author

Mr Dimitris Pavlopoulos (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Mr Ton De Waal (Statistics Netherlands)

Mr Reinoud Stoel (Statistics Netherlands)

Mr Arnout van Delden (Statistics Netherlands)

Composite Weighting for Hybrid Samples
Dr Mansour Fahimi (Marketing Systems Group) - Presenting Author

“balance” - a Python package for balancing biased data samples
Dr Tal Galili (Meta) - Presenting Author

Dr Tal Sarig (Meta)

Mr Steve Mandala (Meta)

12:30 - 14:00

Group Lunch (University Restaurant) - Lunch tickets available

14:00 - 15:30


Session 1: Bridging Survey and Twitter Data: Methodology and Application

Given the large volume of opinions people express on social media, a new lens exists for measuring public opinion as a supplement to traditional survey-based methods. But systematic differences between surveys and social media–in terms of how they are collected, processed, and analyzed–mean that there is no one-to-one translation between observations from each method. To make the best use of both types of data in concert, scholars need to better understand how they differ and how to translate between them. This panel compared data on attitudes toward Covid-19 vaccination, economic threat, and schooling from (1) probability-based surveys, (2) linked Twitter posts from a subset of survey respondents who consented to data linkage, and (3) a random sample directly from Twitter. Collectively, these papers will help identify which theoretical gaps between data streams are relatively easy to bridge and which require more scholarly attention.

Chair: Lisa Singh (Georgetown University)

Lurk More (or Less): Differential Engagement in Twitter by Sociodemographics
Dr Lisa Singh (Georgetown University) - Presenting Author

Dr Michael Traugott (University of Michigan)

Dr Nathan Wycoff (Georgetown University)

Conversation Coverage: Comparing Topics of Conversation By Survey Respondents on Twitter and the General Twitter Population
Dr Ceren Budak (University of Michigan) - Presenting Author

Dr Rebecca Ryan (Georgetown University)

Mr Yanchen Wang (Georgetown University)

Can We Gain Useful Knowledge of Public Opinion from Linked Twitter Data? Reweighting to Correct for Consent Bias
Ms Jessica Stapleton (SSRS) - Presenting Author

Mr Michael Jackson (SSRS)

Ms Cameron McPhee (SSRS)

Dr Lisa Singh (Georgetown University)

Dr Trivellore Raghunathan (University of Michigan )

Comparative Topic Analysis of Tweets and Open-Ended Survey Responses on Covid-19 Vaccinations, Financial Threats, and K-12 Education
Dr Joshua Pasek (University of Michigan) - Presenting Author

Dr Leticia Bode (Georgetown University)

Dr Le Bao (Georgetown University)

14:00 - 15:30


Session 2: Leveraging data science and external data sources to adjust for total survey error in health surveys

This session features five talks on CDC’s leveraging of data science and external data sources to adjust for total survey error in health surveys:
1. Validity - Travis Hoppe - Natural Language Processing (NLP) analysis of open-ended probes to identify invalid responses
2. Measurement Error – Morgan Earp - Using regression trees to examine measurement error between self-reported and measured chronic conditions in NHANES to adjust the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
3. Coverage Error - Katherine Irimata - Leveraging data science and external data sources to adjust for coverage error in online panels including the National Center for Health Statistics' (NCHS) Research and Development Survey (RANDS) and create rapid surveys of health outcomes
4. Nonresponse Error - Jim Dahlhamer - Using trees to enhance nonresponse adjustment of the NHIS
5. Model Based Early Estimates Program - Lauren Rossen - Using lessons learned from the above approaches to create the model based early estimates program for NCHS


Chair: Morgan Earp (US National Center for Health Statistics)

Validity - Natural Language Processing (NLP) analysis of open-ended probes to identify invalid responses
Benjamin Rogers (CDC/DDPHSS/NCHS/DRM) - Presenting Author

Measurement Error – Using regression trees to examine measurement error between self-reported and measured chronic conditions in NHANES to adjust the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
Morgan Earp (US National Center for Health Statistics) - Presenting Author

Coverage Error - Leveraging data science and external data sources to adjust for coverage error in online panels including the National Center for Health Statistics' (NCHS) Research and Development Survey (RANDS) and create rapid surveys of health outcomes
Katherine Irimata (CDC/DDPHSS/NCHS/DRM) - Presenting Author

Nonresponse Error - Using trees to enhance nonresponse adjustment of the NHIS
Jim Dahlhamer (CDC/DDPHSS/NCHS/DHIS) - Presenting Author

Model Based Early Estimates Program - Using lessons learned from the above approaches to create the model based early estimates program for NCHS
Lauren Rossen (CDC/DDPHSS/NCHS/DRM) - Presenting Author

14:00 - 15:30


Session 3: Missing Data: The Where, the How, and the Why

Missingness is ubiquitous in surveys. Whether by design or accidental, missing data impedes statistical analyses and hinders generalizability of inferences. Imputation directly models the observed data, and weighting models the probability of a unit being observed: both somehow “learn” from observed data and usually assume that data is missing at random (MAR). When data is missing not at random (MNAR), the missing data mechanism needs to be modeled. This can be complex, rely on unverifiable assumptions and require deep insight into the missing data mechanism, or “How” the data is missing. Strategies for handling MNAR data leverage missing data patterns, or “Where” data is missing, reasons for missingness, or “Why” the data is missing, and external information. Although none are free of assumptions, some approaches can be more realistic and/or flexible than others. The proposed session includes four talks and a discussion from a demographically diverse group of scholars.

Chair: Ali Shojaie (RTI) / Discussant: Rod Little (University of Michigan)

It’s who is missing that matters: Can a nonignorable missingess mechanism explain bias in estimates of COVID-19 vaccine uptake?
Rebecca Andridge (Division of Biostatistics, The Ohio State University College of Public Health) - Presenting Author

Understand, Detect, and Treat Missing Data in Administrative Data
Dan Liao (Senior Research Statistician at RTI International) - Presenting Author

Marcus Berzofsky

Lance Couzens

Approaches for Incorporating Summary Birth History Data in Child Mortality Estimation
Katie Wilson (Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington) - Presenting Author

Likelihood-Based Inference for the Finite Population Mean with Post-Stratification Information Under Non-Ignorable Non-Response
Dr Sahar Zangeneh (RTI International) - Presenting Author

14:00 - 15:30


Session 4: Modernizing the U.S. Census Bureau’s Statistical Foundation through Enterprise Frames

The U.S. Census Bureau has long maintained frame-like data on individuals, households, businesses, and governments to support census and survey operations. However, these data are rarely used for enterprise-wide operations, despite abundant evidence of the value of integrating data to produce new and/or improved statistical products. The agency has established the Frames Program to meet the need for a modernized data infrastructure with a linked universe of information from which sampling can occur and statistical summaries directly produced. During this session, Census Bureau staff will summarize objectives and achievements of the nascent Frames Program, highlight the evolution of the existing Business, Job, and Geospatial Frames, detail efforts to establish a linkage infrastructure to better leverage these resources, and introduce the new enterprise frame: the Demographic Frame. Three presentations will detail initial assessments of the fitness for use of the Demographic Frame in census and survey taking.

Chair: Victoria Velkoff (U.S. Census Bureau)

Enterprise Frames: Creating the Infrastructure to Enable Transformation
Dr Anthony Knapp (U.S. Census Bureau) - Presenting Author

Dr Lori Zehr (U.S. Census Bureau)

Demographic Frame: Leveraging Person-Level Data to Enhance Census and Survey Taking
Dr Jennifer Ortman (U.S. Census Bureau) - Presenting Author

Using a Demographic Frame to Potentially Enhance the American Community Survey
Ms Deliverance Bougie (U.S. Census Bureau) - Presenting Author

Obtaining Non-Employer Business Owner Data from the Demographic Frame
Mr Michael Ratcliffe (U.S. Census Bureau)

Ms Erica Marquette (U.S. Census Bureau) - Presenting Author

Demographic Frame Evaluation
Ms Aliza Kwiat (U.S. Census Bureau)

Mr Matt Herbstritt (U.S. Census Bureau) - Presenting Author

15:30 - 16:00

Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:00

Special Networking Events

17:00 - 17:45

Closing Remarks


Sunday 29th October

**Agenda sujeta a cambios, para mayor información consulta la página oficial:



08:30 - 14:30

Download the BigSurv23 Program in PDF format here.
You will be redirected to

Colonial Quito and Middle of the World Tour (Tickets Available here )

Join us for an exclusive private tour for BigSurv23 attendees to explore the most beautiful historic center in South America, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Tour will begin around 8:30 am and lunch will be provided at a typical restaurant.

Afterward, we will proceed to the monument to the Middle of the World, where you will visit the complex and have the opportunity to stand with one foot in the Northern Hemisphere and the other foot in the Southern Hemisphere.

The tour will conclude at the same location where you were initially picked up.


Data Challenge

BigSurv23 Data Challenge: Tackling Chronic Child Malnutrition


We are excited to introduce the BigSurv23 Data Challenge sponsored by REDNI, focused on addressing chronic child malnutrition through innovative data-driven solutions. Just as how previous BigSurv Data Challenges brought together teams to work on open data challenges, we aim to harness the power of data scientists, computer scientists, social scientists, and survey and big data experts from Ecuador and around the world to make a significant impact in the fight against child malnutrition in Ecuador.

Background Information:

The Challenge: Our goal is to combat chronic child malnutrition by leveraging data, insights, and digital tools. We want to understand the underlying factors contributing to this issue, identify at-risk populations, and develop strategies to improve the nutrition of affected children.

Data Sources: Participants in this data challenge will have access to a rich dataset provided by the sponsor institution, containing demographic information, nutritional data, and related information. You will also have access to survey data and other relevant sources.

The Teams: We will have multiple teams, each consisting of interdisciplinary participants who will collaborate to address specific aspects of the chronic child malnutrition challenge. Your team's composition will encourage diversity of thought and expertise.

Support from Experts: Throughout the data challenge, expert mentors in the fields of data science and nutrition will be available to guide and support the teams. Child nutrition experts, members of BigSurv23 scientific committee, USFQ professors, and data professionals will also be on hand to provide data expertise.

Presentation and Recognition: At the conclusion of the data challenge, each team will present their findings and proposed solutions to a panel of expert judges. Not only will this provide valuable exposure for your work, but the winning team will also have the opportunity to give a flash-talk during the BigSurv23 closing remarks.

Mentorsand Judges: We have assembled a distinguished group of mentors and judges, including nutrition experts from, members of the BigSurv Scientific Committee, experienced data scientists, and industry professionals.


1. A formal reward for the winner (1000 USD) and runner up (500 USD) will be awarded by the Data Challenge sponsor.

2. The School of Business of the USFQ will provide an academic recognition to the winners.

Application Process: If you're interested in participating in the BigSurv23 Data challenge, please apply directly via this link:

Participation in the Data Challenge is free of charge.

Important Dates:

- Application Deadline: October 13, 2023

- Notification of Acceptance: October 18, 2023

- Data challenge Dates: October 25, 11 am - October 26, 10 am

Location:  The data challenge will take place at the Main Hall of Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ).

Refreshments: Lunch and coffee breaks will be provided.

Requirements: To participate, bring your enthusiasm, a personal laptop with relevant software (e.g., Python, R/R-Studio, Tableau), and a willingness to collaborate and innovate. WiFi will be available, and refreshments will be provided to keep your creative energy flowing.

Join us in this exciting data-driven challenge and contribute to the fight against chronic child malnutrition with the support of REDNI and the global data science community. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in children’s lives.

What we are looking for:

Blueprint of the Architecture and Data Flow: Participants are expected to provide detailed blueprints outlining the architecture and data flow for their proposed solutions. Describe how data will be collected, processed, and analyzed to tackle chronic child malnutrition effectively.

Methodology Sketches: Present sketches and outlines of the methodologies you plan to employ in the design and processing of data. Explain the techniques, algorithms, and statistical methods you intend to use to identify and combat malnutrition among children.

Realistic Demo: Participants should demonstrate a realistic implementation of their solution. This could include a prototype or proof of concept that showcases how your approach can make a tangible impact on addressing chronic child malnutrition. Real-world applicability and feasibility are key.

Implementation Outlook: Provide insights into how your solution could be practically implemented. Consider factors like scalability, sustainability, and integration with existing nutrition programs and initiatives supported by the sponsor institution.

Follow-up: Ideas on how to advance the DataNutriNet (Red de Jóvenes Analistas de Datos en contra de la Desnutrición Infantil)

Participants in this challenge will have the opportunity to collaborate with experts and access valuable resources to enhance their solutions.

By participating in this data challenge, you will contribute to a noble cause and potentially make a significant impact on the well-being of children affected by chronic malnutrition. We encourage creative and data-driven approaches that can lead to actionable insights and effective interventions in this critical area.

You can find the contest rules here:

Thanks to the support of: 


Cursos cortos

**Agenda sujeta a cambios, para mayor información consulta la página oficial:

To register and pay for short courses, please go to:

Short Course 1: Data Integration

Instructor: Dr. Trivellore Raghunathan (“Raghu”) 


The data landscape has changed tremendously. Until a few years ago, sample surveys were the primary sources of information but with the ability to harness data from many other sources have become available. These include spatial observations, administrative sources, sensor data, business transactions and social media, to just name a few.   These “found data” provide unique opportunities to blend information from multiple sources to harness inferences about the population of interest to address societal problems. This short course will cover important challenges such as harmonization and comparability of measurements across various sources, methods to combine information, modeling challenges and framework needed to evaluate the validity and reliability of estimates derived from such combined sources. Several case studies will be used to illustrate the challenges, opportunities and benefits. 

Short Course 2: Fundamentals of Data Science

Instructor: Dr. Juan Esteban Díaz Leiva


Data are everywhere and come in overwhelming quantities. Thus, being able to extract relevant information from them has become an essential ability. Machine learning allows us to do this by granting us “superpowers”, such as seeing in more than 3 dimensions or recognizing patterns when dealing with millions of variables. Here we will introduce this branch of artificial intelligence, briefly review its main areas, and finally focus on regression and clustering, which are two of the most used tools from supervised and unsupervised learning, respectively.

Short Course 3Unlocking the Superpowers of Advanced Machine Learning Models for Social Scientists: From Lassos to Boosts to Nets!

Instructors: Dr. Trent D Buskirk & Dr. Adam Eck 


Social scientists and survey researchers are confronted with an increasing number of new data sources such as apps and sensors that often result in complex data structures that are difficult to handle with traditional modeling methods. At the same time, advances in the field of machine learning (ML) have created an array of flexible methods and tools that can be used to tackle a variety of modeling problems. Against this background, this course discusses advanced ML frameworks, methods and models such as regularization methods, ensemble approaches to learning and deep learning models.  The course aims to illustrate these concepts, methods and approaches from a social science perspective in an accessible way so that researchers can apply these methods in their own work to unlock insights.  Code examples will be provided using both R and Python and will be available to attendees.  The course assumes basic familiarity with fundamental machine learning methods like regression, logistic regression and tree-based models.   

Training Session: Hands-on training to select a two-stage gridded population sample using free, user-friendly tools

Instructors: Dr. Dana R Thomson & Dr. Dale Rhoda 


Household surveys in countries with an outdated census, or in complex urban settings with mobile or informal populations can be implemented with an improved sample frame based on modelled gridded population estimates. This hands-on training will briefly introduce survey practitioners to the emerging field of gridded population sampling before guiding attendees through two hands-on activities. The activities are based on free, easy-to-use tools – GridSample and GeoSampler – so no special programming or GIS skills are required to attend this session. In the first activity, attendees will generate a sample frame from gridded population data and select primary sampling units with probability proportional to size (GridSample). In the second activity, attendees will randomly sample structures (GeoSampler). Further instruction will be provided about questions to include in the survey questionnaire that allow adjustments for households-per-structure in the sample weights, and production of digital/paper maps that enable easy navigation for field workers. The training is based on the recently published manual on “Designing and Implementing Gridded Population Surveys.”


Trivellore Raghunathan (“Raghu”)

Professor of Biostatistics at the School of Public Health, Research Professor of Survey Methodology at the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. He is also Research Professor at the Joint Program in Survey Methodology, University of Maryland. His research interests are in the analysis of incomplete data, multiple imputation, Bayesian methods, design and analysis of sample surveys, combining information from multiple sources, small area estimation, confidentiality and disclosure limitation, longitudinal data analysis and statistical methods for epidemiology. He has developed a SAS based software for imputing the missing values for a complex data set and can be downloaded from He is a Fellow of American Statistical Association, received Richard Remington Award from American Heart Association and Monroe Sirken Award for his contributions to Survey Methodology. 

Juan Esteban Díaz Leiva

Director of the USFQ Data Science Institute, director of the Master Program in Data and Business Management and Professor of Operations Management at Universidad San Francisco de Quito. He was awarded a PhD in Business and Management by the University of Manchester. He also holds a master's degree in Food and Resource Economics from Bonn University and a Food Engineering degree from Universidad San Francisco de Quito. He is an expert in evolutionary computation, automatic algorithm design and configuration, multiobjective optimisation under uncertainty and artificial intelligence. He also has multiple publications in high-impact journals and a is a consultant in areas such as artificial intelligence, business analytics, data science, among others.

Trent D. Buskirk

Trent D. Buskirk, Ph.D.  is the Novak Family Distinguished Professor of Data Science and outgoing Chair of the Applied Statistics and Operations Research Department at Bowling Green State University.  Dr. Buskirk is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and his research interests include big data quality, recruitment methods through social media, the use of big data and machine learning methods for health, social and survey science design and analysis, mobile and smartphone survey designs and in methods for calibrating and weighting nonprobability samples and fairness in AI models and interpretable ML methods. Recently, Trent served as the President of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research in 2016, the Conference Chair for AAPOR in 2018 and is currently part of the scientific committee for the BigSurv23 conference.  Trent also serves as an Associate Editor for Methods for the Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology.    When Trent is not geeking out over data science, big data or survey methodology, you can find him playing a competitive game of Pickleball!

Adam Eck

Adam Eck is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Chair of the Data Science Integrative Concentration at Oberlin College where he leads the Social Intelligence Lab.  Adam's research interests include interdisciplinary applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning to solve real-world problems, such as data science and machine learning for improving data collection and analysis in the computational social sciences (e.g., Survey Informatics) and public health, as well as decision making for intelligent agents and multiagent systems in complex, uncertain environments.

Dana Thomson

Dana Thomson is a pioneer in the field of gridded population household surveys. She also coordinates the IDEAMAPS Network, a global initiative that integrates "slum" mapping traditions to map deprived urban areas routinely and accurately at scale. Her other work includes improving the accuracy of gridded population datasets, measuring "slum" upgrading in ways that incentivize community participation, and co-developing data trainings for "slum"-based researchers and advocates. Dr. Thomson is a consultant and visiting researcher at the University of Twente (Netherlands).

Dale Rhoda

Dale Rhoda is a statistical consultant and expert on design & analysis of household surveys for public health. In recent years, he led the statistical aspects of updating the World Health Organization guidelines on vaccination coverage surveys. He regularly coordinates design and analysis of large country-wide surveys in Africa and Asia.  Dr. Rhoda is currently interested in data entry errors with touchscreen devices, how entry errors propagate through analysis workflows, using gridded population datasets as survey sampling frames, characterizing missed opportunities for vaccination, and designing survey samples with both design- and model-based estimation in mind.


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