Family Business Management Course


Start date
End Date

Family businesses are crucial for business sustainability and long-term economic development. It is essential to professionalize family businesses to improve their competitiveness and ensure their intergenerational continuity.

These businesses have a more complex governance structure, which includes corporate governance and family governance. The family business course focuses on the complexity of the internal governance of these companies, addressing the role of boards of directors and family councils, the coordination between them, and the drafting of family protocols.

The course delves into the management of succession processes and introduces directors and family council members to fundamental macroeconomic concepts, helping them understand the influence of economic factors on their businesses and how to manage their family assets more efficiently.



36 hours

Live videoconferences will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:00 to 19:00 and three Saturdays a month from 08:30 to 12:30.


$690 + VAT

Learning Objectives

  • Diseñar estructuras de gobierno corporativo que integren eficazmente consejos de administración y juntas de socios.
  • Profesionalizar la función y procedimientos de las asambleas de accionistas.
  • Optimizar la administración de activos y reservas desde una perspectiva financiera y fiscal.
  • Dirigir procesos sucesorios para asegurar la continuidad y renovación del liderazgo corporativo.


Corporate Governance in Family Businesses

This section addresses the evolution of corporate management structures, highlighting the role of the entrepreneur in economic development and the economic theories that analyze their contribution to wealth generation. It prepares companies to implement and professionalize their boards of directors, adapting to growth and market demands.

It analyzes strategic coordination and key control elements for corporate governance. It details the functions of shareholders' meetings and the rights and duties of shareholders, exploring the legal, financial, and fiscal principles pertinent to corporations.

Directors interpret the influence of economic agents, monetary policies, and economic cycles, equipping themselves to anticipate and develop business strategies that respond to global financial dynamics.

Family Governance in Family Businesses

This module develops a corporate governance structure, highlighting the different functions and the dynamic implementation of governance bodies. It examines the unique characteristics of family businesses and the risks associated with governance.

It explores the differentiation of roles in the boards of directors and the need for professionalization to face organizational challenges. Decisions and procedures related to direction and strategic management are established.

It emphasizes the creation of protocols and internal policies as crucial elements of governance. It addresses asset management and strategies to optimize financial resources. It covers executive succession, succession policy planning, and the evaluation of these processes by governance bodies.

Extracurricular Activities

Supplementary Talks

Aligned with USFQ's Liberal Arts philosophy, where all areas of knowledge have equal relevance and contribute to the development of understanding, this program includes virtual talks on various current topics of interest. These are open to the general public or are part of other programs.

Business Forum

The business forum is a virtual meeting space between students and panelists; entrepreneurs, business leaders, professors, and experts who will share their perspectives, trends, and best practices. The forums are managed according to the annual schedule, involving students from non-degree programs and master's degrees at the School of Business.


This program includes various virtual activities, such as presentations, practical exercises for real-world application of presented concepts, workshops, discussions, and more. The program applies an active, participatory, and critical methodology that links theory with practice. Students must access the virtual platform Desire to Learn (D2L) at least 2 hours in advance to familiarize themselves, use study resources, and complete virtual activities. Access to the D2L platform is available from the start of the program until one month after its completion.