Bienestar a través de los Clubes con Coordinadores de Campus Life

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Agregar a calendario 2024-02-08 17:00:00 2024-02-08 18:00:00 Bienestar a través de los Clubes con Coordinadores de Campus Life El Decanato de Estudiantes de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito invita cordialmente a todos sus estudiantes a la charla interactiva "Bienestar a través de los Clubes", presentada por nuestros Coordinadores de Campus Life. Esta sesión se centra en cómo la participación en clubes y organizaciones estudiantiles puede enriquecer tu experiencia universitaria, promoviendo el bienestar emocional, social y académico. Evento virtual vía Zoom USFQ America/Guayaquil public
Virtual event via Zoom

The Dean of Students at the University of San Francisco de Quito cordially invites all its students to the interactive talk "Well-being through Clubs," presented by our Campus Life Coordinators. This session focuses on how participation in clubs and student organizations can enrich your university experience, promoting emotional, social, and academic well-being.

Objectives of the Talk

  • Highlight the importance of student participation in clubs and extracurricular activities as a means to enhance overall well-being.
  • Introduce the different clubs and organizations available at USFQ and how you can become involved with them.
  • Share testimonials and experiences from current students about the benefits of their participation in clubs.

Who Should Attend?

This talk is aimed at all USFQ students, especially those looking to enrich their university life, make new friends, and explore interests outside the classroom. If you are interested in improving your well-being and expanding your support network within the university, this session is for you.

Benefits of Participating

  • You will learn about the opportunities for involvement on campus and how these can positively impact your well-being.
  • You will obtain first-hand information about the formation and benefits of participating in clubs and student organizations.
  • You will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to the Campus Life coordinators and club leaders.

Participate and Improve Your University Experience:

Join us in this informative and interactive session to discover how you can enhance your well-being and make the most of your university experience through participation in clubs and student organizations.

Don't miss this opportunity to enrich your university life and contribute to your well-being! Secure your spot by joining us through the provided Zoom link.

For more information about this and other activities, visit the events section on the USFQ website.

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