Presentación del libro La piel del miedo de Javier Vásconez


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Agregar a calendario 2024-02-07 18:30:00 2024-02-07 19:30:00 Presentación del libro La piel del miedo de Javier Vásconez La casa editorial de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, USFQ PRESS presenta el miércoles 7 de febrero una nueva obra titulada La piel del miedo, del autor Javier Vásconez. Este libro inaugura el nuevo sello editorial: Dragon Books, el cual pretende, a través de sus libros, hacer de lo bello una herramienta de reflexión y crítica. Las obras que articulan el catálogo, ya sean infantiles, juveniles, de ficción o no ficción buscan, desde la singularidad, complacer el deseo del lector de encontrar significados propios; es decir, una literatura viva que plantee preguntas y despierte la curiosidad en todos sus lectores. La piel del miedo está ambientada en los años cincuenta en una ciudad pequeña, provinciana, oculta entre volcanes y montañas. El protagonista, Javier Villamar, se hunde en las arenas movedizas de su pasado y rememora episodios de la infancia y la adolescencia, en el momento que atraviesa su primera crisis epiléptica. Así, el lector podrá conocer y adentrarse en su violento pasado, el cual está marcado por el abandono, la enfermedad, la sospecha y una galería de personajes asombrosos y trágicos. Salón Azul - Campus Santiago Gangotena USFQ America/Guayaquil public
Salón Azul - Santiago Gangotena Campus

The publishing house of Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, USFQ PRESS, presents on Wednesday, February 7, a new work titled The Skin of Fear, by author Javier Vásconez. This book launches the new publishing imprint: Dragon Books, which aims to use beauty as a tool for reflection and critique through its books.

The works that make up the catalog, whether for children, young adults, fiction, or non-fiction, seek to satisfy the reader's desire to find personal meanings; that is, a living literature that poses questions and awakens curiosity in all its readers. The Skin of Fear is set in the 1950s in a small, provincial city, hidden among volcanoes and mountains.

The protagonist, Javier Villamar, sinks into the quicksands of his past and recalls episodes from his childhood and adolescence, at the moment he experiences his first epileptic crisis. Thus, the reader will be able to know and delve into his violent past, which is marked by abandonment, illness, suspicion, and a gallery of amazing and tragic characters.

About the Author

Javier Vásconez (Quito, 1946) is an Ecuadorian novelist, narrator, short story writer, and editor. Among his most well-known works are the novel The Traveler from Prague (1996) and the short story Angelote, amor mío (1982). In August 2022, President Guillermo Lasso awarded him the National Eugenio Espejo Prize, the highest Ecuadorian cultural award, in honor of his literary career.

The works of Javier Vásconez allow us to decipher the author's thematic constants and, above all, the unique places in which the events are identified, the description of discourse, that is, the temporal and spatial management, the construction of characters, and narrative forms, teach us the style that the author has adopted throughout all his works.

The journey through Vásconez's pages confirms the exclusive value contained in his texts and the certainty that he is one of the fundamental and original Ecuadorian authors in the narrative of the Spanish language in the last decades.


Other Works


  • The Secret (1996), short novel
  • The Traveler from Prague (1996)
  • The Gambler's Shadow (1999)
  • The Return of the Flies (2005)
  • Capelo Garden (2007)
  • The Skin of Fear (2010)
  • The Other Death of the Doctor (2012)
  • Hotels of Silence (2016)

Short Stories

  • Distant City (1982), includes the story Angelote, My Love
  • The Man with the Slanted Gaze (1989)
  • A Stranger at the Port (1998)
  • Guests of Honor (2004)
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