
Christian Rafael Parreño Roldán

Professional Profile

Christian Parreño is a professor specializing in the history and theory of architecture. He holds a Ph.D. from The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (Norway), an M.A. from the Architectural Association (UK), and a B.A. in Architecture from Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador). His academic journey includes being a graduate visiting scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles (USA), and a doctoral student at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK). Focused on the exploration of conditions related to boredom and sameness in the built environment, his research places a significant emphasis on experiential aspects spanning the nineteenth century to the present. Author of the acclaimed work "Boredom, Architecture, and Spatial Experience" (Bloomsbury, 2021), Parreño's writings have been featured in prestigious publications such as Architectural Histories, Architecture & Culture, Emotions, Log, Revista de Occidente, Textual Practice, The Journal of Architecture, The Journal of Architectural Education, and various edited compilations.


Personal: Existentialism, Botany and Gardening