
Luis Daniel Luengo

Operations coordinator
  • Master's Degree in Journalism and Digital Communication: Data and New Narratives at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC-2020).
  • Degree in Social Communication from Universidad de Los Andes-ULA in Venezuela (2012).
  • Diploma in social media management and web 2.0 (ULA-2015).
  • International Chef Certificate from the Institute of Gastronomic Studies of Venezuela (IEGV-2012).
Professional Profile

Luis Daniel Luengo holds a Master's Degree in Journalism and Digital Communication: Data and New Narratives from the Open University of Catalonia (Spain). He is the Operations Coordinator of the College of Communication and Contemporary Arts at the University San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador). He is a journalism and film professor. He has collaborated in various areas of connection and research. Along with Eric Samson, Coordinator of the Journalism Program, they created the specialized subject of Mobile Journalism or MOJO (Mobile Journalism). He has worked as a mobile journalist and conducted national and international workshops. He is a producer, editor, and presenter of journalistic and informative podcasts. With Esteban Tapia, a professor at the College of Hospitality, Culinary Arts, and Tourism, they carried out creative production projects that showcase the reality of various ingredients and gastronomic products in Ecuador through micro-documentaries.


Gastronomy, Journalism and platforms, Cinema (fiction and documentary)

Productor del programa Cara a Cara con Rosalía (2015-2017) para Telerama de la expresidenta del Ecuador Rosalía Arteaga.

Jefe del departamento de comunicación del Ballet Nacional del Ecuador (2014). Colaborador de la revista Perdebate y de la Guía de Periodismo Móvil.