Code of Honor and Coexistence

The University promotes the harmonious and friendly coexistence among its members, so if situations are detected that obstruct the performance, development or academic training of the community, these events are considered as breaches of the Code of Honor and Coexistence that the University has established as the guiding principle of their coexistence. All USFQ students, at the beginning of their studies, commit themselves to be honest and to respect the norms of this Code for the common good. In the case of faults related to this Code, the pertinent sanctions or corrections will be applied.

General contact:

Code of Honor and Coexistence

It is the responsibility of all members of the USFQ to obey and enforce the following Code:

I. Conduct myself in such a manner that does not in any way undermine the opportunities for personal and professional fulfillment of other persons within the University Community. Among other actions, I will avoid slander, lies, greed, envy, and promote goodness, recognition, happiness, friendship, solidarity, and truth.

II. Be honest: do not copy, plagiarize, lie or steal in any way. To sign all academic work as proof of compliance with the Code of Honor and Coexistence, that I have not received help or copied from unauthorized sources. Keep tests, exams, and other confidential information confidential, without disclosing it.

II. Respect all members of the university community and take care of the campus, its infrastructure and equipment.

IV. Not to defame.

V. Report to the Dean of Students any action of disrespect to the Code of Honor and Coexistence by any member. Cooperate with the Honor Court to clarify any investigation and violation of this Code.

Any violation of this code by a member of the USFQ Community will be sanctioned by the corresponding authority in accordance with the respective procedure.

VI. Not engage in acts of academic dishonesty or inappropriate conduct on or off campus.

Vigilance of the Code of Honor and Coexistence

The University promotes harmonious and friendly coexistence among its members, so if situations are detected that obstruct the performance, development or academic training of the community, these events are considered as breaches of the Code of Honor that the University has established as the guiding principle of coexistence. All USFQ students, at the beginning of their studies, commit themselves to be honest and to respect the norms of this Code for the common good. In the case that there are faults related to this Code, the pertinent sanctions or corrections will be applied.


Proceso para generar una denuncia


Si tienes alguna inquietud sobre el proceso para generar una denuncia, no dudes en contactarte a través del correo: