Feminismos Nuestroamericanos: Antología Necesaria

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Agregar a calendario 2024-01-23 11:30:00 2024-01-23 13:00:00 Feminismos Nuestroamericanos: Antología Necesaria Este evento es una oportunidad única para sumergirse en la rica y diversa historia de los movimientos feministas desde una perspectiva latinoamericana. Con un enfoque académico y activista, la sesión será guiada por destacadas figuras en el campo de los estudios de género, incluyendo a la reconocida académica feminista y activista colombiana Sara Yaneth Fernández Moreno, actualmente profesora titular en la Universidad de Antioquia y en situación de exilio involuntario. Esta clase introductoria de Género y Sociedad, moderada por Erika Arteaga Cruz (USFQ) y Anne Emmanuelle Birn (Universidad de Toronto), promete ser más que un evento académico, se plantea como un espacio de diálogo y reflexión, donde los participantes podrán explorar las diversas facetas del feminismo en América Latina, comprendiendo su evolución, desafíos y logros a lo largo de la historia. Ingresar al Evento ZOOM USFQ no-reply@usfq.edu.ec America/Guayaquil public

This event presents a unique opportunity to delve into the rich and diverse history of feminist movements from a Latin American perspective. With both an academic and activist focus, the session will be led by prominent figures in the field of gender studies, including the renowned Colombian feminist scholar and activist, Sara Yaneth Fernández Moreno, currently a full professor at the University of Antioquia and in involuntary exile.

This introductory Gender and Society class, moderated by Erika Arteaga Cruz (USFQ) and Anne Emmanuelle Birn (University of Toronto), promises to be more than just an academic event; it aspires to serve as a space for dialogue and reflection. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the various facets of feminism in Latin America, gaining insight into its evolution, challenges, and achievements throughout history.

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This event brings together iconic figures of Latin American feminism, led by renowned Colombian scholar and activist Sara Yaneth Fernández Moreno, alongside expert moderators in gender studies, Erika Arteaga Cruz and Anne Emmanuelle Birn. Their extensive experience and dedication to the feminist cause promise to enrich the discussion, offering unique and profound insights into feminisms in Latin America.

Sara Yaneth Fernández Moreno

A distinguished Colombian scholar and activist, Professor at the University of Antioquia, currently in involuntary exile. Her work focuses on the intersection of feminism, social justice, and human rights in Latin America.

Erika Arteaga Cruz (USFQ)

Specialized in gender studies, her academic and activist focus has been directed towards combating inequalities and promoting gender equity.

Anne Emmanuelle Birn (University of Toronto)

An expert in gender studies, Anne Emmanuelle brings a global perspective to the discussion, connecting local feminist movements with international trends and challenges.

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