La Química del Amor con Alexis Hidrobo, PhD. en Química

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Agregar a calendario 2024-02-07 16:00:00 2024-02-07 17:00:00 La Química del Amor con Alexis Hidrobo, PhD. en Química El Decanato de Estudiantes de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito tiene el agrado de invitar a todos sus estudiantes a una experiencia única y enriquecedora: la charla "La Química del Amor", presentada por Alexis Hidrobo, PhD. en Química. En esta sesión especial, exploraremos los aspectos científicos del amor, descubriendo cómo las reacciones químicas influyen en nuestras emociones y relaciones. Prepárate para una tarde fascinante en la que la química nos ayudará a comprender mejor los misterios del corazón. Evento virtual vía Zoom USFQ America/Guayaquil public
Virtual event via Zoom

The Dean of Students at the University of San Francisco de Quito is pleased to invite all its students to a unique and enriching experience: the talk "The Chemistry of Love," presented by Alexis Hidrobo, PhD in Chemistry. In this special session, we will explore the scientific aspects of love, discovering how chemical reactions influence our emotions and relationships. Get ready for a fascinating afternoon where chemistry will help us better understand the mysteries of the heart.

Who is this talk for?

This event is aimed at all USFQ students interested in the intersection between science and human emotions. Whether you are a chemistry student, psychology student, or simply curious about understanding more about how love works from a scientific perspective, this talk is for you.

What Will You Learn?

  • The scientific fundamentals of love and attraction.
  • How chemical reactions in our brain affect our emotions and behaviors in relationships.
  • The importance of chemistry in human interactions and the development of healthy relationships.

Participate and Discover:

Join us in this intriguing talk to uncover the chemical secrets behind love. It will be a perfect opportunity to learn, ask questions, and see love from a completely new perspective.

Don't miss out on this fascinating exploration of the chemistry behind love! Secure your spot by joining us through the provided Zoom link.

For more information and future events, stay tuned to our agenda on the website of the Dean of Students at USFQ.

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