Organización y Procrastinación con Diana Coello y Viviana Guerrero

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Agregar a calendario 2024-02-08 10:00:00 2024-02-08 11:00:00 Organización y Procrastinación con Diana Coello y Viviana Guerrero El Decanato de Estudiantes de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito se complace en invitar a su comunidad estudiantil a participar en una charla interactiva y reveladora: "Organización y Procrastinación", dirigida por las expertas Diana Coello y Viviana Guerrero. En este encuentro virtual, se abordarán estrategias efectivas para mejorar la gestión del tiempo y superar la procrastinación, un desafío común que afecta a muchos estudiantes. Evento virtual vía Zoom USFQ America/Guayaquil public
Virtual event via Zoom

The Dean of Students at the University of San Francisco de Quito is pleased to invite its student community to participate in an interactive and enlightening talk: "Organization and Procrastination," led by experts Diana Coello and Viviana Guerrero. In this virtual meeting, effective strategies will be addressed to improve time management and overcome procrastination, a common challenge that affects many students.

Objectives of the Talk

  • Identify the root causes of procrastination and how it affects our academic performance and personal well-being.
  • Learn organization and planning techniques that promote a more productive and balanced lifestyle.
  • Create a dialogue space where students can share experiences and practical solutions for time management challenges.

Who Should Attend?

This session is designed for all USFQ students who are looking to improve their productivity, better manage their time, and find a healthy balance between their academic, work, and personal activities. If you find yourself procrastinating your responsibilities and want to make a positive change in your life, this talk is for you.

Benefits of Participating

  • You will acquire practical tools to combat procrastination.
  • You will improve your organizational skills, which will have a positive impact on your academic performance.
  • You will have the opportunity to interact with experts in the field and learn from their experiences and advice.

Participate and Transform Your Approach to Study and Life:

Don't miss this unique opportunity to transform your approach to organization and procrastination. Join us for a session that promises to be not only informative but also transformative.

Register now and take the first step toward a more organized and productive life. We look forward to seeing you at the provided Zoom link to share strategies and experiences.

For more information about this and future talks, regularly visit the events agenda on the USFQ website.

Register here to participate
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