Specialization in Pediatric Nephrology

College of Health Sciences
Pediatric Nephrology Specialist

2 years

Courses: 26

Total credits: 40

Teaching Mode
In-Person Classes.

Full Time.

Start of Classes
May, 2022.

RPC-SO-21-No.359-2019, June 12, 2019

Total Cost

Enrolment Fee: $1,696
Tuition: $16,956

Application Dates

March 19, 2022.

Specific knowledge test: March 26, 2022.

Internship in Public and Private Hospitals.


The Specialization in Pediatric Intensive Care program trains pediatricians who choose a second specialization to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to transport, receive, stabilize, and restore the health of pediatric patients with serious injuries or conditions, severe instability of vital signs, or at the limits of survival.

An important part of the program is that it awakens in the graduate students the scientific curiosity that induces them to generate research and prepares them to practice teaching.

Applicant's Profile

The Specialization in Pediatric Intensive Care is aimed at national or foreign physicians based in the country who have a duly accredited fourth level degree in Pediatrics.

The applicant must be an altruistic person who practices ethical values and principles and is capable of working with high academic and time demands. Additionally, they must have the required maturity and emotional stability.

Likewise, they must have the appropriate interpersonal and communication skills to adequately relate to patients, their families, and the other members of the healthcare team.

Career Field

At the end of the specialization program, our specialists will be able to work as a team and lead the Pediatric Intensive Care services in public and private health reference centers in our country.


With 30 years of history, USFQ is classified by national and international institutions as the #1 University in Ecuador and 51 in Latin America. The library has a select and up-to-date collection of books in all areas of knowledge, subscriptions to the most important scientific and technical magazines, and an extensive collection of audiovisual and multimedia materials.

Among the university's highlights are its educational philosophy, the excellence of its institutional system, and its clear objectives. It provides its students with a liberal and comprehensive education, in accordance with the reality of today's world.

USFQ has a well-organized team of certified researchers who promote medical research, as well as a Human Research Ethics Committee (CEISH-USFQ) certified by the Ministry of Public Health.

USFQ maintains inter-institutional agreements with different national and international reference hospitals where highly complex patients are treated. This allows our graduate students to acquire the highest level of knowledge and skills.


Basic requirements:

  • Specialist degree in Pediatrics issued by an accredited university in the country and registered with SENESCYT, printed.
  • Graduate-level degree in the health field, registered in the National Information System of Higher Education of Ecuador SNIESE and in the Prepaid Health and Medicine Services Insurance Agency ACESS, printed. In the case of graduate-level degrees obtained abroad, they must be consularly apostilled or legalized. The University will verify that the degree corresponds to the graduate-level degree, in accordance with the current Academic System Regulations.
  • Have proficiency in the English language equivalent to A1 of the Common European Framework.
  • Copy of identity card or passport.
  • Copy of voter registration for national applicants.
  • Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Certificates with grade average. 
  • Official transcript with grades.
  • Registration of the printed SENESCYT certification.
  • Pass the USFQ graduate degree admission exam. To do so, refer to the admissions process http://www.usfq.edu.ec/admisiones/admisiones_posgrado

Specific requirements:

  • Take a specific knowledge test.
  • Printed Graduation Merit Index (IMG).
  • Official certificate of having completed the year of Social Service in Rural Health, issued by the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador.
  • Updated mental, physical, and immunization certificates.
  • Updated resume with photograph (in color).
  • Must have passed the Professional Qualification Exam of the CACES Higher Education Quality Assurance Council. Except for professionals in independent professional practice before November 16, 2014.
  • Current certificate of the Advanced Life Support Program APLS (Advanced Pediatric Life Support), or a similar course of Advanced Cardiac Pediatric Resuscitation.
  • Verify and present the documents indicated in the Technical Standard Resolution corresponding to Merits.

Financiamiento y Becas

Alumni USFQ tienen 10% de descuento.

Pagos con tarjeta de crédito o débito a través de nuestro Botón de Pago En Línea.

  • Aceptamos todas las tarjetas nacionales e internacionales.
  • Puedes diferir tus pagos con tarjetas emitidas por: Diners Club, Banco Guayaquil, Banco Pichincha, Banco Bolivariano, Banco Produbanco y Banco del Austro.
  • En pagos por períodos académicos puedes diferir hasta 12 meses sin intereses.
  • Este programa cuenta con 4 (cuatro) períodos académicos, por lo tanto, el total del programa puede pagarse en 4 (cuatro) cuotas iguales y cada una diferirse hasta 12 meses sin intereses. Las fechas de pago coincidirán con el inicio de cada período académico (verificar fechas en el Calendario Académico del programa).

Pagos con transferencia o depósito a los siguientes datos:

  • Titular: Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ.
  • RUC: 1791836154001
    • Banco Pichincha: Cuenta Corriente No. 3407330004
    • Banco Bolivariano: Cuenta Corriente No. 5075003350
  • Para el registro correspondiente, subir el comprobante en el Botón de Pago En Línea.

Pagos presenciales en las ventanillas de Tesorería: disponible de lunes a viernes de 08h30 a 18h00

Para información sobre planes de financiamiento directo con la USFQ escribir al e-mail: plandefinanciamiento@usfq.edu.ec

Para información sobre otras formas de pago escribir al e-mail: tesorería@usfq.edu.ec

Becas y financiamiento auspiciado

  • El posgradista puede aplicar a una beca del Ministerio de Salud Pública MSP u otras entidades auspiciantes, cuando estas se encuentren ofertadas.
  • Los profesionales pueden también tramitar la comisión de servicios con sueldo en sus respectivas instituciones.
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