
Newsletters and Newspapers

Enfoque (Focus) is a journalistic publication that circulates monthly for the El Comercio subscribers club and for USFQ staff and students. Currently, the circulation of Enfoque reaches 18,000 copies in each installment, in Quito and Guayaquil, including 2,000 additional copies for the university.

Publication frequency

About the Publication

Enfoque (Focus) is a monthly publication made by the third and fourth year Multimedia Journalism students of USFQ's College of Communication and Contemporary Arts. It occurs within the Editorial Production class, which is part of the mesh of the career. Enfoque has a monthly frequency except during the summer holidays. We publish an average of 9 issues a year.

Enfoque is published as a part of the Aula Magna newspaper, a publication of USFQ.18,000 copies are distributed for members of the El Comercio newspaper subscriber club and 2,000 copies on the USFQ campus. Its contents are reviewed by an Editorial Committee made up of the two instructors of the PER 0416 Editorial Production class and three additional communicators.

At the same time, the students of Prácticas Multimedios II develop the multimedia web page of Enfoque magazine. They carry out complementary investigations to what is published, produce videos, photo galleries, audios, and other multimedia formats complementary to the written version.

Enfoque is a journalistic publication that circulates monthly for the El Comercio subscribers club and for USFQ staff and students. Currently, the circulation of Enfoque reaches 18,000 copies in each installment, in Quito and Guayaquil, as well as 2,000 additional copies for the university

Every month, the magazine investigates a social or cultural theme and examines its different aspects. Third and fourth-year students of the USFQ Multimedia Journalism program prepare the contents in written format. Contents in other formats (audiovisual reports, extended interviews, photo galleries, and audio slide shows) can be found on the Enfoque website.

The first topics addressed by the magazine include the Ayahuasca trip, the Bici-Q phenomenon, the situation of refugees in Ecuador, the debate on drug legalization in Latin America and the world, the myth, and theories about the end of the world, the Drag culture in Quito, among others.

The magazine is a product of the Editorial Production class (PER0416) and part of the Multimedia Journalism mesh. It has an Editorial Committee made up of communication professionals.

Editorial Board

The ENFOQUE Editorial Board is the regulatory body for the contents of the publication. Decide on the contents, presentation, and editorial regulations of the magazine. All the contents of the publication will be submitted to the review of the members of the editorial board prior to its dissemination.

In its decision-making, the editorial board should be guided by the journal's editorial line, the criteria for selecting originals, the rules for editing student publications, and its own judgments on other unpredictable aspects.

The first Editorial Board of ENFOQUE is made up of:

Hugo Burgos
Dean of the College of Communication and Contemporary Arts
Ph.D. Media Studies. The University of Iowa, USA

Eric Samson
Coordinator of Multimedia Journalism
M.A. Digital journalism. Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
Foreign Press Correspondent in Ecuador

Alejandro Querejeta
B.A. in Literature
Deputy director of the newspaper La Hora

Ivan Burbano
Communication Design Coordinator
M.A. Strategic Design. Milan Polytechnic, Italy

Santiago Castellanos
Ph.D. in Cultural Studies. University of California, Davis, USA
M.A. Interdisciplinary Studies. San Francisco State University, USA

Guide for Authors

Before submitting an article for review, please read and follow these instructions carefully.

All manuscripts must be designed in compliance with the guidelines specified in this guide, otherwise, they will be returned to the authors for correction. Manuscripts are received in Microsoft Word (* .doc; * .docx) or In Design (* .id) formats. Manuscripts sent in * .pdf format are not accepted.

  • The main page or cover should be composed of a photograph that covers the entire format, followed by a title in the upper left, a short synopsis, and 3 boxes with the summaries of the topics available within the manuscript, in the lower left.
  • Each abstract must have a title.
  • A small box will cover the bottom of the page with the credits.
  • The headlines must be concise and direct, indicating the key elements.
  • These should be written using an Arial font, with a font size of 24 points and highlighted (bold).
  • For the main title on the cover, a size of 40 points will be used.
  • For the boxes, the size of the headlines will be 22 points.
  • Body texts should be written using a Times New Roman font with a font size of 10 points and single-spaced.
  • Quotes must be written in cursive Arial font and size 14.
    Margins should be 12.7
  • 3 columns and 4,233 mm of space (gutter) between them.
  • Enfoque does not have predetermined colors, but it will always vary from the range of 2 chosen colors that match the chosen photography and / or the theme.
  • Good quality photographs related to the subject.
  • The manuscript must comply with a minimum of 5 to 6000 signs per page.

Rights and permissions

Enfoque is published under a Creative Commons License "Attribution-Noncommercial-Share under the same 3.0 Unported License". Anyone can download, use, distribute, reprint, and copy the journal articles, provided the original authors and source are cited, the information is not used for commercial purposes, and the derived products or services are shared under the same license. No permission from the authors or USFQ is required. The authors retain the moral right over their articles while USFQ retains the property rights.

For other uses than those allowed by this license (commercial uses or for products and services that use different licenses), please contact us at enfoque@usfq.edu.ec

Archivo de contenidos

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