
Alfredo Valarezo Garcés

Director of the Institute of Energy and Materials
Hayek Building, H310
  • Ph.D. and Post-doctorate in Materials Science and Engineering, Stony Brook University, USA.
  • M.Sc. Stony Brook University.
  • Mechanical Engineer. National Polytechnic School, Ecuador.
Professional Profile

Alfredo Valarezo earned his Master's and Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Stony Brook University (United States). As a postdoctoral researcher, he worked at the Thermal Spray Research Center (CTSR). He is the director of the Institute of Energy and Materials at the University San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador), where he also serves as a professor and researcher. His interests lie in the field of thermal spray technology, coatings for remanufacturing, biomaterials, thermal barriers, wear, corrosion, failure analysis, clean cooking, environmental pollution, induction cooking, green hydrogen, and decarbonization. With over 20 publications and a patent, he was awarded the Best Paper Award by the "Journal of Thermal Spray Technology" in 2010. His current interests are related to the decarbonization of the Galápagos Islands, remanufacturing projects, clean cooking, mechanical ventilators for COVID-19, and industry collaboration activities.


Soccer, Guitar, Mountain Climbing