
College of Sciences and Engineering

The College of Sciences and Engineering trains professionals with acute critical thinking, excellent levels of scientific and technological preparation, humanistic training in liberal arts, and solid ethical and moral principles.

USFQ's College of Sciences and Engineering invites the youth of the country to participate in the planning and construction of a 21st century Ecuador. We want to train a new generation of professionals, creators of new solutions, entrepreneurs of different activities, leaders within their field of professional activity, who objectively know how to set goals and look to the future with confidence and optimism.

About Us

USFQ's College of Sciences and Engineering invites the youth of the country to participate in the planning and construction of a 21st century Ecuador.

We want to train a new generation of professionals, creators of new solutions, entrepreneurs of different activities, leaders within their field of professional activity, who objectively know how to set goals and look to the future with confidence and optimism.


The College of Sciences and Engineering trains professionals with acute critical thinking, excellent levels of scientific and technological preparation, humanistic training in liberal arts, and solid ethical and moral principles; it investigates aspects related to the needs of society; and it serves the community by proposing technological solutions to these needs.


USFQ's College of Sciences and Engineering will be a benchmark for quality in Ecuador and Latin America in education, scientific research, technological development, and connection with society.


Academic staff
Professor of Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Program Head
Director of Master in Civil Engineering
Hayek Building, H-317
Latest events

Research Institutes

The Institute of Energy and Materials focuses on interdisciplinary research in technology, engineering, and industry, with a particular emphasis on the field of energy and materials. Its primary objective is to drive scientific research and promote the publication of articles…

The IIA USFQ is a scientific entity whose purpose is to investigate the phenomena of the local and regional atmosphere, integrating experimentation, computational modeling, and statistical data analysis. The experimental component of the IIA is carried out at the USFQ…

Computational simulation has been recognized as one of the research areas with the greatest development potential in emerging countries such as Ecuador. USFQ's Institute of Computational Simulation (ISC-USFQ) seeks to be the platform to promote the development of this field in…

The CATENA-USFQ Institute for Productivity and Logistics Innovation was born out of the Department of Industrial Engineering's need to promote applied research in the areas of productivity, quality, logistics, and supply chain, and its related areas in: ergonomics, data science, manufacturing…

This institute conducts research in relation to solid state physics for the development of Nanoelectronics technologies (devices). Nanoelectronic devices aim to develop microelectronic systems (integrated circuits) for applications of logic (microprocessors), memory (RAM, DRAM, ReRAM), telecommunications systems, detectors and sensors, and…


Con el fin de promover la investigación científica, estimular el desarrollo intelectual e impulsar el ingenio y la creatividad de la juventud ecuatoriana, el Departamento de Ingeniería Química de la...
Con el fin de promover la investigación científica, estimular el desarrollo intelectual e impulsar en la juventud ecuatoriana el estudio de las Ciencias de la Naturaleza a nivel fundamental, el...
La Beca Euclides tiene como objetivo promover la investigación científica, estimular el desarrollo intelectual e incentivar a la juventud ecuatoriana en el estudio de las Ciencias Matemáticas. Esta beca se...
WISE (Mujeres en Ciencia e Ingeniería, por sus siglas en inglés) es una iniciativa de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ que busca promover la presencia de la mujer...



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  Informativo de Bienestar Estudiantil 2022



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