Academic School

Faculty of Medical Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Ecuador, Quito-Ecuador
- Medical Surgeon (M.D. equivalent)
- Homologation of Official Spanish University Degree in Medicine.
- MIR Examination 2012: Awarded place of Medical Degree in Hematology and Hemotherapy.
- MIR training in the Specialty of Hematology and Hemotherapy at Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena (6 months rotation at Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío).
- Diploma in Immunohematology: Challenges, complications and latest advances for continuous improvement. Blood Bank. Tecnológico de Monterrey. Mexico.

Professional Profile

11 years of experience in the area of Hematology, Onco-hematology and Hemotherapy.
Member of scientific societies: EHA (European Hematology Association) and SEHH (Spanish Society of Hematology).
Author and co-author of multiple scientific articles.
Speaker and assistant in several national and international courses and congresses.
Currently Director of the Blood Bank and Head of the Onco-Hematology Service of the Hospital Metropolitano.