Technology Transfer and Development Center (CTT)

The CTT Technology Transfer and Development Center is an administrative unit with legal capacity, attached to USFQ, which aims to promote research and consulting, providing logistical, administrative and legal support to the executing units formed within USFQ; acting as a contracting unit for research and consulting projects.

Within its structure, USFQ has scientific and professional resources of the highest quality, which have been consolidated into executing units that provide highly efficient research and consulting processes.

The CTT-USFQ was created on August 25th, 2005 in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 99-44 dated November 9th, 1999 issued for the creation of "Technology Transfer and Development Centers", by H. National Congress of Ecuador. This law is published in the Official Registry No. 319 dated November 16th, 1999.

  • Taxpayer ID: The CTT-USFQ is registered in the Taxpayer Registry.
  • Unique provider registry: It is registered in the National Public Procurement System ( ), and is enabled in the Unique Registry of Suppliers, RUP.


  • To promote scientific and technological research within USFQ, as well as its use and application to solve problems in the different economic and productive sectors of the country, through academic programs, advisory programs, and consulting work.
  • To promote and strengthen the interaction between USFQ and the public and private, national, and foreign productive sectors in matters related to the transfer, development, and application of scientific and technological knowledge.
  • To collaborate with organizations, institutions, and companies, public and private, national and foreign, in the processes of transfer, development, and/or adaptation of technologies to the needs of the country.
  • To seek solutions to the technical and technological requirements posed by the country's productive and social sectors.
  • To design development projects in all economic and productive sectors, to participate in their execution, implementation, and evaluation
  • To organize promotion and dissemination programs for strategies and results obtained.
  • To organize and develop training courses for public and private companies at USFQ.
  • To promote the creation and improvement of laboratories, cabinets, or other suitable means to encourage and improve research and technological development within USFQ.


USFQ has participated in projects and consultancies since 1999. As of 2007, this is done through the CTT-USFQ. In this short time, around 39 projects have been executed at a national and international level.

At the national level, the demands of public and private institutions have been met, mainly in research, health, and development projects.

At the international level, it has participated in projects through cooperation agreements with international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and foreign universities, particularly in the United States of America.

Project Counterpart
Diagnosis of the working environment and organizational culture of ANDINATEL S.A. ANDINATEL
Implementation of the commercial and marketing plan to the institutional strategic plan TAME
Malaria control in border areas of the Andean countries:
A community approach
PANAFRO - Global Fund
Subcontract for the follow-up survey of the project border prevention of the epidemic in Ecuador National Institute of Public Health of Mexico - INSP
Malaria transmission and land use management in the Ecuadorian Amazon IDRC Canada (Research Grant)
Montevideo, Uruguay Office
Training of health professionals in postgraduate programs (level four) and training of personnel in the health sectors European Institute of Health and Social Welfare
Training workshops and implementation of the organic law of the national health system of Ecuador and laws related to the sector, due to the reform of the national health system, in the provinces of Bolívar, Cotopaxi, and Chimborazo, and the city of Quito PASSEE Europe AID Project
Formulation of the base document for the creation of the monitoring and socio-environmental monitoring center of the Amazon region (CEMSA) ECOLAP
Ministry of Mines and Petroleum
Implementation of a national survey to determine the health, nutrition, cognitive, functional status, access and use of medications, the existence of family and social support networks, employment history, access and use of services and housing conditions, of the Ecuadorian elderly population "Eat Ecuador" Program
Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion
Carapungo local traffic study and qualitative study MAGDA Supermarkets
Institutional strengthening of the ministry of culture of the Republic of Ecuador - institutional cartography component of culture, AECID - MC agreement Ministry of Culture
Implementing, in a sub-sample of the SABE survey, a national-level study in the population of elderly people, to determine health and nutrition conditions through the collection of bio-markers "Eat Ecuador" Program
Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion
Design to develop a territorial system of integrated information on assets as part of the national information system that allows planning and managing the country's territories - STIIP Coordinating Ministry of Heritage
Health, Wellbeing, and Aging of the Indigenous Older Adult in Ecuador: Proposal for a qualitative study Help Age International
Pan American Health Organization - OPS
Construction of indigenous territorial constituencies-CTI, with Amazonian indigenous groups ECORAE
Design of sampling strategy, analysis, and monitoring of discharge parameters for the protection of bodies and water sources by identifying and characterizing local installed capacity in the provinces of Los Ríos, Manabí, and Esmeraldas United Nations Development Project - PNUD
Survey of geo-referenced information and implementation of the national system "SIG-CODENPE", and formulation of good living plans for the Achuar and T’sachila nationalities and the towns: Cañari and Saraguro Development Council of the Nationalities and Peoples of Ecuador - CODENPE
Training on updating the national profile for the management of chemical substances Ministry of the Environment
Evaluation of the operation of the wastewater treatment plant of the POLLO FAVORITO S.A. company POFASA
Training of technical team of organizations of Amazonian indigenous groups ECORAE
Environmental impact studies to carry out public health studies in the areas of influence of the Chirapi and Manduriacu hydroelectric projects (Guayllabamba) TRACTEBEL
Design of the storage plan and analysis of alternatives for the elimination of PCBS in the Ecuadorian electricity sector CONELEC
Subaward agreement for: "Impact of Maternal Work in the Ecuadorian Flower Industry on Infant Development" Th.e University of New Mexico
Research project: "Economic Impact of Climate Change on Subsistence Agriculture in Ecuador" Ca.rolina Foundation
Bio industrial and community digesters Coordinating Ministry of Production and Competitiveness
Systematization of results of the IDB 1754/0C-EC program to execute the program to support the extension of health coverage MSP-BID
Mid-term evaluation of the FIE program and of the implementation of the 104 projects financed for the fie (in execution and concluded) based on the parameters of relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness Ecuadorian-Italo Fund - FIE
Preparation of the Technical File of the Cultural Territory of Region 7 Province of Loja National Institute of Cultural Heritage
Identity and cultural revitalization from the celebration of the Inty Raymi Kulla Raymi in the Tenta, Lagunas, Ilincho and Gunudel Communities of the Saraguro canton National Institute of Regional Cultural Heritage 7
Study of the Symbology and Imaginaries Associated with the Religious Festival of the Virgin of the Nativity of Chilla National Institute of Regional Cultural Heritage 7
Specialized Technical Services Contract, Training in English Classes Andes Petroleum Ecuador Ltd
Investigation of the Yacuviña Archaeological Complex in a sector of Set 1, Monumental Zone. Atahualpa Canton, El Oro province National Institute of Regional Cultural Heritage 7
Study of Ancestral Memory Shuar Present in the Oral Tradition of the Shuar Communities of the Cantons Nangaritza and Paguisha, Province of Zamora Chinchipe National Institute of Regional Cultural Heritage 7
Formulation of the Development Plan and Land Management of the Taisha Canton of the Province of Morona Santiago Municipal Government of the Taisha Canton
A specialized research study to locate, select, technically assist and acquire copyright for at least 24 most representative works of popular art in Ecuador Ministry of Culture of Ecuador
Technological needs assessment project (ENT) for climate change Ministry of the Environment
UNEP RISOE Center - Technical University of Denmark
Strengthening of the subsystem of conservation areas of the Metropolitan District of Quito through a scientific proposal for the creation of a natural corridor for the Andean Bear (Tremarctos Ornatus) in the North-West of the Metropolitan District and its Zones of Influence Ministry of Environment of the Metropolitan District of Quito
Training service in the "One to - One English Program" In.stitute of Petroleum Studies of the EP PETROECUADOR
Inventory and Guide of the Cultural Landscape of Canton Oña National Institute Of Regional Cultural Heritage 6
Traditional Trades in Regional 3: Case of Picapedreros San Andrés Cantón Guano Province of Chimborazo National Institute Of Regional Cultural Heritage 3
Technology Transfer in High Sensitivity and Specificity Techniques for the Detection of Avian Influenza and New Castle to Agrocality Technicians Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) - Animal And Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
Studies for the Remodeling, Expansion, and Optimization of the Infrastructure of the Chankuap Foundation Transformer Plant in the City of Macas. Corpei Export and Investment Promotion Corporation
Obtain Elements of Judgment on the Behavior of the Demand for Leasing of Warehouses by Small Merchants and Homes Concentrated in the Sector of Avenida Amazonas and Eloy Alfaro Private company
Strengthening and Consolidation of the Ecuadorian Group for the Experimental and Theoretical Study of Getnano Nanosystems UTPL-EPN-USFQ-ESPOCH. Ecuadorian Consortium for the Development of Advanced Internet - CEDIA
Strengthening of Management Tools of the Ministry of Environment for the Sustainable Use of Wild Fauna Species Subject to Commercialization CORPEI Export and Investment Promotion Corporation
Design a Marketing Communication Plan that discloses the Offer of Value Proposal by the Tapestry Fabric Business. Private company
Specialized Technical Services Extension, Training in English Classes Andes Petroleum Ecuador LTD
Study of the Development of a Line of Biodegradable Cleaners Private company
Consulting for the Elaboration of the Comprehensive Management Plan of the Ingapirca Archaeological Complex National Institute of Cultural Heritage
Training in Public Procurement Management and Market Research for Police Personnel of the General Command - Central Plant (General Directorate of Logistics, Financial Headquarters - Central Plant and Department of Public Copras) General Police Command
Contracting Services to Perform the Application Processes of the SER and TERCE Tests National Institute of Educational Evaluation
Optimizing educational research in higher education (OERHE) VLIR
Carry out applied strategic research and develop innovative mechanisms to integrate research around agroecological systems, as a context of social health determination, with practical application in matters relevant to public health systems. INIAP Corporation, CORPOINIAP
Analysis of the generation capacity of biogas production from waste from camal Private company
The civil contract for specialized technical services for archaeological rescue at sites z6d3-002 and z6d3-090 for the mirador mining project (mirador 1 accumulated) ECUACORRIENTE S.A.
Formulation of the Guamote Carnival Safeguard Plan National Institute of Cultural Heritage
Determine social, environmental and economic relationships that allow developing, based on modeling processes, potential sustainability scenarios of the socio-economic system of the Galapagos Islands with emphasis on the dynamics of the flow of visitors to the Archipelago Ministry of the Environment
Agreement for the project "High-performance computing applied to the design of surfactants and biosurfactants to improve the production and transportation of crude oil in Ecuador: phase I. Implementation and start-up of the molecular modeling and simulation laboratory" Ecuadorian Consortium Foundation for Advanced Internet Development - CEDIA
Study for the management of solid waste in the communities of Portete and Bolivar - Esmeraldas Province Blue Balance
Consulting to carry out an evaluation on the scientific rigor, the reliability of the information and the updating of the disciplinary contents of the texts for the students and the teaching guide of the first-course subjects of BGU of history and social sciences and computer science applied to education and for the second-year BGU subjects of history and social sciences and mathematics Ministry of Education
"Study for the development of a gel insect.icide for ants and roaches" Balin Fumigation
A contract for training in English classes for DHL global forwarding Ecuador S.A. at the company facilities DHL GLOBAL Forwarding Ecuador S.A. Company
Contract for training in English classes for the staff of Rosa Prima Cia. Ltda. at the company facilities Compañía rosa prima Cia. Ltda.
"Life cycle analysis of the biodegradable plastic covers delivered by Corporación Favorita C.A., and the comparison of the environmental impa.ct with other alternatives" Corporación Favorita C.A.
The hiring of a consultancy to evaluate the conceptual and curricular scientific rigor of school texts and guides for the language and literature teacher. Ministry of Education
"Consultancy for the elaboration of the basic manual of energy use of agricultural residues focused on the mitigation of climate change." Ministry of the Environment
Service contract for coding and capturing open questions from TERCE National Institute of Educational Evaluation –INEVAL
Contracting of consultancy services for analysis of the potential of advanced recycling of oil technology Ministry of Industries and Productivity - MIPRO
Cooperation agreement to carry out the "Epidemiological study of ticks and blood parasites in the Bovina's population in two islands in the province of Galapagos." Agency for the Regulation and Control of Biodiversity and Quarantine for Galapagos - ABG
Cooperation agreement to carry out the "Comparative Exploratory Study of the risk factors for the transmission of dengue virus in Santa Cruz and San Cristobal, Province of Galapagos." Agency for the Regulation and Control of Biodiversity and Quarantine for Galapagos - ABG
Industrial Cooperation Framework Agreement with the purpose of directing all the actions that come from the scope of their respective competences, so that, prior approval by the H. University Council, industrial projects are developed on the campus premises of USFQ, academic and research that are convenient for the parties and that will be based on specific agreements Public Drug Company "ENFARMA E.P."
Agreement establishing an inter-university network for the study and design of drugs and biopharmaceuticals assisted by computers: Phase 1: Virtual education in chemical, mathematical and computer fundamentals Ecuadorian Consortium Foundation for Advanced Internet Development - CEDIA
Consulting for the disciplinary revision and readjustment of the curriculum of the subject of natural sciences, biology, chemistry, and physics of EGB and BGU Ministry of Education
Specialized technical services contract for training in the English language for personnel of the Andes Petroleum Company in Quito Andes Petroleum Ecuador Ltd
Egg consumption to improve micronutrients status of young children Washington University

Implementing Units od Projects

The Executing Units are formed by highly specialized professionals, with experience in project formulation, execution, and evaluation. Among the existing executing units within the USFQ are:

CISCO Academy

It has a certification program that includes important manufacturers of operating systems and infrastructure for Telecommunications and Systems such as Panduit, IBM, Microsoft, and others. Its clients include officials from private companies in the telecommunications area, with solid systems structures, such as banks and state agencies related to telecommunications and networks. CISCO has professionals trained in the country and abroad, trained and experienced in project management. Read more...

Population Studies Center

It promotes scientific research on issues related to a population for use by the public and private entities, developing skills and capacities in new teams of researchers to fill the gap of this type of scientific demand in the country. It has a team of researchers and infrastructure with recognized national and regional experience. The Center for Population Studies has worked, since its inception, with the United Nations Population Fund UNFPA, which allows it to identify, at the national and regional level, the needs for population research.

Socio-Cultural Research Center

It develops research processes in the fields of arts, humanities, and culture within the entire national territory, participating in research programs that are accompanied by publications in important scientific journals and with national and international circulation.

Agro Technological Research and Development Center - CIDAT

The Project Executing Unit of the USFQ School of Veterinary Medicine works in the research, formulation, and execution of projects in the field of animal health, nutrition, production, and reproduction; Agro-productive systems, food security, traceability, good production practices, and food safety.

The continuing education program that is developed in parallel, has allowed the training and transfer of agricultural technologies for the public and private sectors of the country.

In addition to national experts, CIDAT has international advisers from various universities, mainly from Argentina, Mexico, Chile, and the United States. CIDAT has experience in preparing plans for the prevention, control and eradication, surveillance, and monitoring of animal diseases, of public and private interest; Conservation medicine (integrating human-nature relationships, economic development, and its relationship with the spread of diseases) and wildlife medicine.

COCIBA - College of Biological and Environmental Sciences USFQ

The USFQ College of Biological and Environmental Sciences, created in 1990, took on the challenge of promoting the development of biological sciences in the most biodiverse country on Earth. We are committed to contributing to the knowledge of this mega-diversity by developing research, management, and conservation strategies and actions.

From its beginnings in 1990 until now, our facilities, resources, and the excellence of our teachers have distinguished us as the best College in this field in Ecuador. We have several agreements with national and international institutions such as the Ministry of the Environment, INOCAR, FONAG, PAHO, the University of Barcelona, among others. Our students, professors, and graduates work together with various sectors of society to contribute to the knowledge and conservation of our biodiversity and natural resources and to the sustainable development of the country.

ECODESS - Ecology, Development, Health, and Society

Multidisciplinary research project in health and the environment, funded by the National Institutes of Health and the United States National Science Foundation. Since 2003, he has carried out his research in 25 communities, mostly Afro-Ecuadorians in the North of Esmeraldas, to assess the health impact of the construction of a first-rate highway that links Northwest Ecuador with Southwest Colombia.

The international team is formed by researchers from the University of Michigan, Trinity College of the United States. The national counterpart is led by USFQ. The main components of our research involve areas of knowledge such as demography and statistics, geoprocessing of information, tropical medicine, epidemiology, ethnography and anthropology, public health, and molecular biology. Currently, our studies are focused on the transmission of enteric pathogens, resistance to veterinary antibiotics, and dengue.

For more information, visit the website here.

Tiputini Biodiversity Station - TBS

Research, study, and conservation center located within one of the most biologically and culturally diverse areas in the world. It receives national and international researchers and students from various countries of the world who carry out studies with flora and fauna.

GEOcentro USFQ

Created to provide and propose evaluation services, participatory planning, training, consulting, monitoring, management, management and research for geographic studies, and the design and implementation of geographic information systems and remote sensing. It works together with communities and organizations with and without profit of the public and private sector, national and international.

Its sphere of action is mainly the equator, with an emphasis on planning and territorial ordering in both rural and urban areas. It includes multidisciplinary and highly qualified collaborators within a network of universities with centers of competence in gis throughout Latin America, Europe, and Asia.

Its most prominent international partners include UNIGIS International Association, ZGIS University of Salzburg, and ESRI. He has extensive experience in consulting and technical advice for ministries, provincial councils, municipalities, service companies, NGOs, and private companies.

Integrated Logistics Group - GLI

The Integrated Logistics Group (GLI) offers consulting services and is made up of professionals specialized in Industrial Engineering with national and international experience in logistics and supply chain. The GLI offers three lines of services with first-rate solutions in:
1) Design and improvement of logistics operations and supply chain (such as strategic storage planning, order processing and inventory management at the lowest possible cost. Analysis and modeling of transportation networks focused on customer service, etc.).
2) Negotiation of contracts between clients and suppliers (including strategic direction, analysis, and modeling) and
3) Sustainability of the supply chain (such as optimization of sustainability processes and measurement of the carbon footprint and water footprint).

Institute of Applied Ecology - ECOLAP

Institution attached to USFQ created to provide and propose evaluation, participatory planning, training, consulting, monitoring, management, management and research services for the preservation and sustainable use of natural resources and the improvement of environmental quality. It works together with communities and organizations with and without profit of the public and private sector, national and international. Its scope of action is mainly Ecuador, with an emphasis on protected areas and urban areas.

Institute of Economics - IE

It carries out economic research in order to deepen the knowledge of the socio-economic reality of Ecuador and generate recommendations for public policies aimed at the integral development of our society. Among the topics covered we have: economic development, poverty alleviation, business innovation, technological clusters, financial crises, and institutionality in Ecuador. Our staff has experience in consulting for Non-Governmental Organizations, state agencies, and private companies. The results of our research are presented in conferences and periodicals both nationally and internationally. We have the capacity of public and private contacts to reach a wide spectrum of decision-makers in the country with our proposals.

Institute of Teaching and Learning - IDEA

Educational Institute of the College of Liberal Arts of the San Francisco de Quito University (USFQ) dedicated to improving the quality of education through evidence-based research, initial and continuing teacher training, and student support.

Our vision is to improve the economic and social structure of the country through a better-prepared population.

To achieve these objectives, we have an excellent team of people who lead various projects: educational consulting and research, professional development of USFQ teachers and staff, support for USFQ students and vocational guidance for young people, training for teachers in Ecuador (certifications, workshops, conferences, virtual courses, congresses), conferences and educational workshops worldwide, application of College Board exams in educational institutions in Ecuador and advice to these institutions based on the results obtained... Read more...

Institute of Health and Nutrition Research - ISYN

It promotes research in health and nutrition seen from the perspective of social, economic, political, and cultural development.

In the area of nutrition, the ISYN develops programs to promote healthy eating, physical activity, control, and prevention of nutritional problems due to deficit and excess, promotion of breastfeeding, and complementary feeding.

In the health area, his focus is on the analysis, control, and prevention of chronic, emerging and infectious conditions. Specific research areas include prevention of overweight, diabetes, malnutrition, promotion of healthy breastfeeding practices, physical activity, prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, tuberculosis, and HIV / AIDS; and the effect of nutritional status on the immune response.

Department of Foreign Languages - DLE

The Department of Foreign Languages provides its services to regular students of USFQ and the general community in ESL programs (English as a Second Language) and other foreign languages. It offers a wide range of schedules with regular, intensive, and distance courses. The Institute's primary responsibility is to provide quality teaching and to train students to have the necessary skills to continue their language learning, to reach broad oral and written communication skills. Likewise, to companies and executives who require it, always guaranteeing the same standards of academic excellence. Our professors, representatives of USFQ philosophy of Liberal Arts, teach their classes towards a free world open to new horizons since languages are the best way to break down barriers, bring cultures closer and integrate as an individual in a modern world and globalized. Read more...

Institute of Microbiology - IM

Infection is one of the main causes of mortality in Ecuador, a country that, due to its geographical location, has high rates of deforestation. Due to the rapid colonization in natural areas, the outbreak of tropical diseases at the epidemic level is particularly vulnerable; The social and economic cost of these pathologies is also high, which is why, responding to this reality, the San Francisco University of Quito created the Institute of Microbiology (IM) in 2002. The mission of the IM is aimed at providing training, research, and diagnostic services to local and international communities.

Institute of Health and Safety

The mission of the USFQ Institute of Safety and Health is to provide advisory services, consulting, implementation of comprehensive and integrated management systems in safety and health. The main activities it executes are identification, measurement and evaluation of risks, audits and inspections, studies of work accidents, occupational diseases, fires, explosions, major accidents, health surveillance, biological control of effects and control, screening, and recognitions. medical, development, and implementation and advice on comprehensive and integrated management systems for Safety, Health, and Environment.

Higher Institute and Graduate School of Health - ISEPS

It provides the university and scientific community with effective and efficient research, execution, consulting, and training tools for professionals who wish to have a broader approach to health in the context of Public Health and related areas. ISEPS seeks to achieve adequate coordination and cohesion between the different postgraduate health programs, grouping these areas, and promoting the creation of others according to the needs of the Ecuadorian population and the development of health sciences in the world. Among the main objectives of ISEPS is to provide a space for the development of academic and operational research, manage and coordinate the implementation of participatory research projects in the community and serve as a direct link between the University and the community in general.

Laboratory for the Development of Alternative Energies - LADEA

LADEA's mission is to research and develop new alternative energy sources to optimize material and energy resources through product and energy diversification. The main objective is to support and advise local governments, municipalities, industries, and others involved in the environmental and logistical problems of urban, agricultural, and industrial waste management, high risk, or difficult disposition.

Laboratory of Medical Entomology & Tropical Medicine (LEMMT)

The Laboratory of Medical Entomology & Tropical Medicine (LEMMT) of the San Francisco University of Quito serves as a unit for research, community service, training, and promotion of the study of tropical infectious diseases with priority in vector-borne diseases. His research focuses on field and laboratory work to study the eco-epidemiology and transmission dynamics of diseases such as Leishmaniasis, Malaria, Chagas disease, Dengue, and the recent outbreak of the Chikungunya virus in Ecuador. The study of disease vectors is one of the priority lines of research with an emphasis on the taxonomy and behavior of arthropod vectors that include Nematocerous Diptera, Triatomine Hemiptera, ticks and other groups of medical and veterinary interest. Some international projects that have been or are being executed include a sandfly taxonomy study, Leishmaniasis vectors in the Pacific coast and the Amazon of Ecuador, study of the transmission dynamics of Malaria in the Ecuadorian Amazon and of Chagas Disease in the Southwest of the country and study of the influence of climate change on vector diseases in rural parishes in the Metropolitan District of Quito.

Marketing Center

The Marketing Center is an organization specialized in marketing studies, created within the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, to meet the needs of companies in the city of Quito and Ecuador in general. He is technically trained to participate in research and consulting projects inside and outside the country. The CTT-USFQ will be the body in charge of the management and contracting aspects of the consulting projects in which the Marketing Center participates.

Process Excellence Group - PEG

The Process Excellence Group (PEG) is formed by professionals specialized in Industrial Engineering with national and international experience in the areas of business process improvement, optimization, quality, business intelligence, and project management. The PEG offers five lines of services with first-rate solutions in:
1) Continuous improvement of processes (including the design and improvement of processes; the integration of processes through business process management (BPM), among others);
2) Optimization and productivity of operations (for example optimization of capacity and productivity, cost reduction, predictive modeling and simulation of operations);
3) Quality Assurance and Lean Services (application of six sigma lean and its tools, ISO systems, statistical quality control, etc.);
4) Business Intelligence (including business analytics for decision making through the use of indicators and data analysis, data mining, data quality, and data management processes) and 5) Project Management according to PMBOK methodology, evaluation, and formulation of projects, programs, and portfolios.

The Galapagos Academic Institute for the Arts & Sciences

In 2002, with the support of the Galapagos National Park, the Municipality and the central and provincial governments, the San Francisco de Quito University established The Galapagos Academic Institute for the Arts & Sciences - GAIAS, with an academic and research focus at the international level, aimed at national and international students. GAIAS has become the most important educational and research institution along with the islands of the Galapagos archipelago. Its mission also includes establishing links with universities around the world, as well as between sectional and international governments and non-governmental organizations that work for conservation and sustainable development on the islands of the archipelago.


The CTT-USFQ is a consolidated organization that has its own administrative, technical, and financial units, as well as an infrastructure dedicated solely to the management and monitoring of projects that allow it to perform efficiently.

The CTT-USFQ works with expert professionals, with Masters and Ph.D. training, and a wide and recognized academic and professional career. The CTT-USFQ uses the existing technical-scientific capacities at USFQ and optimizes resources, resulting in a high level of efficiency in the activities and services it develops.

Ethical Principles

The CTT-USFQ has defined ethical principles in its regulations, which are detailed in a procedures manual, guaranteeing honest, transparent, and responsible work, under the principles of respect for projects, experts, and institutions.

Under highly technical criteria, it oversees data collection, structuring, and presentation of technical and financial reports, product delivery, and compliance with agreements. The results obtained from the investigations and consultancies are provided to the contractors, maintaining a principle of confidentiality.

The responsibility and transparency with which the CTT-USFQ works are reflected in the growing participation of projects and consultancies.


Warranties and Backup

The CTT-USFQ, through a collegiate body, recognized for its high academic and professional level, guarantees and supports advisory services, where what is offered, from the identification of the need, can be structured in conjunction with the client, until the implantation of the same and internalization of the solution in the daily operation.

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