The Service-Learning Program (PASEC)

The Service-Learning Program aims to have students blend the acquisition of theoretical knowledge with reflection during their community service activities.

Through this program, USFQ establishes a connection between theory and Ecuador's reality, enabling students to gain an enriching experience that resonates in both their personal and professional lives.

By means of readings, reflections, and various activities within a blended course structure, students can engage with the reality of their country, nurturing attitudes of leadership, civic consciousness, and respect as they forge connections through their service activities.

The PASEC office disseminates the Service-Learning methodology to professors across diverse fields of study, empowering them to innovate, challenge, and inspire their students, all while fostering an impact within the community.

The methodology revolves around experiential learning guided by reflection and student immersion in applying their knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a real-world context.

In the following links, you will find information about: What is PASEC, student and professor testimonials, and Methodology information.

If you're a professor at USFQ and are interested in implementing this methodology in your class, we're here to guide and support you throughout the semester.


How It Works:

Community Learning and Service Program

PASEC is a requirement for all students, regardless of their major. Students take the Learning-Service class and concurrently engage in 85 hours of community service.

Step #1: Registration
The initial step involves enrolling in the "PRC 20000 Community Learning and Service PASEC" class.

Step #2: Organization
Once enrolled, visit and navigate to the Forms/Organizations section. There, you can access a list of organizations where you can complete your service hours and select one from the options.

Step #3: Contact
After choosing an organization, it's essential to get in direct contact with them to ensure they can accommodate you.

Step #4: AgreementLastly, you need to jointly sign the PASEC service agreement with the organization. This agreement can be found at the same link: in the Forms/Organizations section.

Signing the agreement is the only way to secure your spot with the organization of your choice. You should submit this agreement to your instructor on the first day of classes.

Remember, you cannot begin your hours until the first day of classes in the academic term when you're taking the Learning-Service course.

In the following link, you can watch videos featuring testimonials from students who have completed their PASEC hours with various partnered organizations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PASEC?
The Community Learning and Service Program (PASEC) at USFQ is a Graduation Requirement for all students, regardless of their major. PASEC involves students taking a theoretical class while concurrently engaging in 85 hours of community service with one of our partnered organizations.

Is PASEC an internship with the community?
PASEC is not an internship; you do not receive compensation for your work. These are community service hours completed while taking the PASEC class.

What types of activities are involved in PASEC?During community service hours, students directly engage with the beneficiaries of the organization. Administrative, operational, or logistical tasks are not eligible activities. If you are not in contact with the individuals receiving services from the organization, the hours will not be counted. If you have questions, consult your PASEC instructor.

Where can I complete my PASEC hours?PASEC hours can be fulfilled with one of the partnered organizations. Review the document:

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Is PASEC a class? How do I register?You need to register for the PRC 2000 Community Learning and Service PASEC class.

How many PASEC hours must I complete and when?
You must complete a total of 85 service hours concurrently while taking the class.

Can I complete the hours before or after the class?
You complete the hours while taking the class, not before or after.

Can I have an incomplete grade in this subject?
You cannot have an incomplete grade in PASEC; you must complete the hours and achieve a minimum of 61 points to pass the course. Otherwise, you'll receive an F.

When is the PASEC class offered?
The PASEC class is offered every semester and during the summer term.

Can I take the PASEC class online?
The online PASEC class is only available for students who are pursuing their entire degree online. If you are attending in person, you should take the class in person.

How long does the PASEC class last?
The PASEC class spans 16 weeks during the regular semester and 8 weeks during the summer term.

Previously completed hours cannot be validated.

What if I don't live in Ecuador and want to do PASEC?If you're not in Ecuador, you should take the online PASEC class and coordinate with the PASEC office for your service work location. You must find a non-profit organization and send the contact to for approval before starting your hours.

Do I need to do PASEC if I'm an online student?
All USFQ students must take PASEC.

How do I complete my PASEC hours if I have a job?

You'll need to manage your time to meet the PASEC requirements.

Where can I find the rubrics for the class activities?
In the class's D2L platform, under Evaluation/Rubrics, you'll find all the PASEC activity rubrics.

Does the PASEC class have a grade?
The PASEC class is graded with an A, B, C, D, or F. You need at least a D to pass the course.

Do I need to take PASEC if I'm a night student?
All USFQ students must take PASEC.

What's my deadline if I'm currently taking the Community Learning and Service class?
The deadline to complete PASEC hours while currently taking the class is the last day of the semester in which you're enrolled.

What's the procedure if I want to complete my hours with an organization not partnered with the Community Learning and Service program?
If you want to complete your hours with an organization not currently partnered with the program, follow these steps:

  1. Contact the PASEC office via to receive the list of new organizations.
  2. Await a response from the Learning and Service office regarding your request.

Whom should I submit my hours to if I'm taking the Community Learning and Service class?
If you're taking the Community Learning and Service class, you should provide all required information to your registered course on the D2L platform.


"Once I stepped into the daycare, all the stressors like exams and assignments faded away. The joy of the kids was contagious – their laughter, antics, and mischievousness acted as therapy to shrug off the stress. I realized that if I couldn't solve something, the world wouldn't end, and I needed to stop giving so much importance to problems."

-Juan Ignacio López Vaca-

"Change in the country's social reality begins with the actions one takes."

-Paulina Endara-

"Assisting the community has enriched both my personal and professional life. It opens your eyes to a latent reality surrounding you. You come to realize that small actions can actively contribute to the development of the country's vulnerable population. It inspires you to help even more in the future, whether through new volunteer work or by creating long-term Social Responsibility projects."

-Paulina Endara-

"One of the experiences from my internship was playing card games. We often played '40,' a game everyone enjoyed and brought back fond memories. It was emotional to see that despite the challenges they faced due to illness, a simple game could help them forget it all and enjoy the moment. This taught me to value life as even with small gestures, people can find great happiness."

-Jonathan Nagao-

"This semester, I finally took the PASEC community internship. It was a class I postponed for as long as I could during my university life, and now I regret it. But more than regret, from the few hours I spent with the people at my foundation, I gained a profound life experience. I completed my service hours in a school, not a conventional one – it only operates on Saturdays and assists adults in completing their high school education. I had the chance to attend the graduation of the third batch of students from this school. As one of the attendees stated in their speech, 'I've never been to such an emotional graduation.' Witnessing adults who still care about their basic education and understand that their studies are an opportunity for development was incredibly motivating. At the end of this experience, everyone talks about their foundations as their own, and that's exactly how I feel about the school. I'm now a part of that community of teachers and students, but to me, they're friends from whom I learned much more than I could teach them."

-Marcelo Ayala-

"Working with the community is truly enriching, especially when it involves children from underprivileged backgrounds. I completed my service hours at the Solidarity and Action Foundation (ASA), located in Carcelén, in a center providing guided homework help for kids. In the beginning, like anyone, I was a bit nervous, but working closely with people from my country who needed my assistance was wonderful. Within a few days, the kids remembered my name and were affectionate. I felt at ease quickly and managed to help them with their homework using my knowledge and added joy for games. We had a lot of fun and learned together, both them and me. The experience was excellent; I learned to be more patient, share with them, and be less attached to material possessions, as they shared what little they had. I witnessed tough realities in the children and thanked God and life for the opportunities and comforts I didn't value before. Undoubtedly, engaging in community work is a good choice. I recommend you go to work with a cheerful and willing attitude, as there are people who need you."

-Verónica Yumiceba-


Explore our Open House Gallery:

  Open House 2022

On Thursday, June 2nd, the PASEC Open House took place at the USFQ campus from 10 AM to 2 PM in the Quadrangles. We had the participation of 27 organizations affiliated with the Community Learning and Service Program-PASEC. This event offered an opportunity for the USFQ community to learn about the activities of various organizations. Students who hadn't yet chosen a place to complete their service hours took advantage of the occasion to do so

  Open House 2020

On Thursday, January 16th, the 2020 PASEC Open House was held, aiming to acquaint students with the activities of the different organizations partnered with the Community Learning and Service Program. This annual event informs the USFQ community about these organizations and their service to various vulnerable sectors of the country. In this manner, students can engage with them as part of the PASEC requirement or get involved in volunteering and social work

  Open House 2018

On Thursday, January 18th, for the third consecutive year, the PASEC Open House was organized at the USFQ premises. The event took place from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM in the Main Information Hall. Organizations partnered with PASEC were present. This served as an opportunity for the USFQ community to learn about the activities students engage in with different organizations. Additionally, students who hadn't chosen a service location yet took advantage of this occasion to do so. We extend our gratitude to the attending organizations and everyone who made this event possible

  Open House 2017

On Thursday, January 12th, an Information Meeting and Open House were held with the organizations partnered with the Community Learning and Service Program (PASEC). The USFQ community had the chance to gain insight into the work of these institutions where our students carry out their community service hours

  Casa abierta 2015

January 21st, 2015 | Main Hall Time: 9:00 AM

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