
College of Social Sciences and Humanities

"We study how human beings think and feel in order to improve their decisions"


Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
8 semesters
Teaching Mode
Face to Face Learning

The Psychology major focuses on the study of human behavior, emotions, and cognitive processes that occur in different situations, and how this behavior manifests itself in different contexts (individual, social, group, family, cultural, and organizational) and in the various stages of development (childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age). At the same time, fundamental human issues are addressed, such as death, motivation, love, attraction, social relationships, integration into the professional world, teamwork, education, and sexuality, among others, and how these manifest themselves in different cultures. Additionally, students study the complexity of individual processes such as learning, motivation, the construction of an identity, and collectives such as social relations, conflicts and their resolutions, etc. This field of study looks to prevent social dysfunction, or individual or group psychological distress, and optimize human development, both of the individual and the community.


  • The excellence of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities is based on its teaching staff. Most of the professors have doctorate degrees obtained in prestigious universities in the United States and Europe. In addition to their work as professors, they also contribute to their classes with important research work and publications and actively participate in academic events, nationally and internationally.
  • The academic offer is broad, combining social, biological, emotional, behavioral and cognitive perspectives.
  • The flexibility of its curriculum allows students to choose courses according to their academic interests.
  • Students gain direct knowledge of reality by linking to the research projects of their professors.
  • Students are instructed in research and project design.

Professional profile

The graduates with a major in Psychology:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and empirical findings, in order to discuss how psychological principles apply to behavioral phenomena.
  • Have basic skills and concepts which allow them to interpret behavior, review scientific research, and apply research design principles to draw conclusions about psychological phenomena.
  • Act ethically and socially responsible in highly diverse personal and professional settings.
  • Are competent in their oral and written communication skills.
  • Are able to apply content and specific psychology skills, effective self-reflection, project management skills, teamwork skills, and career readiness skills enabling them to succeed in academic and professional settings. This professional profile is aligned to the profile of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Campo Laboral

  • Consejería académica y de carrera orientando a estudiantes dentro del ámbito educativo inicial y superior.
  • Administración de casos de pacientes a nivel hospitalario o psiquiátrico donde desarrollan planes de tratamiento y recuperación, identifican proveedores de servicios, monitorean el progreso del cliente y coordinan con otros proveedores de servicios humanos y de salud.
  • Administración académica y docencia dentro de planteles educativos como directores de área, profesores, y/o proveedores de servicios de psico-educación, capacitación, etc.
  • Labores de cuidado parcial o total en un entorno de salud mental como el cuidado de niños, adolescentes, adultos y población geriátrica.
  • Diseño e implementación de proyectos de investigación en el área de la salud, la educación y los servicios humanos.
  • Dirección del área organizacional, colaboración en el área de recursos humanos, asesoría en organismos internacionales y nacionales para la creación de proyectos y políticas públicas.
  • Expertos de servicios sociales, colocadores en agencias de empleos, adopción, etc.


“During my studies, I learned a lot about Psychology, both theoretically and practically. It was a space in which I could learn through books, research, clinical practice and the experiences of my professors who were always there to answer any questions or concerns.”
- Estefany Izurieta -

"I found several opportunities during my career and extracurricular activities at the University. For example: being part of the Honor Society in Psychology, being a member of PSI CHI (First Chapter in Ecuador), being a professor's assistant, doing pre-professional practice under the supervision of professors who have training abroad. Additionally, completing internships in entities outside the University allowed me to verify that I had a solid foundation in knowledge and the tools necessary for clinical practice.”
- Doménica Samaniego -

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