Andrés Botero Bernal

Investigador Grupo de Investigación Intertextos entre el Derecho y la Literatura USFQ

Lawyer and graduate in philosophy and letters (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana), a specialist in university teaching (Universidad Santo Tomás), and in psycho-social contextualization of crime (Universidad de San Buenaventura). He has a master's degree in “History and comparazione delle istituzioni politiche e giuridiche dei Paesi dell’Europa Mediterranea” (Messina [Italy], Milan, Autonomous Madrid and Córdoba [Spain]). Doctor of Law (University of Buenos Aires) and Doctor of Law (University of Huelva). He is a full-time professor at the Industrial University of Santander (Colombia) at the School of Philosophy, where he teaches subjects of the philosophy of law, modern philosophy (emphasis on German philosophy), and political philosophy.


Historia del Derecho; Filosofía del Derecho: Literatura y Derecho; Cine y Derecho; Educación superior.