Conversatorio: ¿Qué le depara este 2024 a Europa?

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Agregar a calendario 2024-01-22 16:00:00 2024-01-22 17:30:00 Conversatorio: ¿Qué le depara este 2024 a Europa? 2024: Un Año Crucial para la Unión Europea El año 2024 estará marcado por la política exterior de la Unión Europea (UE) y los dos conflictos en las fronteras de la UE, específicamente en Ucrania y Oriente Medio. El proyecto europeo continuará su desarrollo, enfocándose principalmente en defensa, unión monetaria, políticas socioeconómicas y movilidad. La ampliación de la UE a nuevos países también ocupará un lugar preeminente en la agenda. Durante 2024, muchos miembros de la UE llevarán a cabo elecciones locales o nacionales, y los 27 países organizarán las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo en junio de 2024. Este año también estará marcado por la renovación de todas las autoridades europeas, especialmente de las presidencias del Consejo y de la Comisión Europea. Lugar: Teatro Casa Blanca USFQ America/Guayaquil public
Teatro Casa Blanca

2024: A Pivotal Year for the European Union

The year 2024 is poised to be a watershed moment for the European Union's (EU) foreign policy, with two major conflicts at the EU's borders - specifically, in Ukraine and the Middle East - commanding significant attention. The EU's project is set to continue its evolution, with a primary focus on defense, monetary union, socioeconomic policies, and mobility. The expansion of the EU to include new member states will also take center stage on the agenda. Throughout 2024, numerous EU member states will conduct local or national elections, culminating in the European Parliament elections across all 27 countries in June 2024. This year will also be notable for the comprehensive renewal of key European institutions, notably including the presidencies of both the European Council and the European Commission.


Regis Dandoy

Régis Dandoy

Régis Dandoy holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Université Libre de Bruxelles and serves as a Comparative Politics Professor at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. He is also the Director of the European Studies Center at the same university and collaborates as an associate researcher with various international institutions. His research interests encompass digital democracy, local and regional elections, electronic voting, and election observation. Dandoy has published extensively on federalism and subnational elections and holds a Jean Monnet Chair with a focus on EU election observation missions.

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