Instituto de Ecología Aplicada ECOLAP

College of Biological and Environmental Sciences
About us

The Ecology Institute ECOLAP-USFQ develops projects and provides consulting services for research, monitoring, management, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.

The Institute of Applied Ecology ECOLAP is a non-profit research and management entity established in 1993 and which is part of the COCIBA College of Biological and Environmental Sciences of the San Francisco de Quito University USFQ.

We offer and propose evaluation services, participatory planning, training, education, interpretation, advice, monitoring, management, management and research for the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and the improvement of environmental quality. We work together with communities and organizations with and without profit from the public and private sector, national and international, with emphasis on protected areas and urban areas.

Currently, the environmental component of investment and development projects is becoming increasingly important. Under this premise, ECOLAP directs its actions to the execution of activities that seek environmental quality, a correct use of natural resources, the conservation of natural wealth and the promotion and rescue of cultural diversity. These are essential conditions for sustainable development that is based on social and economic well-being, and respect for the environment.


  • Encourage scientific research and socio-environmental planning as axes for the sustainable development of our country.
  • Promote participatory processes in all areas of environmental management.
  • Promote local self-management for the execution of conservation, education, and development activities.
  • Contribute to society's knowledge and experiences in the academic area of ​​environmental sciences.
  • Provide the opportunity for professional growth to USFQ students through internships and volunteering.
  • Form and train people interested and / or involved in environmental and development issues.

Our commitment is to use adequate technology, and the infrastructure and resources available at USFQ, with highly qualified and multidisciplinary collaborators. We manage our resources with transparency and responsibility to guarantee the continuity and financial stability of our organization.

For ECOLAP it is essential to provide professional growth opportunities to USFQ students through internships and volunteering and educate and train people interested and involved in environmental and development issues.

Research Interests

Life sciences, agriculture, forestry and fishing, behavioral and social sciences, physical sciences, environmental protection.

Research in applied ecology, inventories and monitoring of biodiversity and ecological conditions, environmental assessments, mitigation of negative environmental impacts, Visitor Management System (SIMAVIS).

Conservation of Biodiversity: Management and sustainable use of natural resources, environmental control in protected and rural areas, planning, formulation and management of environmental projects, development of participatory management plans for public and private protected areas.

Community Work: Consulting on environmental management to communities and grassroots organizations, design, promotion and facilitation of participatory processes, socio-environmental planning, promotion of local management for the execution of conservation, education and development activities.

Environmental Education: Training, environmental education and interpretation, training for communities, training for tour guides, training for park rangers and Protected Areas staff, training for people on environmental issues in different areas.

Academic staff

ECOLAP is a scientific-technical institute whose activities are related to environmental issues. The mission of ECOLAP is to contribute to the conservation of the biological and cultural diversity of Ecuador by promoting the sustainable use of natural resources and facilitating participatory processes, thus strengthening and creating the necessary spaces for decision-making to local and regional level. The scope of action is mainly Ecuador, with an emphasis on protected areas and urban area, and it works in conjunction with communities and organizations with and without profit from the national and international public and private sector.


ECOLAP's primary objective is to strengthen the participating actors so that they are able to plan, execute and maintain their projects in the long term. Furthermore, the importance of equitable participation as a key and stabilizing strategy in development actions is stressed, as well as ECOLAP's relations with other organizations and communities, which operate in an environment of freedom of expression and respect.


  • Incentivar la investigación científica y la planificación socioambiental como ejes para el desarrollo sustentable de nuestro país.
  • Fomentar procesos participativos en todos los ámbitos de la gestión ambiental.
  • Potenciar la autogestión local para la ejecución de actividades de conservación, educación y desarrollo.
  • Aportar a la sociedad conocimientos y experiencias en el área académica de las ciencias ambientales.
  • Brindar la oportunidad de crecimiento profesional a los estudiantes de la USFQ a través de pasantías y voluntariados.
  • Formar y capacitar a personas interesadas y/o involucradas en la temática ambiental y de desarrollo.

Nuestro compromiso es usar tecnología adecuada, y la infraestructura y los recursos disponibles en la USFQ, con colaboradores multidisciplinarios y altamente calificados. Manejamos nuestros recursos con transparencia y responsabilidad para garantizar la continuidad y estabilidad financiera de nuestra organización.

Para el ECOLAP es fundamental brindar oportunidades de crecimiento profesional a los estudiantes de la USFQ a través de pasantías y voluntariados; y formar y capacitar a personas interesadas e involucradas en la temática ambiental y de desarrollo.

Facillities and Equipment:

  • PCR Conventional Thermal Cycler
  • Dark Field Microscope
  • Laminar Flow Chamber, Security 2
  • Nano Vue


Gunter Reck, PhD.



In recent years, ECOLAP has participated in the execution of more than 60 projects, which have been framed within the philosophy of participation that maintains the Institute as a line of action.

Likewise, the Institute has focused on the development of the SIMAVIS Visitor Management System, a methodology that pursues an adequate management of opportunities for public use, in protected areas and other natural spaces, based on quality criteria of the experience of tourists, always respecting the conservation objectives, adapting to the conditions of each protected area, and taking into account natural and physical-geographic aspects, as well as social, cultural and human intervention aspects. A constituent element is the initial formation of a decision and consultation team with the participation of Area officials, related communities, technicians, guides and operators, to work in the different phases involved.

+ Info for those interested in getting involved

Students, professors, researchers and institutions wishing to become involved with ECOLAP should contact Dr. Gunter Reck, Executive Director, Susana Cardenas, Co-Director and / or Alejandra Robledo, Administrative Coordinator, to ask any questions or send a statement. On past events, students have been involved in volunteering and internships, as well as institutions through strategic alliances and other means.

Current Projects

Strengthening of the management of public use and tourism of the Machalilla National Park, Marine Fauna Production Reserve - Puntilla de Santa Elena, Pacoche Coastal and Marine Wildlife Refuge and Mangrove Wildlife Refuge El Morro.

The project is carried out with funds from The Walton Family Foundation through Conservation International - Ecuador.

Consulting for academic and operational design to execute training processes for park rangers, and technicians linked to the management of coastal marine protected areas.

Exhibition at events
  • VII Latin American Congress of Touristic Research. Quito, from 02 to 05 August 2016. Presentation: Tourism in protected areas of Ecuador: Case studies.
  • III Symposium on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity of Ecuador. Guayaquil, from July 22 to 24, 2014. Presentation: Application of the Visitor Management System (SIMAVIS) in three marine-coastal protected areas of Ecuador. 
Projects Carried Out

The course of updating and approval of knowledge of naturalist guides in the Galapagos Islands. Santa Cruz, San Cristóbal and Isabela. From July to December 2015.

Reck, G., D. Cajiao. 2016. Protected Areas and Cities. Urban Meeting: The city of Liberal Arts. Habitat III. June 21, 2016. Quito, Ecuador.

Reck, G. 2015. History of tourism management tools in PAs. Galapagos case. Symposium "Management of Public Use and Tourism in Protected Areas. Galapagos 2015 ”. November 16 to 20, 2015 Puerto Ayora, Galapagos.

Cajiao, D. 2015. Monitoring of the Impacts of Tourism in the Antarctic. "Management of Public Use and Tourism in Protected Areas. Galapagos 2015 ”. November 16 to 20, 2015 Puerto Ayora, Galapagos.


Framework Collaboration Agreement between the Center for Quaternary Studies of Patagonia and Antarctic Fire - Chile and the Institute of Applied Ecology of the University of San Francisco De Quito - Ecuador. February 2016.


Workshop to update knowledge on the legal framework and guidelines for tourism management in protected areas. Guayaquil May 24, 2016.

Scientific Consulting:

Gunter Reck. Scientific advisor. Tourist Management System Protected Areas of Chile. Pilot case Torres del Paine National Park. Chile, 2016.

Daniela Cajiao. Scientific advisor. Tourist Management System Protected Areas of Chile. Pilot case Torres del Paine National Park. Chile, 2016.


Conservation International

Country: United States
Type de Cooperation: Technical and financial cooperation

Ecosystem Fund Alliance

Country: United States
Type de Cooperation: Financial cooperation

Environment Secretariat of the Metropolitan District of Quito

Country: Ecuador
Type de Cooperation: Technical and financial cooperation


Guide to National Parks of Ecuador 2006-2007

Ecoruta Guide El Paseo del Quinde 2005

Continuous Training and Knowledge Updating Program of the Naturalist Guides of the Galapagos National Park. 2003-2005.

Luis R. Pertierra, Manuela Andrés-Abellán, Consuelo Wic, Maria Jose Lucianñez, Natalia Enríquez, Ana Justel, Günther K. Reck. 2016. Assessing environmental conditions of Antarctic footpaths to support management decisions. Journal of Environmental Management 177 (2016) 320-330.

P. Tejedo1, J. Benayas, L.R. Pertierra, D. Cajiao, G. Reck, M. Andrés-Abellán, C. Wic, M.J. Luciáñez, N. Enríquez, B. Albertos, F. Lara & A. Justel. How to correctly manage human impacts on Antarctica? Learned lessons from Barrientos Island. The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. New Zeland, 2013.

P. Tejedo1, J. Benayas, L.R. Pertierra, D. Cajiao, G. Reck, M. Andrés-Abellán, C. Wic, M.J. Luciáñez, N. Enríquez, B. Albertos, F. Lara & A. Justel. How to correctly manage human impacts on Antarctica? Learned lessons from Barrientos Island. XIth SCAR Biology Symposium. Barcelona, ​​Spain. 2013.

Pablo Tejedo, Belén Albertos, Daniela Cajiao, Laura Muñoz, Francisco Lara, Luis R. Pertierra, Javier Benayas, Temporary closures of Antarctic tourist sites as a possible management tool to address the impacts on vegetation by trampling. 5th International Polar Tourism Research Network. Raufarhöfn, NE Iceland, August 29 - September 2, 2016.

Antarctic expeditions

National Antarctic Institute. 2011. Participation in XV Ecuadorian Antarctic Expedition. National Antarctic Institute. February 2011.

National Antarctic Institute. 2012 Participation in the XVI Ecuadorian Antarctic Expedition. January-March 2012.

National Antarctic Institute. 2013. Participation in XVII Ecuadorian Antarctic Expedition. January- February 2013.

Spanish Polar Committee, Autonomous University of Madrid. Participation in the Spanish Antarctic Campaign. February-March, 2016.

Mailing Address

Institute of Applied Ecology (ECOLAP)
Cumbayá Campus - Diego de Robles S / N and Vía Interoceánica
Davinci Building, office D219
Quito, Ecuador

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