Elisa Angélica Bonaccorso Sánchez

Elisa Bonaccorso

Directora Maestría en Ecología Tropical y Conservación
Darwin Building, DW-001
External Institution
Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas (Estados Unidos), Miembro de la Academia de Ciencias de Ecuador (Ecuador), American Ornithological Society (Estados Unidos)
  • PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Kansas, USA.
Professional Profile

Elisa Bonaccorso, with a Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Kansas (KU, United States), is a research professor at the University San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador). She leads the Master's in Tropical Ecology and Conservation at USFQ. Dr. Bonaccorso's research interests span Evolutionary Biology, Ecology, and Conservation. She collaborates with numerous researchers, focusing on three main research lines: the systematics and biogeography of Andean birds, the ecology of bird parasites, and the use of geographic information systems to propose the creation of new conservation areas. Dr. Bonaccorso is also part of the South American Classification Committee, a group of experts systematically evaluating the taxonomy of South American birds, and an associate researcher at the Biodiversity Institute of the University of Kansas (KU, United States).

Gastronomy, Literature, Paddle tennis.