Regis Dandoy

Regis Dandoy

Political Science Professor
(+593 2) 297 1700
Hayek Building, H-229Q
External Institution
Waseda University (Japón), Université Libre de Bruxelles (Bélgica), United Nations University.
  • Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences, Free University of Brussels.

Professional Profile
Régis Dandoy, Ph.D., earned his doctoral degree in Political Science from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). Serving as a professor of Comparative Politics at the College of Social Sciences and Humanities and Director of the Center for European Studies at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador), Dr. Dandoy is also a research associate at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Waseda University (Japan), and the United Nations University. His primary research interests encompass digital democracy, local and regional elections, electronic voting, and electoral observation. Dr. Dandoy, holding a Jean Monnet Chair on the role and impact of European Union electoral observation missions in third countries, has published books and scientific articles on federalism and subnational elections.
Reading (science fiction), Election nights, Travel.