
College of Communication and Contemporary Arts

"We think differently, we do it differently"


Bachelor of Arts in Advertising
8 semesters
Teaching Mode
Face to Face Learning

In the Bachelor's degree Advertising program, students learn to develop creative advertising campaigns based on research, strategy, and the development of pieces that capture attention and leave an impression on the public. Thanks to the events of the program, students have a direct relationship with advertising agencies working with real clients or with social problems that are solved through Advertising. The career offers an emphasis in Graphic Design, Development of Digital Strategies, Communication Theory, and Public Relations to develop professionals who can act in all areas of Advertising such as; account management, creativity, media, production, digital advertising, and marketing. Graduates of the Advertising program have a high demand for employability and internships by major agencies nationwide.


The Advertising program has various events throughout the year to encourage the creation of real campaigns and understand the process of developing campaigns based on field research and understanding of the market. Among the advantages that the program  the following:

  • Award for the Best Advertising Career at the FICE (Iberoamerican Festival of Creativity and Strategy) 2019. The award was based on information from the industry and the media.
  • A Calzón Quitado Seminar: Three days of talks and workshops with the best professionals in local and international advertising. Students organize the event as part of their career training.
  • AdHoping and Face2Face: These are two annual events that approach students with advertisers from the most important agencies to get a clear idea of ​​how public business works.
  • Duplas+: is a public contest with real clients where students work hand in hand with advertising agencies who play the role of mentors and allow them to run efficient campaigns.
  • The students of the program participate in competitions such as the Condor Oro Estudiantil, and Effie College.
  • The full-time professors of the Advertising career have vast experience in the marketing and advertising industry.
  • USFQ allows combining subspecializations related to Advertising such as Communication, Graphic Design, Multimedia, among others.
  • The Academic Publicity Conference attracts scholars on current advertising issues and its articles are published in the Post COCOA academic journal.

Employment Field

Graduates of the Advertising program can work in any area of ​​the profession, such as media management, accounts, planning, creativity and production, as well as digital advertising agencies. Also, they are part of areas related to marketing and communication of private companies.

There is a great demand for graduates of the Advertising program due to their high knowledge in managing advertising on social networks, generation of audiovisual and animated content, development of applications and web pages.

Professional profile

Graduates of the Advertising program are professionals capable of unifying marketing strategy with advertising creativity, taking into account the importance of understanding the market they are targeting. They are advertisers capable of working, accepting, and collaborating with ideas.


"I joined USFQ without a very clear idea of ​​what to study; but after taking some elective classes, I realized that Advertising and Marketing were for me. The curriculum's program and the general school helped to open up my view as a professional, and together with the constant desire to learn something new, have made it possible for me to occupy positions with gratifying challenges.”

- David Paz y Miño, Marketing and PR Manager at Huawei Technologies Ecuador -

“Working in the advertising industry is a challenge for any professional. The industry demands to be multidisciplinary, to have an open mind to new knowledge and to be proactive; Since the work areas in which you can operate will confront you with clients of different categories or positions with different responsibilities that will guide the future of any company. During my years of work, I have been able to understand all these challenges and face them clearly thanks to the Liberal Arts education. The focus of the Advertising program has allowed me to know all the areas in which I could work; to have to develop successfully in each one of them, and in a short time, lead work teams.”

- Irene Abril, Performance Marketing Andean Region, OLX Group - Properati -

“Studying Advertising at the San Francisco de Quito University opened my doors to the world. Feeling comfortable and me to give my best (and more). The teachers were always attentive, I saw how they traveled, studied, and held seminars constantly to transmit us updated, high-value information. Furthermore, they were always in contact with people within the industry, which created opportunities for the students to be close to them. I was part of the Digital Marketing team at USFQ. The Wellness Group hired me and a year later I was promoted to Marketing Manager."

- María Elena Páez, Marketing Manager Phisique Wellness Club and Smart Fit -


Comments from our professors:

"I have seen the students in the program evolve and become true professionals in the different areas of advertising, from strategist to increasingly showing the integration of new advertising tools. The passion for the program motivates students to reach very high levels of engagement that allow them to create full 360-degree campaigns."

- Ximena Ferro, Advertising Communications Coordinator -

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Asistente Administrativa Colegio de Comunicación y Artes Contemporáneas
Miguel de Santiago Building, MS-304
(+593 2) 297-1700