Business Administration

College of Business Administration

"Your door to the business world"

Business Administration

Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
8 semesters
Teaching Mode
Blended learning

USFQ's Business Management program focuses on contemporary business administration theory, together with important marketing, accounting, finance, and economics tools, creating integral strategies that promote growth and prosperity in national and international private and public organizations.


  • Highly qualified professionals with exceptional academic training (Ph.D., M.A., and M.S.) from renowned international universities, with extensive local and international experience, as well as excellent human qualities.
  • Professors are recognized for their professional work as well as their teaching skills, and are committed to the integral development of students.
  • A program grid designed to train academically rigorous business leaders with international vision, promoting free, creative, and innovative people, who will act with social responsibility in the professional fields of business management.
  • A plan of study that provides theoretical and practical experience.
  • Participation in the planning, development, and evaluation of research and consulting projects within national and international organizations.
  • Exchange programs with more than 140 universities around the world. 
  • Internship and social practice opportunities through agreements with national and international organizations.

Professional Profile

The USFQ School of Business graduate is a person of integrity who practices and promotes ethical conduct inside and outside the academic environment, knows the theory and possesses the necessary tools for professional business administration focused on corporate strategies, innovation and the development of human talent. In addition, he/she applies critical thinking and initiative and is able to adapt them to a challenging local, regional and international environment.

Professional Field

USFQ's Business Management graduates are capable of successfully exercising their practice due to the principle of universality in management, allowing them to work for varying national or international companies of any size.


Testimonials from Our Graduates:

“When I finished the Business Administration program at USFQ and went out into the professional world, I was able to see the excellent education, knowledge, and values that both professors and administrators provided me with at the university. I think that we are prepared to face any challenge in our professional lives: we have all the academic bases, but above all, we have that added value that both the Liberal Arts and the Business School's attitude provide us. Keeping an open mind and being able to see the whole picture makes us very attractive to companies, as well as the knowledge that USFQ forms leaders for the future, and the business world needs these types of people.”

- José María Hidalgo - Tecniseguros Commercial Executive -

“Studying at USFQ, specifically at the Business School, has been one of the best experiences of my life. Not only as a professional but also as a person, it taught me that we are always capable of achieving what we set out to do: that in life there are no impossibilities. With dedication and effort we can be what we want. Professionally, it opened my mind in many fields: I started studying Business Administration, but thanks to the general school and electives I got to know the world of Marketing and graduated from both programs. From the first semesters, I had the opportunity to be a T.A., which taught me to be committed and responsible, it was also an interesting process since, being an assistant in the Colloquiums class, I had the opportunity to meet influential people from around the country. Currently, I am living in Medellín, working as a BTL for a multinational and with my own clothing brand. What did USFQ give me? That entrepreneurial mindset and desire to lead in all possible fields, preserving my essence and happiness."

- Juan Fernando Roldán - BTL Analyst, Grupo EMI - Creative Director, Zeta Club -

“Studying Business Administration at USFQ and being part of the Business School was a very enriching experience in various areas of my life. Personally, it helped me meet many people who in a short time became extraordinary friends, who to this day remain and have given me the necessary support to undertake and pursue my dreams. Likewise, in the professional aspect, it allowed me to grow and empower myself in my career, taking measured risks, and always looking for new opportunities in the market to enhance my knowledge.

Above all, the Business Administration program has allowed me to create value for the organizations I have been a part of, to have the flexibility and maturity to accept different opinions from mine, and to sow in me a constant desire to learn, something that, today, I value greatly. These, and many more reasons, are why I can say that studying Business Administration has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life.”

- Juan Diego de los Reyes - Country Manager at Voiash Discover - 

“After completing my degree in Business Administration and Finance at USFQ and continuing to grow in the workplace in different industries, I feel grateful and proud to have the tools and skills that my university gave me in the academic field during my college career. Aside from the technical and theoretical knowledge, I think there is something that prevails, above all: the persistence and the desire to get ahead and, in a way, I think that is what the university tries to instill in the students. From my point of view, the university disperses its focus, not only on academic development as such but the desire to stand out and seek professional success in its students. Complementing these concepts has allowed me to continue developing and stand out in different areas and industries that the business world offers.”

- Santiago Arroyo - Corporate Commercial Director Asertec - 


Our Teachers' Comments:

"I feel that USFQ's Business Administration program is one of significant value for the Business community because individuals complete the program with a global vision of business management, which makes them versatile and able to occupy various positions within companies. In practice, you can enter various areas such as Administration, Logistics, Marketing, even Human Resources. This is achieved by the various subjects included in the program's plan of study. Additionally, the Administration professional who graduates from USFQ presents development and autonomy skills, which allow us to adapt with greater agility to the business environment, especially for the multinational sector, which requires versatile professionals, and with a high level of flexibility."

- Laura Elena Calvache, Professor of Administration -

"USFQ's Business Administration program generates changes in the socio-cultural patterns of people. It provides a positive vision of the future for those who study it, so that social inclusion plays a preponderant role in the future business actions of our graduates, who strengthen the way in which organizations are managed in order to generate greater financial stability for them. As future managers of organizations committed to social cohesion, graduates of the Business Administration program are trained to share their knowledge and skills. In this way, change is promoted and more capable and optimistic employees are generated, guaranteeing their access to a decent job, full of opportunities."

- Arturo Paredes, M.Sc., Professor of Administration -

Academic Faculty
