Hospitality Management

College of Hospitality, Culinary Arts, and Tourism

"Awaken your passion for hospitality"

Hospitality Management

Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management
8 semesters
Teaching Mode
CES Updated Approval Resolution
CES Initial Approval Resolution

The degree in Hospitality and Hotel Management trains entrepreneurs and managers of service companies with solid theoretical and practical knowledge, based on modern hotel and tourism management techniques, prepared in the various aspects that make up the hotel and administrative sector, with the ability to undertake, research and manage companies or organisations that contribute to the quality of service, and to the tourism and economic development of the country. 

Graduates will apply their knowledge in public and private companies and institutions such as hotels, restaurants, resorts, tourism companies, airlines, recreational parks, spas, hospitality technology, event management companies and sports companies, marketing and social networks, hospitals, casinos, cruise ships, among many others.

Study Hospitality Management at USFQ


To train passionate professionals in the hospitality field, fostering innovation, creativity, critical thinking, and entrepreneurship skills that enable students to generate a significant impact in the hotel, restaurant, and event management industry. 


To be the benchmark of the industry in training professionals committed to continuous improvement, generating change, technological advances, and creation of business networks.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify and apply the knowledge and skills necessary for hospitality and tourism operations.
  2. Develop and integrate a core set of business skills necessary to successfully operate a hospitality and tourism organization.
  3. Demonstrate competence in the communication skills necessary for hospitality and tourism management.
  4. Formulate business decisions in hospitality and tourism management.
  5. Evaluate leadership principles necessary in the diverse and global hospitality and tourism industry.


The emphasis allow students to broaden their general knowledge of the Hospitality Management degree in a particular area. These emphasis are:

Emphasis in Food and Beverage

  • Human Nutrition + Lab
  • Concepts and Techniques 2 + PRA
  • Operations Management
  • Financial Accounting
  • Cost Management
  • One class in Haute Cuisine: Ecuadorian, French, Asian or World Cuisine

Emphasis in Entrepreneurship

  • Innovation
  • Business Creativity
  • Public Speaking
  • Digital Tools 1 or Digital Marketing
  • Family Business Management or Business Projects

Emphasis in Advertising

  • Principles of Advertising 
  • Digital Tools 
  • Communication Marketing 
  • Planning and Insight  
  • Restaurant Marketing 

Emphasis in Finance

  • Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Markets
  • Tax Administration
  • Cost Management or Principles of Insurance

Pre-professional internships

Internal Internships

During the course of their studies, students have the opportunity to do pre-professional internships in the 7 restaurants of Universidad San Francisco de Quito: Cafetería No Sea Malito, Restaurante Vía Bonita, La Tratto, Pirámide Crepe Station, Panadería Ambrosía, Ápice y Restaurante Marcus. This allows students to acquire their first professional experience with real clients in a controlled work environment in which they put into practice the knowledge acquired during their cooking, service and management classes.  

All these practices are carried out under the guidance of our chefs and teachers. As they continue to advance in their careers, students must create suggestions or menus that will be available to the public. 

External internships

In order for our students to have greater exposure to the labor field, the College of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Tourism has established alliances with the most important companies in the industry in Ecuador: hotels, inns, restaurants, travel agencies, airlines, among others. As part of their studies, students must complete an internship in one of the establishments of their choice, with the opportunity to create links with industry leaders. 

International Partnerships

Disney International Program

The agreement with Disney International Programs allows our students to do pre-professional internships at Walt Disney World Resort theme parks and hotels in Orlando, Florida. During 6 months, program participants can live a cultural experience where they will meet young people from more than 20 countries around the world while working for one of the leading companies in the hospitality and entertainment industry. In addition, they will continue their studies through an agreement with San Ignacio University.

Institute Paul Bocuse Worldwide Alliance

This agreement allows our students to access a summer program at the Paul Bocuse Institute, one of the most recognized cooking schools in the world, located in Lyon, France. The Advanced Culinary Arts Program has a duration of 3 months, where participants receive theoretical classes and practice in the different laboratories and restaurants of the institute.

In addition, USFQ is a member of the international network of 22 leading universities in gastronomic education around the world. This allows our students to participate in the academic programs of all these schools.

Les Roches

This exclusive agreement between Universidad San Francisco de Quito and Les Roches Global Hospitality Education Switzerland, a world leader in hospitality education, allows our students to enjoy an enriching experience that will change their lives and careers. Students will be able to choose between a semester in Switzerland, Spain and China where they will be able to interact with more than 2700 Hospitality Management students from more than 100 countries, in addition to internships in the Hotel School and in different service companies in Europe and the world.


GLION Institute of Higher Education is a school specialized in hospitality education. It has a campus in London and one in Switzerland. Through an agreement with the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, our students can take their last semester of studies at Glion and have access to specializations for their career such as: Luxury Brand Management in Hospitality, International Development and Finance or International Event Management.

Professional Field

The Bachelor's Degree in Hospitality Management trains students to work in the administrative area in companies and institutions such as:

  • Hotels.
  • Resorts.
  • Camps.
  • Social and sports clubs.
  • Cruise ships.
  • Airlines.
  • Catering.
  • Travel agencies.
  • Events.
  • Transportation.
  • Tourism promotion corporations.

In the areas of:

  • Human Resources.
  • Operations.
  • Customer Service.
  • Food and Beverage.
  • Consultancy.
  • Projects.

Job positions of our Alumni:

  • Food and Beverage Manager.
  • Head of Reception.
  • Operations Manager.
  • Customer service manager.
  • Event organiser.
  • Teacher.
  • Academic Coordinator.
  • Hotel or Resort Manager 
  • Restaurant Manager 
  • Event Organizer 
  • Services Marketing Specialist 
  • Hotel Consultant 
  • Revenue Management Specialist 
  • Sports and Entertainment Business Manager 
  • Travel and Tourism Advisor


The Disney College Program is a unique, life-changing opportunity in many ways. Working for one of the world's largest entertainment companies teaches you standards that will shape you forever and help you grow professionally. This programme gives you the opportunity to have friends from all over the world, meet as many cultures as exist around the World Showcase at Epcot, but more importantly, it teaches you to know yourself better and find qualities you didn't think existed within you. Without a doubt, I would be part of the Disney world again. 

Xavier Arteaga, Disney College Program Alumnus 

I believe that life is shaped by moments of impact, by those experiences that help you become the person you really are. In my life, one of these great moments happened when I had the incredible opportunity to study in the Galapagos Islands with USFQ. I have always been a person motivated by environmental conservation, however, this experience magnified my sense of responsibility towards nature.  

I had the opportunity not only to live in paradise, but also to learn how to interact with the natural world through a conservationist approach, swim with sharks and rays, learn about turtles, play with baby sea lions, discover the many colours octopuses can have, and gain an understanding of the energy of the sea. 

This programme is one of those once-in-a-lifetime experiences that will undoubtedly change your life forever. 

Macarena Vela, Alumnus Minor in Sustainable Tourism

Outcomes and Success

Student Placement Rate

2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
74,07% 87,88% 73,33%

Retention Rate

2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
83,33% 84,62% 80,77%


Academic Faculty

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