Honor Scholarships

The Honor Scholarships of the University San Francisco of Quito USFQ is directed to standard-bearers and escorts; it allows the student to obtain a minor without any cost, by attending two summer sessions.


Within the philosophy of the Liberal Arts, the subspecializations or minors are sequences of courses that deepen knowledge in a specific area of knowledge; thus, in addition to studying their career, the student will be able to cover other areas of interest. Obtaining a minor is considered for admission to master's or doctoral programs and contributes to success in the field. 

Several academic areas* offer students the opportunity to obtain a minor by taking and passing additional courses specified in the subspecialty grid.

Terms and conditions of the Honor Scholarships:

  • To have been declared a flag bearer or flag guard of the school.
  • To have taken the USFQ admission exam:
    • For the semester that begins in January, the entrance exam must be taken until the last available date in October.
    • For the semester beginning in August, the entrance exam must be taken until the last available date in March.
  • Have completed at least three semesters at USFQ.
  • Have an overall average of 3.2/4.0 at the time of application to the minor and maintain it throughout his/her career.
  • Not have obtained "D" or "F" grades in any subject.
  • Honor Scholarships does not apply to Medicine or Dentistry.
  • To use your Honor Scholarship...

In the degree and professional degrees there is no mention of the sub-specialization obtained so it is not registered in the platform of the National Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation SENESCYT. It is included in the student's academic kárdex and in a certificate granted by the USFQ.

*Honor Scholarships does not apply to Medicine or Dentistry.


  • Cursar el tercer año de BGU o bachillerato técnico en uno de los colegios legalmente reconocidos por el Ministerio de Educación de la República del Ecuador.
  • Rendir el examen de admisión para ingreso en agosto 2024 en las siguientes fechas. Ingresa a este enlace para más información.
  • Obtener un puntaje de admisión mínimo de 2150/2400 puntos.
  • No podrán participar aquellos estudiantes que tomen o hayan tomado examen de recuperación para mejorar su puntaje de admisión*.

* Aspirantes 2do BGU: todo aspirante que rinda el examen de admisión mientras cursa el segundo de bachillerato, podrá rendir un examen de recuperación y así mejorar su nota para aplicar a cualquier programa.

Proceso de obtención de becas

Una vez que el estudiante haya obtenido el puntaje de admisión requerido, tiene que:

  1. Entregar el certificado de abanderado, portaestandarte o escolta a la Oficina de Admisiones hasta la última semana del mes de marzo para ingresar en agosto.
  2. Los aspirantes que cumplan con los requisitos, deberán pagar el valor de la matrícula para solicitar la activación de la beca.
  3. Una vez cumplido el punto dos, enviar un correo a la Oficina de Asistencia Financiera y Becas a la dirección asistencia-becas@usfq.edu.ec con nombres completos e ID Banner, solicitando la activación de la Beca de Honor. Cumplir con esto hasta el 15 de mayo, pasada esta fecha, no se podrá utilizar esta beca.